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RE: Snaps Container // 1735064640

in Snaps3 months ago

Ow man my tinnitus is surging, its the last blow of the Cabal, they are falling after centuries !!! They manipulated every one of us and they got good at it, then you have the Vatican opening doors that should've been closed its BAAL showing his head now.


I feel you man, its just a temporary thing it'll pass... That pressure you are witnessing in your head is your brain getting freed.

You are a universe inside, look within😎

Part of "the" no solo going hahaha😁

Yes, I also come across information about the doors you mentioned, but I tend to believe more in electromagnetic waves, which can be checked with a device. I'm considering buying such a device.

Sure as everything is energy so readable, you can also make a tin foil hat. So if the surges are to high its prob you talking to me (what a dickhead right)🤣, nothing wrong with helping to become/discover the best version of yourself.

No one said it was an easy path.... Electronics could really help to understand better

Dude, you're reading my mind—I was thinking about a tinfoil hat.🤣