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Ready to edit some snaps?


Thank you @asgarth


@asgarth! @bleujay likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @bleujay. (1/1)

(html comment removed: )

It's not that I dislike Ecency's Waves but Snaps seems to be a more normal way of working. I always found Waves' "comment" based system odd.

Technically snaps are based on comments too.
Maybe the UI is different but glad you like Snaps :)

Very helpful thanks

Finally so cool 😎 thanks man!

Someone requested access to threads/waves/moments on the mobile menu yesterday. We got you covered today. #peakd #snaps #mobile


Simplemente genial 😎



We test desktop more than mobile so we depend on you guys to share your experiences and requests... thank you for your feedback. We love it.

Dear @peakd,

At my account in Peakd.....there is a drop down tab with the various tabs...can Snaps be added here as well?

iPad Pro is what I use.

Thank you for Snap!

Can you share a screenshot? Snaps should be available on both desktop and mobile


The drop down tab on the right....that one...

i tried to find the PEAKD app for my Android phone. but didn't find it

There is no mobile app for PeakD. But you can usually just use the website and it will work fine.

ah i see thank you good idea

Didn't ask for it but I was really confused where it is on my phone 🤣 happy to see everything fixed! Thankiesss!!

Hah! Manifestation at its finest. Ask and it is done. Perfect! Thanks guys!


I feel like Mobile is going to be the best way to increase utilization of this feature as most people use their phone camera :)

Why do you snap? To get rewards? Interactions? Do you need to share details about your life because of no reason? Or maybe to clear your mind?

All of the above. And I think it's a great addition to get the younger generation in the door. And those with an attention span of less than 5 minutes...(like myself sometimes)

It's strange a bit since I have been on inleo for some time, but rarely used it (although it has a good UX). I think snaps is more appealing for me as it is integrated directly in peakd which I use mostly for Hive. Making a post takes long and this is faster + rewards/interaction

i use snaps (and other hive shortform microblog dapps) mostly to share helpful information.

Just to let you know that a blue whale's tongue is heavier than an African Elephant.

But it was my idea to post random thoughts, not yours.

Hmm 🤔 i wonder who thought about that first?

well how about that



You spelled every reason I have in mind 😅 all of the above… no doubt about that.

Snaps is nice for sharing small updates that are too small for a blogpost, but still interesting to share.
And there is a lot of interactions going on here too which is cool.

all of the above!!

also, to past time! endless scrolls here 😅

Don't you think endless scroll is a time thief?

Could be!
It’s nice if you want to catch up on some people, it’s also not nice if you have pending work irl 😅

It's nice to be able to write small bits of text about random thoughts or moments that wouldn't warrant and entire post. Plus, Twitter is absolute trash so this is immediately the next best thing for me.

To try, with a light heart, to tear a smile from people 😁

66.5k HP now! Will I be able to reach 70k HP by the end of the year?

The new wallet layout on Peakd is really beautiful!

Hope you meet your are getting close! ^__^

Lets Goooooooooooooooo!

Yeaaah! Thanks mate!

A lot of Snap activity in just the first days.


Cannibalization or net growth? Probably too early to tell...

Too new to be growth, just what the current activity looks like.

Interesting graph and data. You getting it from somewhere or making it?

I'm making it from private portal


And I still think a lot Hivers haven't found it yet 😀

i mostly use Ecency, so i was aware of the Snaps existence, until someone (possible you) wrote about them in the Discord group

Yeah, a lot of people probably don't know about it yet.


Snap is churning more and more activities in Hive indeed

Just used Snaps today. Didn't even know it existed until somebody I followed blogged about it.


Here are some of the entries for the #POBPHOTOCONTEST of this week.
Can you guess the subject of this week?

You can join until Sunday 8:00 PM CEST, so check out the announcement post:



sure, cos i see my works between these :-)

For a moment, I was going to say they were footprints, but I think the theme this week is sand!

It's indeed SAND :)

uhuuu! \o/

Niceee! I like the photo on the bottom left 😍

A record from yesterday of me going to work at the company for the last time. Now I'm working from home!

Because of covid, I started working from home for several years and I love it. I hope you do.

This will be the first time I'll be working from home. Oh heavens, just knowing that I won’t have to waste time commuting to work already makes me happy. I think I'm going to like it!

Working from home is the best, I have been thinking about it for a long time. Have a great day @michupa friend :)

To kick off this new way of working, a light rain is falling outside at this moment. Have a great week as well, my friend!

One more reason to choose to work from home :) Thanks man

WFH is best to avoid toxic colleagues 😂

That’s true, so far we only have positives haha!

What ya doing now?

I still work at the company, but remotely

Will you miss the office interactions?

Oh yes, definitely! But we have a group on Discord where we're always interacting, and some Fridays we go out for a beer.

Hummmm gatão :D

hahaha tão bonito quanto um joelho!

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk boa huauhahahua

Ora ora hoje é o dia de fornecer imagens que podem virar figurinhas. Voce foi salvo pela minha falta de tempo

Have you heard about the guy who said he had the heart of a lion?
He was banned from the zoo.

Credit: reddit
@michupa, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Hmm, então preciso tomar cuidado! haha!🤣

o crazy disse que fez uma minha hoje da foto que postei mais cedo kkkkk

I live in such a beautiful place <3


What a beautiful and wonderful place. It must be great to live in a place like this.

Yes it's gorgeous, so many beautiful places to walk around!

That's great, plus it already helps to create content for the hive with the photos 📷

u gonna become the snap queen with that inventory of shots!

I have way too many on my camera roll, usually do a monthly compilation post but maybe it's more fun on snaps 😊

It should be nice to live by the sea!

stunning :o

wow! Ta parecendo um gangster!

Fiz cara de mal mas quem conhece sabe que sou um amor kkkkkk

Haha por baixo de toda essa revolta de fachada tem um coração vermelho é kkkk


Ever seen a blacksmith join two metal sheets?
It's riveting

Credit: reddit
@shiftrox, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

kkkk sou um anjo mal interpretado xD brinks haha

Cara, espera pra ver minha figurinha hahaha

kkkkkkkk mano tu fez uma figurinha mesmo? Não é possível uhahuahua

sim, ta guardada para soltar no grupo, e ficou top mano nem esquenta
fica com !luv no coração

kkkkkkkkkkkkkk fechou entao man ahuhauhuahu

Cool shot! I like the contrast 👍

Paguei com voto pelo uso da imagem.

A figurinha ta pronta, só esperando a proxima treta na #hivebr pra soltar


The person who invented autocorrect
should burn in hello.

Credit: marshmellowman
@shiftrox, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

KKKKKKK, quero ver essa figurinha deve ter ficado bem zoeirinha uhahuahua

negativo, só coisa pra frente aqui
só foguete!

Just comparing the activity of the different #microblogs. Threads is way ahead, but Snaps already ahead of Waves. I still want to see a combined feed with a unified brand. Hive is too small to be split like this.


According to some chat messages @peakd can't integrate some of the others as they don't allow it from their end.

I think Ecency encountered this too when they did a combined feed ages ago. It's all just blockchain data. I don't want to have to use multiple dapps to see what my friends post.

I'm not 100% on the technicals, something about snaps being posted from outside the other front-ends may not show up there as they require them to be posted through their front-ends. Maybe someone can do a deepdive and post about it.

In this case those egomaniac frontends should be "convinced" that it is not a good idea to work in silos, just in order to push a certain frontend (and the token associated with it).

And dont forget for microposts,
so now we have 4

I've not used that. Also dbuzz, but I think that uses posts instead of comments with a payment limit.

I agree, Hive is too small for 3, 4 or 5 apps doing almost the same things. That is waste of time and money.

tags on inleo threads do not really work.

Snaps is already working better than Threads in some ways. I wonder if it can scale to thousands of users.

Snaps is really fast. I wonder if it's because the underlying token is just HIVE itself.

The little I interact with the whole Hive ecosystem, I have to agree. I hate it getting so splintered, but fortunately we're STILL really early days and I think it will get sorted out in time.

I hate it getting so splintered

To be fair, hive is the home of splinterlands so... 🥁

I found this hilarious as I was thinking the same thing… I was like so this is how Praetoria began. Woah! 😂

Snaps has quickly catch up.. that’s awesome 😎

That's actually a great idea

I think Ecency have done something like this before, but the Leo people objected. The basic technology is not radical as it's just comments. The dapps can present it in different ways.

I've asked the same thing in the PeakD Discord channel.
@asgarth answered the following:
Maybe, but will put a lot more load on the server. But for sure something to consider at some point

I love peakd!

My squash is so big are you jealous? 🤣

Very jealous.

This squash is not safe for work 😆

Nature is freaky like that!

It's not the size that matters, it's what you do with it.

Unrelated, dafuq do I do with a squash?

Ok too perfect with your username LMAO, but to answer you can mash it up with butter, roast it, make soup etc, it's super tasty

I'll be honest Julia, I have no idea what any of that means. Have an upvote instead

I prefer when they are chubbier on the bottom xD

Esse ta grandão né? xD

Lol 😂

I just learned recently that a tamsi is not a hummingbird but a sunbird. Hummingbirds are native to the Americas while sunbirds are in Asia. They're not even closely related, but they looked the same because of convergent evolution. All my life I thought we have hummingbirds!

Do they flap their wings very fast too? #IWonder
Btw... don't you ever sleep?
#Worldmappin traveling with birds x'D

Yes! They also flap their wings fast, but they eat while perching while hummingbirds eat while hovering. That's basically their main difference. In terms of appearance, they looked the same except for their beaks. Sunbirds have straight beaks while hummingbirds have curved ones.

Sunbirds are more related to crows than hummingbirds. I was mind blown by this.

I do sleep, but there's no pattern. Sometimes I sleep for just 2 hours while there are times I slept for 16. It depends. 😆

Good morning everyone ☕

Good morning! Any new releases today 😂

Probably, but nothing big (aka mostly minor bug fixes).

I've been full time on and snaps for the past few days. Today I'll try to catch up on a few other projects @yozen and @jarvie are working on.

I can understand. Good to see that so many people are enthusiastic about it.
Thanks for all the work you guys! You're doing a great job!

Morning 🥐

Yes, it was a good morning a few hours ago.

Good morning @asgarth !

You are doing good work! ^__^

I was wondering why I had slight headaches lately and a sore throat. Maybe due to the weather. Or maybe due to elevated SO2 here the Visayas because of Mt. Kanlaon eruption. Or maybe both.

The volcano eruption sounds like a real problem to me! Hope you feel better soon. xx

It's from another island and it's been continuously erupting since like 2 months ago. There's no major damage except during rainy season where lahar or mudflows occur. And of course, the elevated concentration of sulfur dioxide in the air.

That's crazy! So glad we don't need to face things like this in my part of the world lol

Oh we have it all! Volcanic eruption, typhoon, drought, flood, corrupt government 😂

Is there a mask you can wear to reduce the effects?

Stay safe. 🙏

I'm sure ordinary masks and N95 won't work because they're only for particulate matter filtration. I'm not sure where to buy the chemical gas mask though.

Daily meme!


also sometimes everything works, we don't know why, but we know never to touch that code ever again.

Today in Bleujay's Studio...

Appreciate Snap...thank you Peakd.


#art #microblogging #snap #autumn #nature

Do you use real leaves as templates? Or draw it all?

Greetings @solominer,

Thank you for your kind query.

The Leaf shown here was used to obtain the size I was after but the rest was drawn from the details of the leaf and from photographs...Bleujay has taken.

Appreciate you dropping by. Cheers!


So nice artwork, dear Bleujay! Perfect to remind the Autumnal season. ❤️

Thank you Dear Silvia,

You are too kind!

Appreciate your dropping by for an Espresso... ^__^

The last breath of warmth. Our sunflower bloomed a little bit later. My daughter brought it planted from school in the middle of June in a small pot, I replanted it maybe one month ago in the soil and here it is. #nature #fall

It is looking beautiful, brother!

I also like sunflowers!! they are big and simple hehehe! My wife wanted to plant some tulip bulbs for next year, but it is a pitty to kill them before the time hehe

Damn! one day I will be able to say the word: my daughter and my wife. 🥺🥺🥺

Don't rush man!!! When the time comes it will =) don't force anything!!! I had some bad relationships in the past because I didn't wanted to be alone hehe

I am not in a rush... the primary goal now is to build myself and be a person of value

Sempre gostei de girassóis, minha mãe também ama eles! São lindos

untitled.gif Good Morning everyone :)

I would be scared to death, if my coffee greets me in the morning like that!

Good Morning! ^__^

One of the most tasty food I ate in Croatia during Hive Fest was simply grilled vegetables. After the fest, I bought a grill pan and now I'm super happy to enjoy grilled vegetables at home 😉



Here is a reminder to myself never to make use of capcut to edit after this last video as it lags like crazy. Even DaVinci Resolve runs smoothly on my PC. God help me!


Guy, I can so relate! Capcut Pro is a total waste on money.
How can Capcut be running poorly on a high-end laptop?

Maybe it is time to get a desktop with a huge power for editing videos hehehe

actually I just got this PC.. It is a Dell Precision 5530, 4GB Nvidia Graphics, 1tb ssd, and 16gb ram. It is good enough to run any video editing software. But I am still very surprise with the lags from capcut. Yet the laptop does pretty well oh DaVinci Resolve.

I think that i will dedicate my SNAPS to only ANALOG photography.



I envy people that make great photography!

:-))) everyone can

Man, $HIVE is lucky to have @peakd. This team just keeps crushing it.

On October 18th Pulsar - the more or less Starcraft but with Blockchain / Web3 launching on Mainnet. Use the code "CRYPTOMADMAX" on Signup to Get Additionall Genesis Pack, since im OG-Creator in this Game.


Daughter taking part in World Championship... I'm very nervous...

I hope it all works out! Good luck!

wow! congratz for her!!! you should be very proud hehehe

I'm a proud papa :-)

Fingers crossed! 🤞

Thanks :-)

Was anyone here in either of the two recent hurricanes. Share your experience or share links to posts about your experience. #florida #milton #hurricane

I'm in Kissimmee but Orlando overall wasn't affected much by Helene. This time around although the winds were scary as heck the damage was minimal. I can only speak to this side of Florida. Up by Bradenton and up that way got slammed unfortunately. #hurricanemilton 🔗SOURCE

so a full day later... thoughts?

Back at work No loss of power at home. No damages. The community seems fine. The drive to work was a bit iffy but no major issues. 🙏🏼

I checked the worldmappin map and couldn't find any posts from locals in Florida. Hopefully all is well

Greetings @jarvie

We have @jimmy.adames who has been giving Snappers regular updates....regarding Hurricane Milton.

Hope this assists.

Snaps are now enabled in the Digital Lifestyle community!
Quick snaps on your productive workflow, or perhaps of a movie you're watching? Let's roll!


It's been a couple of months already that I'm trying to use X/Twitter. But it's so full of shit and unrelated posts that I'm giving up. Luckily we have Snaps now 😎

Yeah, I was never a big user of it, but I completely gave up on it when Elon took over. Silencing dissentious voices is never okay.

It's better to invest our time here on the hive itself, whether in threads or snaps, at least we gain something here, be it financial or knowledge and even better: friends!

I known right… the people here are a lot nicer than in X 😅

I confess, I'm reorganizing my daily routine so I can spend more time on #HIVE via #PEAKD... Now I understand a little more where we're going with #WEB3!... And of course... I love #SNAPS a little more today than yesterday!!!...


hahahaha me too! I spent a lot of time on snaps too. For some reason, the content is pretty much the same as what I normally see, just compact version of it.

I think I'm going to move to PeakD from Ecency. It's not that I dislike Ecency at all but I feel like PeakD is now working more inline with how I want to work. #Snaps is working how #Waves should. Not bad for a new release.

I'm thinking a dog of the day post 😀. I go to the dog beach a lot and shoot videos, cant wait for there to be a better way to share video's here. Until then- screen grabs it is.




#photography #dogs

Video hosting isn't supported at this point, hopefully, they'll be able to make it happen soon via 3Speak.

By the way, it looks like you all had a great time, cheers

confident it will happen soon. video is too important in the content distribution space for them not to implement it. But I go once a week at least. Happiest place on earth.

Finally it's over, the long like hell week :-)
I'm going now to the Art exhibition opening and then to the new album launching Heavy metal event. One of the songs of this evening :



Testing snaps, Hive On!


Welcome to #snap 🫰 👋


My activity on Hive has been declining a lot the last year. Snaps has made me check in to Hive more in three days than in the last few months.

same here, easier to read short posts

Probando los snaps con este hermoso atardecer margariteño qué me dejo demás de enamorada 💞✨❤️‍🩹



That looks so awesome!

Yeah! The sunsets in Margarita are beautiful 🥹❤️‍🩹🙌🏻

Just saw #snaps on #peakd 😮 isn't it #amazing? 👏 great way to celebrate #aliveandthriving 😉🙌


If you want a reason to move to #Linux, #Microsoft Recall (takes photos every few seconds of everything you do) is mandatory and a forced dependency for file explorer.

Would you recommend any particular distro for a beginner?

I use Arch, and while it is commonly considered difficult, it's super easy now.
Otherwise Fedora Tumbleweed or PikaOS.

Thanks! I'll take a look


@bpcvoter3, sorry! You need more $IDD to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 50.0 IDD balance.

More $IDD is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

@bpcvoter3, sorry! You need more $HOP to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 1.0 HOP balance.

More $HOP is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

@bpcvoter3, sorry! You need more $STR to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 10.0 STR balance.

More $STR is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

I gotta put my $.02 with a suggestion of KDE Neon. From my experience, it's one of the easiest to keep updated and looking good.

Cool! That one I haven't heard of, will check it out!

I'm using elementary OS on my notebook, it looks great and have everything I need for a daily common usage, and Ubuntu on my work machine because of convenience (most dev related software have docs targeted to ubuntu users).

Cool! More options! Thanks for the recos!


I think I should try dual booting my system to get a taste of using Linux on my PC. I am so used to Windows, though I know Linux commands very well, that's why I have WSL on my windows


That reminds me of Upwork.. a freelance platform where the spontaneous screenshots were happening every few minutes and sent directly to your client to see the process.


The problem is that people aren't educated in Linux! it is almost like when you discover the power of using Hive compared to web2


why ?

Microsoft Recall takes pictures of your screen on a regular basis, it is extremely invasive way to train local (if your lucky) AI and is being forced on users.

sounds very bad


One of these days, I'm going to try out Linux. No time right now though...



Morning ☕️


Morning 👋


It was... I said the same to @asgarth

Right back at you!

Good morning @acidyo !

Snap Snap ^__^

I love couscous, I wonder how anyone found out that steaming the cornmeal would produce such a delicious food! For you who do not know the tree that produce the mass of cornmeal, hehehe! #foodie #hive #peakd


Couscous here in North America is wheat not from corn hehehehe, it has origin from North Africa.

If it left Brazil, I think it would be the thing that would be most important.

Confesso que não conhecia!

É zueira!!! kkkkk

OMG, essa você me pegou kkk, deve ser o sono xD

My source of caffeine has been amazing lately. Perhaps why I get chatty. Anyway, let's go back to the corner again😄 and see you on the other side of #Snaps.


Now I understand your hive id!

Hahahaha 😄

So cool! #CommentRewarder is busy as a bee, sending extra #rewards to the awesome engagers on the platform... 🍻


A herd of goats on the outskirts of the village of Hryorivka, Ukraine

336917150_1419346722234925_683267302107622609_n (1).jpg


What are you looking at 🐐


I almost reaching the end of this book! This is the most fast that I read this year :D

I heard of the book but never really know what is that all about.

I will give you a hint next XD

Karate World Youth Championchips Jesolo, Italy

Testing #snap #Youtube links… will it show thumbnail? Will it be playable?

Apparently not yet

That’s weird because it worked with @offgridlife’s snaps 😔

It's in Portuguese, but I selected the option there. Just right-click on the video, and those options will appear.

You’re awesome bro. Thanks! Big help 👍

Only shows link for me but @offgridlife posted a snap with a working preview

Hey man. @michupa found the issue. The solution is in his comment. You may check it out.

🤔 oh it did work with other snaps? Let me check offgrid’s

It should work fine with the link. But put the link on a new line all by itself ;)

Okay got it. Thanks for the feedback untitled.gif

This is how I feel today, feeling #accomplished. For so long I have owed a friend here a lot of #Hive. Now that I have paid in full, I can finally start staking everything from my #photography work. It feels so good and worth a #snap


IMG_1596 (2).jpg

Why work hard when the rewards don’t match the effort?

I'll share in a post why I still work hard daily, even when it doesn’t always pay off. This article resonates with me:

"I enjoy hard work. I find happiness and joy in it."

Anyone trying to make it in web2 would have a lot to say over questions like that. I deem that question to be quite absurd considering everything that does get rewarded on here compared to out there.

For sure! We only see people like Mr Beast or PewDiePie when they are on top. If anybody followed them long enough, they worked hard from where they were and they truly deserve all the success that comes their way.

When you enjoy, it doesn't feel like hard work :)

and when you don't enjoy it anymore, just find some work that's enjoyable 😄

Waiting for #uptober be like...


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