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RE: Snaps Container // 1734362640

in Snaps3 months ago

Hey guys, today was an atypical day, my mother had to be hospitalized, she has uncomplicated acute diverticulitis, so she will be hospitalized for 48 hours receiving the necessary medication and treatment and after that she will be discharged. Health is everything!



Health is everything indeed!
The best of luck for her!

Thank you so much! I'm sure she'll come out of it soon, I think she'll be discharged from hospital tomorrow or the day after and we'll go home. A big hug.

I hope she gets better soon.

Thanks for your support, she'll be fine soon I'm sure. There's a chance she'll be discharged tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to it.

Desejo melhoras para sua mãe. Que ela se recupere logo.

Valeu mano, com fé em Deus vai sair dessa rapidinho e curada, essa diverticulite não foi tão grave assim, então só com a medicação vai resolver.

Amanhã ela estará saindo, fé em Deus.

Amém mano, acredito que será assim! Energia positiva.

Hope she's doing well.

She's going to be fine, she's being medicated and monitored by the doctor, she's lucid, eating, going to the toilet, I think she'll be discharged from hospital tomorrow or the next day.

Que ela se recupere o mais breve possível.

Valeu, de acordo com o médico, vai ser 48 horas de internação, então na quarta a tarde já é para sair, mas vamos ver, pé no chão nessas horas