Empatía [Esp-ENG]

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)


La empatía es la capacidad que tiene una persona de percibir los pensamientos y las emociones de los demás, basada en el reconocimiento del otro como similar, es decir, como un individuo similar con mente propia. Por eso es vital para la vida social. Además, consiste en entender a una persona desde su punto de vista en vez del propio, o en experimentar indirectamente los sentimientos y percepciones del otro. La empatía no implica en sí misma motivación de ser una ayuda; sin embargo, puede volverse una base para la solidaridad o angustia personal, lo que podría resultar en una reacción. En Psicoterapia, la empatía se puede dar por parte del terapeuta, siendo un camino para comprender tanto al paciente, como sus afectos, sus motivaciones, o sus comportamientos y resultados.

Hoy quiero hablarles de este concepto que coloque anteriormente, en la actualidad veo con mucha preocupación la carencia de esta capacidad, no sé si se trata de falta formación en el hogar o la misma Sociedad que nos obliga a dejar de lado muchos Valores.

En los últimos días he estado viendo múltiples noticias que han acontecido en el mundo del espectáculo y lo que me sorprende, más allá de la notica. Son los comentarios que leo en las mismas. Y digo yo que pasa con nosotros, que pasa con el sentido común, quienes somos para criticar, juzgar y hasta ofender a las demás personas.

Estas son algunas de las interrogantes que a manudo me hago:

¿Acaso nos hemos visto en un espejo?
¿Porque somos las mujeres las que criticamos más duramente a las otras?
¿Tenemos el derecho de criticar y encasillar a los demás?
¿Nos deja algún beneficio ser el juez de los demás?

Para mí con una respuesta pude responder a casi todas: ## Mi respuesta es NO

Vemos nuestros defectos: Por lo general, no vemos nuestros errores si no que vemos el de los demás, tenemos que trabajar mas la capacidad de estudiar nuestro interior y tratar de mejorar lo que llevamos en el

Mujeres: Porque en vez de ver los errores y defecto de las otras, veamos las cualidades, Veamos lo positivo, apoyémonos unas a otra. Se ve feo cuando una mujer se refiere a otra de una forma ofensiva. Recomiendo desde mi punto personal que, si quieres crecer más, busques educarte, formarte y aprender cada día. No destruyas con palabras a nadie y antes de emitir algún tipo de juicio mira siempre en tu interior.

Tenemos derecho a criticar: considero que no tenemos derecho de juzgar, criticar ni encasillar a las demás personas ni por sus defectos ni por sus errores, Por el contrario, siempre se debe dar el beneficio de la duda. Tratemos de escuchar siempre todas las versiones posibles antes de tomar alguna decisión y dar opiniones . Claro está que podemos dar opiniones desde nuestras perspectivas, siempre y cuando estas tengan todo tipo de base y la mejor intención de aportar de forma positiva a otra persona, esto aplica para todo en nuestra vida: Hijos, Pareja, Padres, Amigos, Trabajo y otros.

Beneficio: Creo no deja ningún beneficio estar juzgando la vida del otro, la falta de empatía en muchas ocasiones nos lleva a emitir comentarios que ni si quiera nos han pedido y en muchas ocasiones no son necesarios.

Este tema es bastante extenso, porque es algo que puede generar diversas opiniones, también es bastante difícil aplicar lo que en la teoría se aprende. Ser empático puede resultar un poco complicado para lograrlo debemos dejar de ser tan individuales y tratar de entender a los demás.

Te preguntaras el porqué de este tema, Pues Tengo una niña de 10 años de edad que constantemente busca apoyo en mí, me hace todo tipo de preguntas y me deja pensando en que puedo mejorar para poder trasmitirle.
Desde que soy madre trato de dar lo mejor de mí y educarme un poco para poder apoyar a mi hija en todo lo que puedo.

Y tu que me lees has tenido alguna circunstancia donde sientas que has sido empático con alguien O por el contrario has sentido falta de empatía en tu entorno, házmelo Saber déjame tus comentarios acerca del tema.
¿Quieres que siga compartiendo más Post como estos?

Tengo varios temas que estaré compartiendo con todos ustedes, espero que les guste.


#empatia #ocd #siempreaprende #positivo #comunidad

Empathy [-ENG].


Empathy is the ability of a person to perceive the thoughts and emotions of others, based on the recognition of the other as similar, that is, as a similar individual with a mind of his own. It is therefore vital for social life. Moreover, it consists of understanding a person from his or her point of view rather than one's own, or indirectly experiencing the feelings and perceptions of the other. Empathy does not in itself imply motivation to be helpful; however, it can become a basis for solidarity or personal distress, which may result in a reaction. In Psychotherapy, empathy can be given by the therapist, being a way to understand the patient, as well as his or her affects, motivations, or behaviors and outcomes.

Today I want to talk about this concept that I put above, at present I see with much concern the lack of this ability, I do not know if it is a lack of training at home or the same society that forces us to put aside many values.

In recent days I have been watching multiple news that have happened in the entertainment world and what surprises me, beyond the news. Are the comments I read in them. And I say what happens to us, what happens to common sense, who are we to criticize, judge and even offend other people.

These are some of the questions I often ask myself:
Have we seen ourselves in a mirror?
Why is it that we women are the ones who criticize others the most harshly?
Do we have the right to criticize and pigeonhole others?
Do we benefit from being the judge of others?

For me with one answer I could answer almost all of them: My answer is NO. **
We see our faults
: In general, we do not see our mistakes if we do not see the mistakes of others, we have to work more on the ability to study our inner self and try to improve what we carry in it.
Women:** Because instead of seeing the mistakes and defects of others, let's see the qualities, let's see the positive, let's support each other. It looks ugly when a woman refers to another woman in an offensive way. I recommend from my personal point of view that, if you want to grow more, seek to educate yourself, train yourself and learn every day. Do not destroy anyone with words and always look inside yourself before passing any kind of judgment.

We have the right to criticize: I believe that we do not have the right to judge, criticize or pigeonhole other people for their faults or mistakes. Let us always try to listen to all possible versions before making any decision and giving opinions. Of course we can give opinions from our perspectives, as long as these have all kinds of basis and the best intention to contribute positively to another person, this applies to everything in our life: Children, Couple, Parents, Friends, Work and others.

Benefit: I think there is no benefit to be judging the life of others, the lack of empathy often leads us to issue comments that we have not even been asked and often are not necessary.

This topic is quite extensive, because it is something that can generate different opinions, it is also quite difficult to apply what is learned in theory. Being empathic can be a bit complicated, to achieve it we must stop being so individual and try to understand others.

Well, I have a 10 year old girl who constantly looks to me for support, she asks me all kinds of questions and leaves me thinking about what I can improve to be able to transmit to her. Since I am a mother I try to give the best of me and educate myself a little to be able to support my daughter in everything I can. You who read me, have you had any circumstance where you feel you have been empathetic with someone or on the contrary have you felt a lack of empathy in your environment?

Let me know and leave me your comments on the subject.
Do you want me to continue sharing more posts like these? I have several topics that I will be sharing with all of you, I hope you like them.



It is true. Unfortunately we live in a world that promotes selfish behavior and the pursuit of personal satisfaction as a priority over others. Qualities such as compassion, kindness, mercy are considered outdated for many people. However, empathy is a very necessary quality that allows us to put ourselves in the other person's place. In this way we are sure to be less harsh in judging them.

As a believer, I have found in the Scriptures answers to questions like the one you are asking yourself, as well as advice that helps me to be different from what is so common in the world. For example, to be more interested in the welfare of others than in my own, to see that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving, to know that with the yardstick I measure I will be average, as well as to understand that no matter how much we use empathy there are many things and details that we will not know and that prevents us from making a completely fair judgment.

Fortunately the judgment that really matters is God's and he sees beyond what anyone can see, which is the heart and knows every detail of everyone. It is very nice that you care about being better in order to be an excellent example for your daughter. We can't change others but we can change ourselves and instill in our children principles and values that make a difference in this corrupt world.

Excellent post!!!


There are many reasons why empathy is important. For one, it allows us to build strong relationships with others. It also enables us to resolve conflicts and to show compassion for those who are suffering. Additionally, empathy helps us to understand different points of view and to see the world from another person's perspective.

Without empathy, we would be living in a world that is much colder and more difficult to navigate. So let's all try to be a little more understanding and compassionate towards one another. We'll all be better off for it.
Thank you for sharing my friend.

thanks to you friend for your comment, it's great to have your opinion, it's important for me.

Sin duda alguna. Sin comprensión no podemos tener una buenos comunicación

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It is a pleasure for me to be able to interact in this community.

Empathy is needed in the society today. It allows us to put ourselves on other people's shoes. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful post :)


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I think the same as you, if we were more reflective we would be a little better off. Thank you for your comment, it is of great value to me.

You are very welcome and thank you too for your thoughtful post :) I wish you a lovely new week as it comes

empatia es importante para comprendernos buen post

Si total gracias por comentar

sin duda alguna, en la actualidad hay mucha falta de empatía a nuestro al rededor, hay que aplicar mas esto para poder entender al prójimo y poder aportar cosas positivas en la sociedad, saludos espero que sigas compartiendo temas como estos

Gracias por tu comentario y por tomarte el tiempo de leerme es importante para mí tú opinión

Hi @yuleman, this is a very thoughtful post and every line of the Post shows that you really want people to be more careful before they criticize others.

That is amazing and I believe the world needs a whole lot of empathy because many people are facing a lot of emotional issue. Criticising such people is never a good idea especially when we don't have a full knowledge of what they are passing through.

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Hi great, thanks for reading me and for the recommendations, in fact the first image I put the source from where I extracted it only that the Web site was closed. but take your recommendations to improve the publication thanks for that greetings

Yeah. If you can get images from the sites I mentioned and also add the source the way I showed in the sample, it will be a safer pratice for your posting on the chain. Hehe

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perfect ok thanks again

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Thank you for reading

Empathy is indeed essential in today's society considering all of the hardship people deal with on a daily.

Why is it that we women are the ones who criticize others the most harshly?

This is a question that I ask myself too often. It's just sad.

Yes very sad and unfortunate this. I hope it gets better for the good of society.

Thank you very nice comment. I do think that the most fundamental edition is the one we give at home. That is why it is important to reinforce the vouchers to our children.