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RE: Snaps Container // 1730114640

in Snaps5 months ago

San Francisco is always on its own autumn thing, though ... summer shifts about six weeks later in the year ... autumn really starts being autumny toward late November here. What global warming is doing, however, is backing in a few more summer days in summer every year ...


Late November? That sounds nice as a usual end of summer.

But, until Snaps, I always assumed that you lived in the South! Just because your short stories are based there. Did you grow up there and move out here?

And, do you ever write fiction about San Francisco?

I'm curious.

I am a deep student of the Civil War, and the Lofton County Universe is the extension of a series of historical fiction I have not yet published. That storyline goes back five years on Hive, and the first major story is published as a full book: Black, White, and RED All Over.

That's awesome. Somehow I never knew of this. I love that you acknowledged Hive in print!

Book 4 acknowledges Hive in print. Book 5 has Hive listed as the only coin I recommend beside Bitcoin and Ethereum, and has an onboarding guide for readers ... ... I don't play about Hive, because it has blessed my life so much!

I write about the seasons in San Francisco on Hive every week ... music, photography, life, faith, historical fiction skills applied a different way!

I started writing serial stories about SF before Hive, on Facebook. There's a book of that, too: Season Siblings' Timeshare Tiff!

And finally ... about summer ... we are foggy here in the summer, so a cool spring tends to extend all the way into August ... but what global warming has done is make June and July warmer on average, so we are closing in on a FIVE-MONTH SUMMER here ... not yet, but, it's coming!