There are 4 pages

GM, this is what happens when I don't feed the birds fast enough 😂



You have a cute visitor 😉

That's so cool. How long does it take for them to trust you that much? I assume they did not get that close at first.

It took quite a while, we started with a bird feeder and would hang around while they ate, then switched to eventually just giving it in our hand so yeah it's a process lol. Chickadees are known to be friendly though we haven't had luck with any other species!

Is that a chickadee?
Your post reminds me a lot of the short YouTube video: "Every day. Every. Darn. Day" hahaha, except with birds

Aww, it's so tiny and adorable! I would just wait a little bit before I get up and get the seeds, just so that the bird sits on my lap for a while longer haha. 😂 Cute photos! 😄

He landed on my shoulder, shoe, phone, coffee, leg and was beeping at me lol, it is very cute 😅

How cute!
Or cheeky 🤣

They're stocking up for winter, no messing around!

I need to get some bird food these days so I can help our little friends during the cold days!

I read that chickadees hide food in hundreds of places and can remember them all, pretty impressive with those tiny brains

So beautiful bird!!! ❤️

They're so sweet, hard to photograph because they move so quickly!



I don't have any pets so this is the next best thing 😂

aw ye, may i ask why not? allergies?

I'd love a cat or dog but we live in a high tick area sadly, also we are renting and the landlord doesn't want any cats here, seems he'd be alright with a dog though

aws yeah guess you'd have to use a lot of tick prevention supplements and even then you never know

It's already stressful checking ourselves to make sure we don't bring them in, I can't imagine checking a dog every time we go for a walk 😭

Greetings @juliakponsford ,

They have the timing they not. hehe

They see us outside from mile away and come running!

That is such a cute visual... ^__^

I love these fun photos.

I demand seeds human...

I give every time I can't resist 🤣

so cute!

Tomorrow is my birthday, It's also a stream day!

I'm thinking of playing some more Death must die as I want to complete more characters and achievements!

It's likely going to be like any other stream, nothing particularly special cause I basically don't celebrate anything. :D

Happy early birthday! 🎉 Wishing you luck on the achievements — sounds like a fun way to spend the day! 😄

Indeed, I absolutely love streaming, more so since gaining some regular viewers dropping in most streams. :D

Happy Birthday😀

Awesome! I'm bust Wednesdays so won't be able to tune in buy have a nice birthday stream when the time comes.

#feeldgoodman playing first match of #OTG (OffTheGrid) and winning with the Team whil extraxting NFTs! image.png

Great, congratulations, I'm going to download this game to have a look.

May your week start out with music in your head. Here's a little snap from a concert I attended last week. #MUSIC!

Trying out Snap feature on PeakD! =)

I'm into it. Works fast and seamlessly so far.

Yup, working great!

It is pretty cool. Liking it to use for short form content...

It's snappy no?

Yes it is !


I have been very busy cultivating and defending this year's crop of turban pumpkins from the elements. This little one hides from squirrels in an old railroad signal. We got hail all day so now I'm forced to finish my cold frame.

#hivegarden #gardening

That is one cute pumpkin.

Many are sold together with true pumpkins (C. pepo) and some even look more like them but I bought 2 more for next year that are actually Winter squash (C. maxima) so they can potentially hybridize with mine.

No point me growing.. Jamie can't eat. Love people who cross breed pumpkins.

Oh that's a shame
Purely ornamental then!

Very cool looking pumpkin. I read below it is a winter squash. I grew traditional jack o lantern pumpkins this year, spaghetti, and Japanese. I didn't have any problems with the squirrels but the frost come too early.

Oh I forgot about spaghetti squash . Thanks for reminder!

My breakfast this morning. I still have a few slices of bread left so my next mornings, I will be eating egg sandwiches. 😁


Toast looks delicious and a bit crunchy…. Nice 👍

Thank you 😊

Wow, that looks good. I don't have any bread or I might try that myself. What else is in there besides egg?

I have just asked ChatGPT: "Looks like eggs, cheese, and possibly some veggies like onions or tomatoes inside. Maybe some seasoning too!" 🤷‍♂ Only OP can give us the real recipe though! 🤣

Lololol yes it has cheese and tomatoes 😆 and cucumber, mayo, and mustard sauce.

haha AI is better at telling what's in a sandwich than I am. What is the world coming to? 😂

Thank you! 😄 just tomatoes, cucumber, cheese, mayo and mustard sauce. 😄

Here's a challenge! Let's post our top10 #SteamWishlist or any #GamesWishlist and let's see if these are really worth it! Seeking feedback from those who already played those titles and to possibly raise engagement in the HiveGaming community! I go first! (10 out of 375 btw 😂)

My wishlist is only getting longer lately as I don't spend much time playing 🤣


Hades II, Elden Ring, and BG3 are must buys.

Haha, I feel you! Same applies to me. And then there are those games with really long story which steal most of our free time before starting a new one, isn't it?

Totally, but at the same time those are the games I enjoy the most 😅

Fair enough! 😅

I really only look at games that are "very positive" or "overwhelmingly positive" these days. I can't be bothered to waste my time on less anymore.



I can understand that but I've seen many good titles ruined from a mass of people following the same negative feedback they heard on a famous YouTuber instead of convincing about how good a game is by playing it on their own. Thanks for joining the challenge btw! (continued)

From your list, I only played Dead Space and Mad Max, the last being a lot more fun than the movies for me. Not sure why I did not enjoy these but the game was a blast! Dead Space I played when I was really young and it's basically one of the very few horror games that I enjoyed!

GoW: Ragnarok is good. A bit drawn out the story doesn’t feel as cohesive as the first one but still a great gaming experience.

Good to know! Hopefully I'll manage to cut that down my wishlist on the winter sale. Thanks for sharing your review 🙏🏼

Mine is a real mess kkkkk



Balburs Gate 3 and Elden Ring are likely the two best games ever made.

I haven't had the chance to play them, but from what I've seen, they really are amazing games! I hope to be able to play them one day.

This was meant to be in reply to @asgarth's comment. I dorked it up somehow. Sea of Stars is good though! Played it when it released on the PS5.

I'm waiting for a good promotion to be able to buy it, a lower price, the problem is also the lack of time to be able to play, but when they released a demo I played it and loved it, it reminded me of the old RPG days.

Haven't played any of them but I heard Baldur's Gate is quite amazing. I have my cousin who is addicted of playing that one 😃

I haven't played baldur either, in fact I play very few games outside of hive now, but from what I've seen baldur is insane, so many choices and so much to do, it's a good few hours of gameplay for sure.

Trying out Hive's "new" Snap feature. 280 characters, let's see where this goes. Who else is giving this a shot? #Snap

Actually quite some people are snapping ☺️

Welcome, the snaps are nice and calm, it's a good way to interact and engage with people!

I am and it’s worth it😃

good to find your way here in #snap... enjoy! :)

Last harvest before the frosts start this week. Lots of cayenne peppers, jalapenos, one Trinidad scorpion, an entire bowl of basil, oregano, and one sweet potato. Still need to dig up all the others. Figured the spuds can wait a little longer. #garden #hivegarden



Just planted some jalapeno so I can make hot sauce.

That’s such a bounty 🤩 hmm the scorpion looks scary 🌶

This is one of the more handy #comet related things i've seen so far. Anyone gone out and seen or photographed it yet? Please share.


My partner got a shot of it a few nights ago but I can't share the shot as it's on his camera. It's very old and nothing special so not a great shot but you can definitely see the tail. We might go out again on Thursday depending on the cloud cover situation.

wow what a sunrise!!

Maybe the best I've ever seen.

This was 20 mins earlier getting a coffee. Kind of had an idea it might be special.

Wow! Those colors are surreal 👍

It was probably the most incredible sunrise I had ever seen. Luckily phones have cameras these days. 😉

Those are gorgeous. Wonderful captures.

Thank you! I was in the right place at the right time.

Omg 😱 such a beautiful view 😍

It was stupendous!

breath taking!

What are you planting in your #hivegarden today?


Every day is a good day to get out there! Don't forget to snap about it!


Wow, that's cool! I found you!
I'll be around soon!
My garden had some changes yesterday, today I just rested!
I'll take a picture tomorrow ;)

Great. WE all need a rest sometimes!

I didn't take a picture... I used herbicide on the lawn to eliminate the unwanted ones, but let's see if I get a good result!

Nice to meet another gardener on Hive! Never too many.

A small niche, but with great people!
My pleasure!


Nice shot!

Thanks the moon is so bright!

It looks amazing!

Following. I'm a fan through #creativecoin curation. Love your street scenes.

🤓🙏📷 Hello & thanks @cliffagreen friend!!!...

Lovely deserted street!

🤓📷 7:00 AM aprox. Dear @friendlymoose friend... Before the people!

that's so beautiful!

Back to grinding levels today in EverQuest.

Naturally my battle cleric is doing most of the damage. I’m duo boxing a SK for pulling and dealing with named.


Wait... EverQuest still exists?!!!!

Breaking game news:

It’s been leaked that Hogwarts Legacy is getting a Definitive Edition with 10+ hours of extra content. This comes after news of a sequel is in the pipeline.

This is thrilling news!!! Love Hogwarts Legacy

Me as well. I still need to go back and play the Haunted Hogsmeade quest since it’s been unlocked for a little while now on all platforms.

Oh dang thanks for the heads up there too, I had no idea sounds fun! I haven't played in a few months, I plan on doing a Slytherin character soon. I think this game can be played years from now and still be enjoyable, so I am in no rush!

Damn I just got it recently too, but I'm only like 1hr in and haven't got back to it. So far it's just ok though, it is interesting as it feels like Harry Potter, but it isn't very exciting.

Like the books, the game is a little slow at the start. I had a blast once the storyline took me outside of the castle.

I won’t be shocked if it takes a while for any new content or the sequel. It sounds like the developer is cutting losses elsewere and putting time into HL.

What a wonderful last match for the Day. We Managed to get each 2 Epic HEX Extractions and the Chicken Dinner for another 24.4 GUN Token. #otg #chickendinner #hivegaming #gaming

Today in Bleujay's Studio.....

Thank you Peaked for opportunity to Snap away!

#art #alienarthive #autumn #nature #bbh


Decent first impression from playing Vigor for a few hours. Seems like a decent extraction shooter that's easy to get into. Not as daunting as Tarkov. Not perfect but nothing ever is.


Well i guess not every game can be as good as tarkov as that been developed over 7 years :)

The comparison to Tarkov was more about barrier to entry and learning curve than about the quality.

AH right, yeah it is a hell of a learning curve to master

This is a perfect example of the power of nature. Photographed by me last summer during a walk near San Sebastian, Spain.

#nature #photography

Nature is indeed powerful, no jokes

Trying to get some more attention for #snaps with a blog

Love it 😎

Click Click Dig

If I paid attention to this game being a clicker I wouldn't have gotten the Demo, but I spent a whole half hour on it since I downloaded it and I enjoyed most of that time. Installing now, though. I have more Demos to try out!

Screenshot from 2024-10-15 16-13-41.png

Used to love clickers when they were a newer genre. After the initial hype most new ones turned out to be to similar.

They're not bad when you leave them idle on your computer as you browse online stuff, but I'm playing on a Steam Deck, so...

Posted via D.Buzz

And for all those who are still here, a question to generate interaction: did you find what you were looking for here at Hive? Or is there still something missing? #hive

Yes, I am quite content here.

That's great, I'm quite happy here too, I see how I and my fellow community members are progressing and I see how we're growing and bonding. Of course, I'm still a long way from where I want to be, but I'm working hard to get there.

I came here just to write a blog and try to sell my music as NFTs. Didn't know I would have found such a great community

That's pretty cool, when you look for something and find something much better, that's a real find. It was kind of like that with me too, I started out in splinterlands and then discovered everything that existed here on Hive, with the people and the community.

I'm still looking

I hope you find what you're looking for! I've already found a good part of what I wanted here, but there are still some things I want to achieve!

still discovering things, it's so big! I came in as a splinterlands player, like many with me

At first I thought it was just Splinterlands too, but after a few weeks I realized that there was a whole Hive behind it, with the posts and everything. It was one of the best discoveries I've made!

Trying out the snap feature!

Its just really nice n cool...I've here much of the time

I can imagine, this is my first but definitely not a last.

Lol.....i love the sound of that....#gmfren😄👍

Hehe greetings!

Welcome! It's quick, easy and hassle-free here! Let's connect with the community!

It really looks like it, I'm definitely going to make use of this space more.

is a marvel, it's full of new functions that arrive all the time.

Cool feature!

What do you call a knight who is afraid to fight?
Sir Render

Credit: reddit
@merit.ahama, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

How's your Hive Power Growth Rate looks like? On me, i was not expecting such a high progress i made in the past months. U can check this in your PeakD Dashboard Analytics. #hivepower #hive

Greetings @louis88 ,

A lovely climb....yes..quite similar to Bleujay's.

What has really hiked for you is probably your comments/replies with Snaps in the picture.....have a look!

I've improved the slope on my graph for this month.


Impressive numbers! I'm approaching 11k HP and seeing you at 75 makes me think, will I ever reach that figure? It would be incredible!

That's a serious growth; well done!
I've read that you grow quicker when you have more staked Hive because of the curation rewards.
I hope so since I've added 25k Hive recently 🤣

Let's savor some Korean garlic bread for snack this morning.
What I like about this one is the strong flavor of the garlic combined with the cream cheese.
Best when it's still warm.😊


Getting a bit behind with Hive at the moment as I've been running around Tbilisi just photography and filming so many different things these last few days. Autumn kicking in has created some incredible views in the landscape around the city, so much fun capturing it all.

Nobody seems to fully appreciate just how incredible space progress is lately. SpaceX caught a giant building with chopsticks, sure. But we also live-stream landed on a comet. We're heading to Europa. HD footage of Pluto. JWST, Solar Sail, A helicopter on Mars, the list goes on!

Taking a break from Satisfactory to check out Vigor. An extraction looter shooter set in Norway that's been out for consoles for a long time but just released on PC. Let's see how it is.

Its been 7 YEARS since I got a new mouse! Figured it was about time I got a new one!

I’m lucky to get 4 years out of a mouse and keyboard these days.

I hope that one lasts you just as long as the old one!

I can’t stand getting a new mouse. Takes me months to get use to a new one.

It's a little bit odd the feel. I'm a bit concerned because I bought it for its wireless capabilities but it seems to be lagging. I'm hoping its just because the battery isn't fully charged.

I have it on the charger now and will try again in a bit!

Perhaps check the manual to see if you can change some settings for a better connection?

Back when I was a kid I had a keyboard that was battery powered. Only during a raid the batteries would die. I’d be running around the house looking for double A’s. 🤣

I read before that it can be finicky when the battery is low! Might have to download some software for it too!

I got it working. Turns out the dongle needs to be placed in the USB extender and plugged in that way.

Same... My current one is 2 years old, hopefully, it survives long.. The one before it only lasted 1 year, I think.

Your mouse lasted for that long?

Yup! And it was only a $20 mouse!

The dogwood out front is putting on it's fall clothes. Soon many others will join. Half day off today ! Nothing not to love about that.
2024 SNAP photos.jpg

Hello Hivelanders ... here to test out #snaps. Here is a shot from the other night's solar storm. Venue by backyard.

IMG_7363 (1).jpeg

Welcome! Snaps look forward to your interaction, it's very smooth and easy to use!

These plants have that Jurassic look about them.



They are stunning aren't they! Where did you come across them?

There is a park here in Vancouver that has a great variety of plants.

Nice - will add to my list for when I come over to North America next on a grand tour. I've a vague plan to do such a thing!

Vague plans are the best. You never know where they'll take you.

Downloaded and looking forward to listening to @cryptomancer talk about #splinterlands ... Just gotta find an hour but I love long form interviews. (1hr because I listen to everything on 2x speed)

I did end up listening yesterday and it was quite good. They're ended up being a lot of insights into how he works on projects and how the land project was set up. It was a good technical podcast which is what I was hoping.

Get Ready to Watch Gameplay of Asphalt Nitro Season 1-Level-3 Alps😀


#gaming #hivegaming #asphalt #racing


As someone who aspires to be growing own food, I habitually find trees or veggies to plant atleast once a week.☺️

Just sharing this picture I took a while ago for I am just so busy to take pictures nowadays.

Good morning 🌄

#hivegarden tag so they can find you

Thank you for the suggestion.☺️❤️

That's a good habit to keep. I've seen Hivers showing their harvests, and I'm amazed by the benefits of the homesteading or home gardening lifestyle.

Yes it is, indeed.☺️

Demis Hassabis, CEO of DeepMind, together with others won the 2024 Nobelprice in Chemistry, for groundbreaking work utilizing artificial intelligence to predict the structure of almost all known proteins! Wow!

More about it here:
#stem #news #ai


I played this game's Demo and I LOVE IT! Definitely keeping Mainframes in my wishlist. #gaming #hivegc


The nostalgia is always heavy anytime I jump back into EverQuest.

Whats the one game you love returning to?


One of those legendary MMO's I didn't play. World of Warcraft is this for me.

WoW was the reason I went from a causal gamer to hardcore raider in EQ.

EQ had a really nasty expansion in 2004 that caused a lot of rage quitting. I suddenly found myself in one of the top raiding guilds on my server as my class was in huge demand.

I need to reinstall the original Age of Empires. That game hits me right in the nostalgia. Maybe I should buy the remake eventually.

Sounds like some epic days ahead for you.

I played the original so long ago I don’t recall much. Tempting to get one of the new ones it looks quite fun.

sometimes if you take a second grenade you get a second kill :)

#escapefromtarkov #gaming #oneshotonekill







Fetching my kids in school in the afternoon and I saw the amazing different color of the sky. I wondered why the color was different from usual days. So I stopped and took a snap for a memory to remember that it was taken October 14, 2024 at 4:30pm.

Cool yellow sky!

It happened sometimes only

Check out the colour of this iris! Do you grow them? What's your favourite flower?

They don't last long but they are worth it for the pop of colour in your garden.


#hivegarden #gardening

Pretty flower!

Just amazing. They only last a week or two but they come in all different colours.

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