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RE: Sometimes in the wind of change, we find our true direction.

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Hahaha. It'll happen. You'll end up in a conversation with someone where the discussion will ultimately include a Great Idea:

You: Hey, wouldn't it be neat if insert Great Idea here
Someone: OMG! Yes! That Great Idea is better than sliced cheese and bread! I'd be all into that! But who will do it?
You: hmmm
Everyone: all eyes on you
You: . o O ( Victor is such a fuck - he told me this would happen )

I'll bet a nickle it happens.
I'll bet a dime you curse at me in my absence!


WAAHAHAHAHA!!!! and I bet... you are likely right - on both counts! ;)

I think he's right, Jaynie.

All that Zen stuff is well and good, and I highly encourage it as balance is the key to sanity, but never forget who and what you are ... you are a lioness. It's what some people hate about you, but most others love.

Incidentally, I've been reading through the comment threads on this post and the ones that follow ... you had an extraordinary impact on a LOT of people. That's rare.
