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RE: Snaps Container // 1730855520

in Snaps4 months ago

And so he wins. Unfortunately for Democrats, they are seemingly unable to learn, in almost a decade of Trumpism, what makes him resonate with people, and how to counter it. Instead, they undemocratically installed a shrill puppet with no message nor personality. Sigh.


Yep that's it in a nutshell. It's their own fault. I don't understand how people outside America don't understand how it happened.

I'm specifically amazing Brits don't - they just went through the exact same thing - 14 years of Tories transforming the country into a shrivelled, rotting peanut of a nation - So we voted in somebody we hate slightly less. They didn't even have to campaign to win...

Yeah exactly. I would have hated to vote for Trump but can see exactly why you did. All this online outrage iny Facebook group shows just how much people don't understand politics and current issues. I don't even understand it that much but certainly enough to get this much!

Oh to be clear I'm not American I'm british - I didn't vote Trump haha. Nor would I. I can sympathise with those who did vote him, doesn't mean I agree with him. (just wrote a bigger blog about it)

Oh cool I'll go read it. My husband is British. Where you from?