
Both. I've recruited a few.

The most people who've come to my #Halloween party was 2 years ago, 20 including 2 kids. No one claimed their $GHOST though, despite coming in costume.

I have volunteers come too & I've helped quite a few sign up for Hive & given a free VIP account, coached them on security to use password manager (I recommend #Bitwarden, VPN, secure mail & messengers, etc) but only veey few of them are still, or barely active.

I use bitwarden too! switched there from lastpass a while back. Way better.

Are you aware that if you go premium ($10 per year) you get TOTP generator accessible from each record, AND, especially valuable you can set up a "dead man switch" or whatever they call it,

which enable you to automatically hand over your BW master key (with keys to all your assets) under certain conditions which you set in advance. .

And that could be anonymous. Capital Gains tax comes to mind! And, once you've set this up, you don't have to subscribe every year, unless you want to change the conditions