Where I Belong - My Passionate Life #90

Its so quiet, waves of silence wash over me, as I finally let go. As I sink into the comfort of my own being. Here is where I get to be, just be. Time stands still, as I soak up it's many pleasures.

Then in the distance, a gentle murmur begins, it's in no hurry to reach me. And I am happy to bask in the silence some more. But when the time comes, I welcome it. This murmur, that is now so clearly a beat.

My eyes closed, I feel the rhythm build up and it is, as if I am greeted by an old friend. This feels like home, This, is where I belong. I breathe deep and open myself up to receive.

The hollowness of all that went before me, has now finally left. I stand complete. Ready, for this next beautiful dance that awaits me. I surrender.

I am ready to explore all movements, to melt into the sounds and find my flow. Every inch of my body partaking in this art of self expression. I feel each beat, it's knitted into my DNA.

Then I no longer have control, I just let go. I meet the music in the middle and we both melt into each other. My mind switched off, it all just flows from here.

I feel myself beam from the inside out, this is where I belong, in the music. Lost in the music, the music lost in me! A beautiful union.

There are many things, that I am passionate about. Where to even start.

With life itself?

I could easily write about so many different things, nature, animals, natural medicine, mushrooms, freedom. Ah it's too much. I guess, I am just a passionate person. Life to me, should be honoured and celebrated. The best way we can do this, it to honour ourselves first.

One of the ways in which I do that, is dance.

When I am dancing, I am totally free. It wakes up every part of my body and wow, does it make me happy. I dance with a big smile on my face. This, is my meditation, my celebration.

The start of this post, is my very best attempt, at trying to explain what it feels like to me, when I dance. But even that, doesn't capture it all. It not possible, you just have to feel it.

To let go and just feel the music and let it guide you, until you are in complete flow. If there is one thing I have learnt in life, it is the importance of letting go. Because then, we can really live.

This is my response, to the latest Ladies Of Hive Community Contest...........

Tell us about your passions, such as painting, dancing, drawing, knitting, taking pictures, etc. The sky is the limit — anything that makes you happy is a passion!


Wow, really passionate woman!

It is your choice of music for me...

The chills it awakens in my bones is too different yet too familiar every time... Thank you for helping heal me Mama 🌼

Thank you my friend xxxxx

Really LOVING your first image, Aishlinn, and your melding of media, just as you meld and are shaped between the music and the dance. A delightful Zen vibe in your writing.... x

Hey, it's been a while, I hope you are well. Thank you for your lovely feedback xxxxx

I'm ok - you can see what I've been up to in my "crypto-winter" post. It's been tough but I'm coming out the other end and preparing for travel. Sorry to hear you are minus a camera right now - that seriously sucks.

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Thanks for the tokens xxxx

Oh I so totally agree with you. Body movement is one of the best ways to reconnect with yourself and find a place where you can feel. Music and dancing speak to our souls.

I like the way you write, it's lovely

Thank you @janiqua-d and I look forward to your content xxxx

I really adored how you used several types of media in your images. In the same way that you become moulded by both the music and the dance as you do them.

Thanks, images for me are just as important as what I write xxxx

Thanks for the support xxxx