
that game does not make anysense

It mostly does, but like most American things, the exceptions make it unclear. The basic premise is that the team with the ball has 4 tries to advance the ball about 10 meters.

I think the same, haha!

😄I can never understand football but have you ever tried baseball?

Yessssss! I like watching baseball, especially on tv with all the stats and charts

I forget sometimes that on Hive, Americans are the minority lol

I prefer basketball.

Basketball in tv is sooooooo boring🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹

Don't say that. 🙃

How can you manage...

I have been watching Foil Sailing stuff as there are weekend Auckland races happening.

Simply: I can't manage hahaha :(

Exactly... I keep trying to distract myself with other sports, but its never the same.