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RE: She’s a Strong Independent Woman, She Can Take It

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

I've always been a strong advocate of raising better men, more so than teaching girls to be "strong and independent". It's at par with having men get reversible vasectomies than forcing women to be extra extra careful in their sex life plus being subject to the dangers of abortion. Let's have under population and then grow from there, it's easier to control, than overpopulation and suffering children and mothers/fathers littered all over the place. We can't begin to kill people now can we? Just to reduce the population. Anyway, sorry I'm going on and on, but this is a very nice piece. Loved the part where you said women can be strong and independent, many are really, but they shouldn't have to be.

Oh and I hate it when this quote excuses men of so many wrongs, it goes "boys will be boys"! Pff. Can girls be girls?


I certainly agree. It took a lot in me to stand up for my friend. I just don't want her to feel the shame that comes afterwards being touched.

Absolutely sis. Kudos!