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RE: Snaps Container // 1736087760

in Snaps2 months ago (edited)

@acidyo @blocktrades @arcange @gtg Better have a look at this. We've got a bigger problem here than a witness missing blocks. We've got accounts being created every few minutes, live, by an organization that the community gave money to bring in 9,000 new users.


leo.voter like ocd and a few others supply account claim tokens to Hive Onboard which is used by most dapps on Hive.

OK ... but every 30 seconds to few minutes? hivemix, hive-mix, and hive.mix? chicknparm and kimchistew within a few minutes of each other? Look at my screenshot, and look at the rate, and then look at Louis88's screenshot, and look at the rate.

I have no question there might be more to it, but I am merely explaining why their account shows up repeatedly.

And I do appreciate that piece of information ... I did not know that. This is why we cannot yet be sure WHO is making near-duplicate accounts that are certainly not active (I've started checking Louis 88's list), and I have left it at SOMEONE.

In the past I have looked at activity of many of these projects, and it was about 99% inactive. It's so easy to make new accounts, I could literally make a few hundred thousand by midnight just using my claim tokens alone. That's not onboarding.

No, it is not. I'm also a professional journalist by training, so please believe me when I tell you we had better get to the bottom of this in-house before my colleagues who are looking for hot stories in crypto find this part right here.

Let them, even bad press would be better than no press.

How much new activity should we be seeing if this is real -- assume this rate last week -- or the last 52. Can we account for 10K-13K new users?

I can't make sense of any of it, I've said over and over again we are not onboarding yet we are blowing millions a year on DHF proposals they don't. Just today we approved another charity proposal.

Ah, yes, Hive Woodpeckers and their 600 HBD ask ... but that's birdseed compared to what we put behind LEO. As a crypto investor, Hive Woodpeckers would not bother me as much as the fact that Hive now cannot account for its user numbers AT ALL, just when we are getting noticed!

I agree, but it is all the same. None of it does anything to help Hive and just creates sell pressure.

Not quite correct. Hive Woodpeckers onboarded people that bought Hive -- about $200 worth. So, net loss would be $400 if nothing else happens. That is not close to the same as the problem LEO has.

Just wait for half of the DHF to be charity proposals which everyone must approve as they are for charity. Meanwhile, Hive will still be this obscure blockchain no one has heard of.

Thankyou for the birdseed as you said 😅
Total as of this moment is 4 people onboarded, just over $300 of fresh money into hive from 3 of those onboarded. There are others but these are confirmed ones that have bought into hive.
Il get exact numbers soon I hope.

I have sent a DM to marky as there seems to be some issues with how the woodpeckers DHF funds will be used.
Currently at work but tonight I will do a write up about how the funds will be used and where those funds will go.

I am trying to get the most I can out of this money to promote hive and to make the woodpeckers better.

We do appreciate the support alot.
Will you mind if I tag you in the post?
That way you can see the plans and hopefully I can answer questions if needed

There was some abuse occurring on hiveonboard but I believe it's been taken care of by the dev now.

OK; good to know! It does appear that the patterning running from October to today has ceased for the moment. HOWEVER, it will be important to carefully count and check the names, because there is a claim of 9K-13K accounts being created by LEO related to that big proposal...

... so they are going to need to show 9K-13K SEPARATE from the ones that may be abuse. Looking at the high average per day for just most of the day today times 366 days in 2024, that should be interesting!

@acidyo -- are you SURE the dev has it fixed? Same patterning is occurring today as yesterday!


For real ... just look at this!

leo.voter has their own onboarding site as well, may not be through hiveonboard specifically. Maybe @khaleelkazi can give some insight if those are legit or some spammer.

I hope so ... have a look at this conversation, though. Read it all. Look at the data he posted, his numbers, and ESPECIALLY what I highlighted from what he wrote today compared to July 28, 2023.

Just landed back home so not really the energy for it atm

Well, the beauty of a blockchain is, it will be there. Perhaps @blocktrades, @gtg, and @arcange have more time today. I am impressed with the level of responsibility it takes to keep a blockchain running and credible -- if anyone knows what must be done, I'm sure you four do.

By the way, just so you know: I'm not someone who talks bad about Hive away from here. I get paid to tell people about crypto. This is what I'm running in my biweekly newsletter today. I want to be able to continue to promote Hive with confidence.



NOW that people are paying attention, they will be willing to hear the deeper story about Hive ... why I am an INVESTOR, not a trader ... every two weeks from here because the door is open.

Now, let's be clear about something. I'm a professional journalist by vocation. I'm also a best-selling crypto author on Amazon. I want us to take care of this IN HOUSE, before people like me who WILL BE LOOKING for the next FTX to talk about see all this -- I know how they think.

Hive is finally coming into the light. We have things we need to get cleared up, NOW, before people not invested like we all are interpret and misinterpret things. I didn't put all this on X or Facebook. I put this on Snaps.

Now, in the comments of Louis88's original snap you'll find the screenshot that he did. Here's mine, in just about an hour of watching. Look out for "chicknparm" and "kimchistew."


Someone is playing a game with the Hive account numbers, gentlemen. The joke is on us UNLESS...

That top little group is now complete, all with close variations, most created within 2-3 minutes of each other.
leo-voter screenshot 2.png

New screenshot ... notice something here. Louis noted hivemix, hive.mix, and hive-mix. I noted chicknparm and kimchistew ... there's a pattern of close variations. So I waited another hour ... notice these groups, within minutes of each other.
leo-voter screenshot.png

I went back and looked because @themarkymark made an explanatory point: a lot of people use Leo Voter's account tokens. There are some "random" type names that suggest that, but then there are groups of similar names that suggest one person is just doing a bunch at a time.

Today's update ... another day, same old patterning. I also want to mention that it slowed down DRAMATICALLY last night, so this isn't same random bot slurping up account names 24 hours a day, unless the bot is programmed to sleep at night and get up like a human.

Sorry, locked down to bed with the flu. Trying to reply here and there
No brain conditions to manage that now. Sorry

The beauty of the blockchain is that it will be there when you are ready. The chain can be examined at any time. I know that you are a responsible person, and you have no patience for "milkers," so I trust you will give this the attention it deserves in due time.

Sure! Thank you for your kind words.

BTW, your support for the previous HiveSQL proposal has been much appreciated but it expired.
May I ask you to support the new proposal (#329) so HiveSQL can stay free to use for the community?

Thank you!


Thank you for your support @deeanndmathews, much appreciated!

Just found this thread. Please keep up what you are doing here. As a long-time Hive investor (8 years!) I really want to see this blockchain improve, and I really want to weed out the corruption. Marky has fought the fight for a long time, but any help is welcome! I don't have the time or skills to uncover or fight this stuff myself, but I am more than willing to lend support to anyone who can and/or will.

I appreciate you sharing ... I am by profession a journalist, trained as an investigator, so as long as I am part of the community on Hive, I will use what skills I have. I'm also a bona fide crypto investor and author ... so I know we gotta clean up to not BLOW UP!

But also understand: I'm not joining any crusades. When I see something I will say something, but go ahead and skill up. Every Hiver can go to the link Louis 88 provided, watch the flow, make screenshots, and tag a top witness ... or share these posts widely.

Hive as a community is going to have to save itself AGAIN. One or two people didn't get us here. It's going to take all of us to decide what we will or will not stand for, and get on to standing it.