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RE: Snaps Container // 1732811760

in Snaps4 months ago

Today marks the day I started my life as a Barista. Learned a lot , experienced ups and downs.
Today, we celebrate our anniversary. It's been a great journey since first day and hopefully to see more blessings for the shop.
Cheers to 1 year being with coffee.


Congrats! Is this your own shop?

Thank you.
An employee, barista.

Congrats! Keep up the great work 👍

Yeah I will.
Thank you.

Keep up the great work! do you guys also sell matcha and espresso combination?

Yes we do..
It just came out last September and it's called Dirty Matcha here in our shop.

Here it is.


That looks really good! in some cafes here, dirty matcha are quite different. It's mostly soda and matcha. But I suppose time has changed and people call that dirty matcha now

Ohh...but it have espresso shot right?

nope, some cafes don't add espresso to it but some do

Congratulations @jhero22 ,

Thank you for that..

Congrats & Cheers!

Thank you and cheers to that.

Congrats! I wish you success!