Life And Death

A good friend of mine Colette, passed away 5 years ago today. She was in Turkey, where she had been under going treatment for her cancer. She was returning home to Ireland, so that she could be in her homeland. But she passed away, in the airport.

She was far too young to die, her son had not yet turned 2 years of age. She was so full of life and she still, had so much to give.


Today on her anniversary, I watched a documentary called "The Sailor", another good friend of mine, V (who was the midwife for C, whilst I was her Doula), send me the link for it a few days back.
V left Spain at the beginning of the month to sail to Morocco with her partner, as she has a few births to attend to there.

Today she helped a warrior woman, birth her daughter, almost at the same time, as our friend passed away 5 years ago. V was with C when she passed away and today she was there to witness the birth of a beautiful little girl.

The world really does work in such beautifully mysterious ways and I can only imagine, how emotional it has been for my friend.

You never get past the feeling of how very unfair it is, when you lose someone, way too soon. She was just entering motherhood. Such an important Rite of Passage.

I've been thinking a lot about mortality today. The documentary I watched. Which I really enjoyed, is about an 80 year old man from South Africa, who spend most of his life living on the water. He has certainly had a very full life, having sailed the world most of his life. But now, as he nears the end of his life, he is alone on his boat.

He has had partners, was married even, but they all wanted to move back onto the land. So eventually everyone left him. On the one hand, it is sad that he is alone.

But on the other hand, it is also beautiful because, he stayed true to who he is. He just doesn't want to live on the land, even now. At one point, he tells us that he never expected to live this long. That he is also quite ready to go.

And yet, he is still going.

Freedom, is what is most important to him, but at what cost? That he will end his days alone? It certainly, looked that way in the documentary.

I think of my friend, who was taken too soon, way too soon and this Man who has lived a very full life and is ready to move on from this world. Both of them, very passionate about life, about the way in which they have lived their lives.

You have to be a warrior to be the first person to sail across the Atlantic in a small boat, which the sailor Paul Johnson did. My friend C was also a warrior, from the impact she had in the lives of others, to the way she dealt with her journey with Cancer and her passing.

I felt in a way, like I was honouring her, by watching this documentary, I know that she would have enjoyed it too.

Living life to the fullest, that is what is important. Appreciating everything and everyone in your life. We have no idea how long our time here will be, but we must remember to keep living, truly living, because just existing, is not enough.

We must remember, that Life is a Gift


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Living life to the fullest, that is what is important.

That's just about it, there so many options and things to pursue that you just can't say there's one way to go about live. Just gotta believe in what you're doing and go for it till the last breath

I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks @fenngen xxxx

I start to think how grateful the life we lived now and it is important to appreciate that, no matter what other have, I think it is not that necessary to complain, but to have a desire and to achieve your goals, it is a must.

Life is really unpredictable, like many people said, so enjoy today!

yes, thank you @ahleap xxx

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Life may not be fair to others but that's how it is. I feel so blessed to read this blog and be reminded to enjoy the life given to me. I'm sorry for your loss. There's always a reason why people were taken away from us too soon.

Thank you @dennnmarc, yes trying to understand life, is not so easy at times xxxx

One of my greatest fear is being left alone. I hate when someone leaves. 😭😭😭

That is a tough one @christianyocte, I do believe sometimes we need to be by ourselves xxx

I am sorry for your loss. As time goes by, it seems the pain of loss can lessen, but then there are days that it seems just as sharp as when it happened.

Life is indeed a gift that no one should ever take for granted! Thank you for sharing and have a lovely rest of the day.

Thank you @elizabethbit for your words xxxx

You are very welcome, my friend!🤗💜

Life is really strange and is moved by mechanisms that man cannot understand; sometimes things seem unfair and life seems cruel, that's probably how it is and that's probably how it should be, only we, at least I still can't fully understand it.

I will definitely watch the documentary, thanks for sharing🤗
A strong hug!🤗

Thank you @p1k4ppa10.
Yes there is much I do not understand, so much that seems unfair.
I hope you enjoy the documentary xxxx

It is always sad to lose a loved one too early. Indeed you honored her by watching that documentary - both being passionate about life and living it their way. Life is indeed unpredictable. Being grateful for each day and enjoying each day is so essential.

Thank you @momogrow for your lovely words. I hope you are well xxxx

Thank you for this film recommendation. My best friend passed away due to COVID - I always write about him because I still couldn't accept it. I didn't realize what I had until I lost him...Anyway my friend and I were always true to ourselves - living on our own terms even to the point of just us in this world, not conforming.

I will try to watch the film and prepare myself for it... I always think I will also end up like the sailor. Living free but alone in the end.... :(

I am so sorry for your loss @diabolika, I send you a warm hug xxxx

I just found this and am glad that I did. When my grandmother passed, I was surprised that I didn't feel sad. She was a fearless woman but both loved and feared God as the good book says decent people should. She absolutely believed in an afterlife and I just knew she'd found it, because I feel the same.

I'll check that documentary out, thanks for sharing it. If you read the book Life after Life by Dr. Raymond Moody, it may provide some insight that this existence isn't all that there is, he has a website as well.

It makes no sense and isn't logical that we're born, then die, and that's it. This Universe is too big for that and was created to be explored and lived in. You did well to honor your friend. :)

This is really special. I'm sorry for your friend's loss and the message of the piece is inspiring.