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RE: Snaps Container // 1735292160

in Snaps3 months ago

I'm moving apartments tomorrow, so I'll have to change my internet too... I don't know if it'll be quick or if it'll take a while because of the end of the year. I'm going to try using my mobile data with a laptop, I hope it works.


Best of luck friend! Hope you can connect somehow.

Mês que vem vou mudar também, vamos ver como vai ser a transição. Boa sorte ai.

Espero que ocorra tudo bem mano, hoje levamos as coisas mais pesadas, agora é os itens pequenos, mas vou deixar para amanhã kkk

Essa parte é a mais foda, eu acho q vou pegar no segundo andar de um lugar q não tem elevador kkkk

Eita mano kkk, ai vai sofrer, o meu tem elevador mas é so 1, não tem elevador de serviço, foi uma luta mas passamos os pesados, agora é pegar os pequenos, como roupa, vasilhas, itens de limpeza e tal, tudo bem chato tmb kkk

Good luck on the move my friend I hope everything goes smoothly! I find hotspotting from my mobile connection to not be so bad sometimes, and other times it's pretty awful and unusable 😅

Thank you very much, thank God everything went well! Now it's time to pick up the small stuff, but I'll leave that until tomorrow. I hope my cell phone data connection doesn't let me down kkk, I'm going to need it.

Moving sure is hard work... Good luck and keep safe! :)

Thank you so much! It was a lot of work, but we've moved the heaviest and biggest things, now it's time to move the smaller things, like clothes and pots. Thank God everything went well today!

Great work today, then... :)


Thank you so much! It's been a busy few days, but I'm managing to make a bit of progress with everything, with the move. Unfortunately I'm going back to work this week, on Thursday, so the rush will be even greater haha

Ahaha... Time flies especially when we're busy... XD You can survive that, for sure! 😊

Exactly kkkk, occupying the mind is the best way to pass the time. But I'm a bit excited, I like working and with that, it's back to the old routine

Good luck with the move, such a hustle. You moving places or just bigger or some?

Thank you very much! I'm actually moving from one block to another in a gated community. I was living in block 4 and now I'm moving to block 6, which has 3 bedrooms

Ow thats great news, how is the move going ?

Everything went well, we moved the heaviest stuff on Saturday and yesterday some clothes, cleaning and hygiene items and a few pots and pans. There's still a lot missing, but I'll get it little by little over the week. Moving is a lot of work 😅

Opa, boa sorte com a mudança!

Valeu obrigado! Hoje a gente levou os itens mais pesados e trabalhosos

O "pior" já foi.

Exato kkk

Que sua nova etapa da sua vida seja de muita prosperidade.

Valeu mano, o apto é bem melhor, espero acabar logo a mudança das coisas pequenas, ontem foi so um pouco e ainda falta muita coisa kkk

É nós mano! Rapaz... Eu posso imaginar isso hahaha...

As coisas maiores é até mais fácil de pegar e levar, mas as coisas pequenas rsrsrs ...

É uma chatice kkk, mas é isso ai, uma hora tem que trazer esses trem mesmo kk

Kkkkkk... Com certeza mano.

Mas uma hora tudo vai terminar bem.