[ESP-ENG] Ladies of Hive concurso #63, vida, riqueza o fama | Ladies of Hive contest #63, life, riches or fame

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

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Hola para todos, espero que hayan pasado un día espectacular, nuevamente complacida de compartir con ustedes en este concurso # 63 de la comunidad de Ladies of Hive, definitivamente que todos tenemos muchos objetivos por cumplir, algunos tenemos más, otros, pues, tenemos menos, pero lo importante es que se puedan lograr, que podamos alcanzar y ver cumplido esas metas que queremos. Así que estaré respondiendo esas maravillosas 2 preguntas que nos hace la comunidad.

Hello everyone, I hope you have had a spectacular day, again pleased to share with you in this contest # 63 of the Ladies of Hive community, definitely we all have many goals to achieve, some have more, others, well, we have less, but the important thing is that they can be achieved, that we can reach and see those goals we want fulfilled. So I will be answering those wonderful 2 questions that the community asks us.

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1 ¿Cuáles son sus objetivos que desea alcanzar en 2022?/ What are your goals you wish to achieve in 2022?

Existen muchos objetivos que muchas veces como personas queremos alcanzar, pero no todos tenemos la dicha de poder lograrlo, algunos nos damos por vencidos, otros muchas veces no pueden porque lamentablemente ya no están en este mundo, pero soy de las personas que piensan que si nos proponemos algo, podemos alcanzarlo, con paciencia, amor, perseverancia, constancia, en fin.

  • Mi primer objetivo que deseo alcanzar para este año 2022, es poder acompañar a mi hijo menor para todos sus juegos de fútbol, es algo que yo, como madre disfruto mucho, y sé que a él también le gustaría verme apoyándolo, en ocasiones anteriores no podía acompañarlo por factor tiempo, ya que trabajo y pues no me daba tiempo de ir a verlo, pero para este año me propuse acompañarlo mas a menudo.

  • Como segundo objetivo me he propuesto visitar más a menudo a mi mamá, ya que la visito muy poco por el mismo motivo que mencioné anteriormente, trabajo, para mí es una gran satisfacción tenerla con vida, y gracias le doy a Dios por ella, todo es cuestión de organizarse y sacarle el mejor provecho posible, mientras tengamos a nuestros seres queridos con vida debemos disfrutarlos al máximo porque cuando ya no estén nos harán mucha falta.

There are many goals that many times as people want to achieve, but not all of us have the joy of being able to achieve it, some of us give up, others often can not because unfortunately they are no longer in this world, but I am one of those people who think that if we propose something, we can achieve it, with patience, love, perseverance, perseverance, perseverance, in short.

  • My first goal that I want to achieve for this year 2022, is to accompany my youngest son to all his soccer games, it is something that I, as a mother enjoy very much, and I know that he would also like to see me supporting him, on previous occasions I could not accompany him because of time factor, since I work and I did not have time to go to see him, but for this year I decided to accompany him more often.
  • As a second objective I have proposed to visit my mom more often, since I visit her very little for the same reason I mentioned before, work, for me it is a great satisfaction to have her alive, and I thank God for her, everything is a matter of organizing and making the best of it, while we have our loved ones alive we should enjoy them to the fullest because when they are no longer there they will be much needed.


2 ¿Cambiarías 10 años de vida por riqueza y fama?/ Would you trade 10 years of life for wealth and fame?

  • Por supuesto que no, jamás y nunca, la felicidad, el amor, es algo que no se compra con dinero, la riqueza y la fama no nos dan felicidad al contrario trae egoísmo, envidia, intriga, separación entre familia, la fama y la riqueza es algo que en algunas oportunidades transforma a las personas, se vuelven altivas, arrogantes, entre otras cosas, mientras mi familia y yo estemos con vida y salud, creo que eso me hace ser la persona más rica del mundo, y eso es algo que no cambiaría por nada del mundo, no tenemos fama ni tampoco riqueza material, pero somos felices como vivimos y eso es algo que disfruto mucho, y que para mí es lo más caro que puede tener una persona.
  • Of course not, never and never, happiness, love, is something that is not bought with money, wealth and fame do not give us happiness on the contrary brings selfishness, envy, intrigue, separation between family, fame and wealth is something that sometimes transforms people, they become haughty, arrogant, among other things, As long as my family and I are alive and healthy, I think that makes me the richest person in the world, and that is something I would not change for anything in the world, we do not have fame or material wealth, but we are happy as we live and that is something I enjoy very much, and that for me is the most expensive thing a person can have.




Diez años de mi vida al lado de mi familia, no los cambiaría por nada, nuestra vida no es perfecta, tenemos nuestro altos y bajos, nos hemos comido las verdes y también las maduras, pero realmente con todo lo que hemos pasado hemos sido felices, los tiempos cambian y algunas veces las personas también, pero siempre digo que cada día que pasa debemos ser mejores personas y valorar a los que están a nuestro alrededor, los tiempos felices y los no tan felices, es algo que yo, no cambiaría por riqueza ni mucho menos por fama.

Ten years of my life next to my family, I would not change them for anything, our life is not perfect, we have our ups and downs, we have eaten the green and also the ripe, but really with everything we have gone through we have been happy, times change and sometimes people change too, but I always say that every day that passes we must be better people and value those around us, happy times and not so happy, is something that I, I would not change for wealth much less for fame.

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Todas las fotos son de mi autoría.

All photos are my own

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Gracias por Visitar mi Blog.png

So far my participation in this great contest, I want to invite my friend @naireth83 to participate.

Hasta aquí mi participación en este gran concurso, quiero invitar a participar a mi amiga @naireth83.


Time is something that seems elusive and hard to grasp. I have similar time problems, but not with my kids as they are grown and not with my mom as she is not of this world any longer. Nonetheless, I still struggle with time!

I am sure that you will find the time that you need; it goes by so quickly and oftentimes we are left standing trying to figure out why it got away from us. Your family is obviously very important to you, so I know you will achieve your goals.

As for trading the 10 years of your life-I agree 100% with you! Family does indeed make us rich and your desire to not trade that is perfect! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful 2022!

Thank you for commenting, Merry Christmas to you, God bless you.

May God bless you in the coming New Year!💜🤗

I can understand not wanting to trade your life.
Thanks for sharing.
Good luck with the contest.Great goals and all are achievable, @yannet80.

Puedo entender que no quieras cambiar tu vida.
Gracias por compartir.
Buena suerte con el concurso.Grandes metas y todas son alcanzables, @yannet80.

Muchas gracias.

Life is ups and downs
Being grateful for the ups and managing the downs is the best way forward indeed :D

All the best with you goals in 2022 - here's to you spending quality time with your son and mother

Thank you for your comment, for taking the time to read, greetings

You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time.

Thank you very much

You're a great mother. I'm sure your son must be ecstatic to have your support and companionship while he pursues his passion ❤️

...happiness, love, is something that is not bought with money, wealth and fame do not give us happiness

Great point and I love it.

Thanks for the entry, much appreciate it. I hope that the New year brings you and your family peace and prosperity. 😘

Hi, thanks to you for commenting.