@acidyo @blocktrades @arcange @gtg -- Just look at this recent account creation spread that @louis88 and @hivetrending, combined, have given us the means to SEE is happening. This has been going on since at least late October! I need Hive's guardians to WAKE UP!
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@acidyo @blocktrades @arcange @gtg @themarkymark -- I've got some more for you. I went back and checked about one in five of the @leo.voter posts for December 30, starting in block 92000000 ... some of them have one comment each, but look at these comments ...
You should check my response on their proposal post, there is a lot more to it than this.
I did see that, and posted mine in support of yours ... anyone can see there's something funny about those comments even if they cannot read the graphs ... but yes, the graphs say it all. I will go look again now that my brain is not breaking on those comments.
No need to tag me, I have no plans to vote for the proposal. I didn't vote for the last one even, but I find it hard to believe this one will get enough support. But thanks for the work investigating this, I hope it will be useful info for other voters.
I appreciate your response, @blocktrades. I recognize the work you have put in with Hive, and if anyone has an interest in protecting the integrity of the chain, you do -- if there are other people who may have an interest in the information, you are welcome to share it.
Real users simply do not do that. I know one of you is ill and the other just home from traveling ... but understand: if I can find this out, any good investor can. I don't want this to blow up in our faces when our Hive user numbers don't hold up!
Imagine trying to tell investors about all the great things Hive is doing, and trying to account for our user numbers after at least three months of this! Imagine smart investors checking to see people were paid well in 2024 to double the user base, but THIS is the known result!
Did you try to contact INLEO team? Leo.voter is theirs.
I'm confused
What are we yelling about now? That new accounts are getting onboarded?
Yelling ... no. But remember, sir, LEO promised to double Hive's user base. Users means ACTIVE. I've heard numbers as high as 13,000 ... but you're going to need to show us some use, and so far, looking back as far as October 22, I can see new accounts, but no posting.
I see hivemix, hive-mix, hive.mix ... chickparm and kimchistew ... g-1 through g-5 ... little groups coming through in threes fives, eights, every few minutes ... really rapid creation rate, but you will need to show 9K-13K new USERS, not just new accounts.
In the future, I recommend having real facts and data to back claims like this up. I have the data that says exactly the opposite of this statement.
Will some accounts get onboarded who are not active? Of course. That is the nature of anything. What matters is how many accounts are getting onboarded that become active. Hence a monthly active user is literally an account that is active.
You also said all this, @khaleelkazi. I never accused you. I just have a very good memory.
The burden of proof is not on me, sir. I was not paid to do the job. Nor did I accuse YOU. You arrived! As for hard data ... well, the chain is running. I just screenshotted what is there, like Louis did. Here you go: https://hiveuprss.github.io/accountstream/
Now, @acidyo has already responded to me ... apparently there is something going on with abuse through Hiveonboard, and a dev was supposed to be checked in with ... you'll see that if you read the thread. But that check-in didn't happen, at least not to today.
@markymark mentioned that Leo voter supplies account tickets ... so, AGAIN, I didn't accuse you. Anybody could be doing this. YOU ARRIVED, @khaleelkazi, on the defense ... and you did not even bother to take the cover given you.
I pass onto you the suggestion that Hivetrending gave me ... roll the chain back 864,000 blocks for every thirty days. REMEMBER: I'm not the one who needs to show data that those 9K-13K are real. You may have someone not checking beneath you, for all I know ...
I know you've been busy ... something about missing witness blocks ... there's a lot going on. But you might want to check. The top 20 witnesses needed to know, too -- with Hive getting exposure, we need to have our numbers SOLID. I'm sure you all can work this out!
BY THE WAY, @khaleelkazi, in looking at the data YOU JUST PRESENTED... you do know that 234 plus 4,938 is not QUITE high enough, right? I never said that you failed in doing what you promised to get done and were paid to get done ... but I can add what you just gave me...
And then there's active creators plus active consumers. I don't think the proposal was structured such that we would expect "consumers" would be counted in ... I may need to go back and read that, just to check if "readers" were counted as users. "Purchasers"? "Click-throughs?"
I see that an hour ago, you posted an entire post of data ... excellent ... https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@leofinance/inleos-proposal-to-grow-the-hive-ecosystem-we-successfully-onboarded-10k-monthly-active-users-ecj
Here is the challenge now, though ... your post is less hard data than the chain data. We KNOW, both from the chain and what you presented, that you made most of your numbers in DECEMBER.
What you may want to consider is this -- if back a MONTH, the chain shows new accounts being created at an average of 24 additions about every three hours, that gives you a run rate of a whopping 200ish additions a day.
Even at a half-day, that's around 100 additions a day, or 3,000 a month ... so then, how does the sort work into their activity? A lot of these aren't posting, for certain ... I checked ... statistically, the numbers are forbiddingly low.
I have gone back and found your proposal on July 28, 2023 ... https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@leofinance/proposal-to-grow-the-hive-ecosystem-with-the-everything-app-and-oneclick-onboarding. You defined an active user there.
You said nothing about consumers who don't do anything in the original proposal. And by the way, you made sure to say in that proposal. "This is Khal speaking."
So, according to you yourself, you needed 9,615 active users, by your own definition. By that definition, you only have 4,938, AND, the question you anticipated in the counterarguments is REALLY EERIE, given what chain data says is happening, right now.
Another day of interesting account creation -- look at the top five accounts:
Just like we have hivemix, hive.mix, and hive-mix in Louis 88's post we now see hiveprivacy, hive.privacy, and hive-privacy!

And at the bottom: moseslove and lovemoses ...