Happy Boxing day folks.
i want to find a comment i made on a post from a couple if years ago. i know the posters users name.
i have done this before but can't remember which UI
So, Q. which UI's have ability to search for interactions between 2 users?
@ecency @peakd
Hmm. This is interesting, i hope you get some answers. I’m also curious about it.
I just made a post (as opposed to a Snap) asking same question, and offering a prize for best successful answer:
Help me find a comment from year(s) ago, please https://peakd.com/hive-173737/@atma.love/howwhere-can-i-search-for-interactions-between-users
Did you try Ecency Advanced search?
yes, i have tried, but it does not allow me to specify name of the other user. is there some syntax i can add for that please?
We don't have that option for now. If you know what you replied to other user then you can find it for sure from search of your comments.
that doesn't really help as i'll need to search through hundreds of comments, but thanks anyway