[ESP-ENG] LOH - Contest #199 Mi evolucion en el trabajo en casa /My evolution at work at home

in Ladies of Hive7 months ago

En base a tu propia búsqueda de empleo y experiencias laborales, ¿qué prefieres, trabajar desde casa como freelance o trabajar fuera de casa donde recibes un salario mensual estable? ¿Por qué?

Quisiera comentarles sobre mi evolución en esta experiencia del trabajo en casa, para comenzar tengo que contarles sobre mi inspiración mi mama y mi abuela, mi abuela siempre me decía: "No se pueden tener todos los huevos en la misma canasta" y siempre era bueno tener varias fuentes de ingresos, ella viajaba y traía ropa para vender por lo que fue haciendo clientela en su casa y su trabajo, además prestaba dinero y vendía prendas en partes, mi mama trabajaba en CANTV y le gustaba pintar y hacer manualidades por lo que los fines de semana pintaba piezas para vender en la empresa e incluso tenia un álbum como fotos de sus piezas y las vendía por encargo por lo que sus horas en casa eran sus horas de trabajo artístico.

Greetings dear Laides of Hive community responding to @jane1289's question

Based on your own job search and work experiences, what do you prefer, working from home as a freelancer or working outside the home where you receive a stable monthly salary? Because?

I would like to tell you about my evolution in this experience of working at home, to begin I have to tell you about my inspiration, my mother and my grandmother, my grandmother always told me: "You can't have all your eggs in the same basket" and it was always good have several sources of income, she traveled and brought clothes to sell so she was making clients at her home and at work, she also lent money and sold clothes in parts, my mother worked at CANTV and she liked to paint and do crafts so On weekends he painted pieces to sell at the company and even had an album of photos of his pieces and sold them on request, so his hours at home were his hours of artistic work.


(Piezas hechas por mi mamá) (Pieces made by my mother)

Con esa inspiración siempre entendí que habían muchas formas de obtener un ingreso mas allá de la parte profesional, por eso desde muy pequeña tenia pequeños negocios ja ja ja hice muñecas que mis amigas y las amigas de mi mama compraban, cuando ingrese a la universidad comencé a trabajar como promotora por lo que mi hermana y yo teníamos el nicho ideal para maquillaje y ropa, comenzamos vendiendo ropa y maquillaje que traíamos de nuestros viajes, después comenzamos a visitar fabricas y comprar piezas que vendíamos por catalogo (nosotras mismas los hacíamos) para ese momento no estaban tan desarrolladas las redes, con ese ingreso comencé a intensarme mas por el trabajo independiente que en oficina, al graduarme decidí poner mi propia empresa con una amiga, la facilidad de ser publicistas y diseñadoras graficas nos permitía trabajar por cuenta propia y sin horarios, normalmente podíamos hacer nuestros trabajos desde casa.

With that inspiration I always understood that there were many ways to earn an income beyond the professional part, that's why from a very young age I had small businesses ha ha ha I made dolls that my friends and my mother's friends bought, when I entered university I started to work as a promoter so my sister and I had the ideal niche for makeup and clothing, we started selling clothes and makeup that we brought from our trips, then we started visiting factories and buying pieces that we sold through a catalog (we made them ourselves) to At that time the networks were not so developed, with that income I began to focus more on independent work than in the office, when I graduated I decided to start my own company with a friend, the ease of being publicists and graphic designers allowed us to work on our own and Without schedules, we could usually do our jobs from home.

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Cuando pudimos crear una buena cartera de clientes, nos dedicamos mas al trabajo en casa así ahorramos en los gastos de alquiler y servicios de la oficina, con el desarrollo de las redes sociales era mas fácil conseguir clientes y hacer trabajos Freelance, de esta manera podía hacer dos cosas que me encantan trabajar en marketing y diseño sin el compromiso de un horario o estar en un solo lugar, fue así como comencé a viajar sin dejar de trabajar, esto ultimo me gusto tanto y me ha permitido aprender muchas cosas lo que me llevo al siguiente proyecto y es mi agencia de viajes, como les he comentado en publicaciones anteriores soy agente de viajes y puedo asesórales en cuanto a los requisitos, boletos aéreos y hospedaje para sus viajes.

When we were able to create a good client portfolio, we dedicated ourselves more to working at home so we saved on rent and office service costs. With the development of social networks it was easier to get clients and do freelance work, this way I could doing two things that I love, working in marketing and design without the commitment of a schedule or being in one place, it was like starting to travel without stopping working, I liked the latter so much and it has allowed me to learn many things which has allowed me I lead to the next project and it is my travel agency, as I have told you in previous posts. I am a travel agent and I can advise you regarding the requirements, air tickets and accommodation for your trips.


Lo que mas me gusta del trabajo en casa es todas las oportunidades que puedes desarrollar, es complicado comenzar SI pero no imposible, solo debes conocer tu potencial, buscar incluso en tu entorno que puedes ofrecer para comenzar, estar dispuesto a aprender y estar constantemente actualizándote, saber administrarte hay meses mejores que otros por lo que debes crear un fondo de reserva y sobre todo "NO PONER TODOS LOS HUEVOS EN LA MISMA CANASTA"

Espero les haya gustado este recorrido por mi experiencia como freelance a mi me encanto compartir mi experiencia, estoy a su orden para cualquier información sobre los viajes que desean hacer y les deseo mucha suerte a todas las participantes de esta dinámica.

What I like most about working at home is all the opportunities you can develop, it is difficult to start YES but not impossible, you just have to know your potential, look even in your environment for what you can offer to start, be willing to learn and be constantly updating yourself. , know how to manage yourself, there are better months than others, so you must create a reserve fund and above all "DON'T PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN THE SAME BASKET"

I hope you liked this tour of my experience as a freelancer, I loved sharing my experience, I am at your service for any information about the trips you want to take and I wish all the participants in this dynamic good luck


Saludos querida comunidad de Laides of Hive respondiendo a la pregunta de @jane1289

What a start it was. And you started doing something so young. Now that experience helped in how you approached your business. so cool honestly. And I am beginnihng to realise that working from home is probably the best and only option right now

I have always liked having money, with the example of my grandmother and mother it was easy to start a business, I always recommend having a fixed income, it can be a conventional job until you have capital and can undertake an independent project.
Thanks for visiting and supporting my post.

Eso es verdad, el trabajo en casa te otorga muchos beneficios que no te dan los trabajos convencionales, y lo mejor de todo es que te hace desarrollar la creatividad.

Si hay que saber buscar la oportunidad y desarrollar la idea, con la agencia estoy super feliz de desarrollar una actividad que tanto me gusta e incluso estoy buscando freelance para trabajar conmigo


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From being a worker to being a client. You did great !LADY I wish you success in your business. Just in case you are looking for freelancers, I bet there are many aspiring ones here on Hive haha.
Apart from managing your own business, being a graphic designer, you can do remote jobs that pay incredible rates.

Thanks for joining!

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Thank you for the support, I feel very happy with this venture so much that I no longer have time for design and I am looking for freelancers who want to work with me.

Though I prefer the predictability of regular work as a nurse, the sound of freelance work does appeal to me. Since going onto Disability leave I may soon discover that sooner than later.
Thanks @ycarola ❤️