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RE: Snaps Container // 1734536880

in Snaps3 months ago

It is difficult. We thought they'd make great playmates and had been slowly letting them get to see each other but then someone mentioned getting her tested for FIV and FELV first which we didn't know about as we'd never had pets before. Minnie was positive for FELV but we're hoping it will be regressive. Now we are worried about Milo as he was very ill when we found him and brought him indoors but we didn't know to get him tested. We're too afraid to test him now!
I think we will also end up with many as for some reason, new cats turn up in the land behind our house almost weekly. The local animal charity on the island have regular spayathons where they round up strays. This week they spayed over 200 cats! Its becoming almost a worse problem than the stray dogs on the island. People are so irresponsible.


Oh, you have to be very careful with that! I have a friend who got a stray cat in his flat next to his other cats wanting to offer him a better living and he was sick. So the stray cat ended up surviving but got ill the rest of the cats, one of them even dying!! (follow up msg)

Cats are very dangerous as very few treatments have been discovered for their medical problems and in fact, they can look healthy but be carriers of all kinds of diseases that would affect the other animals. Just like we could carry COVID but not be necessarily ill from it.