Introduce from luxembourg: "Moien - Hello"

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)


Hi, I’m so glad to be here with you in Hive’s communities.
I start by introducing myself: I was born in Luxembourg (Dudelange) and my name is Sylvie, i will use the moniker of thinkermind (my hive account pseudo).

Why I'm Here


On the one and

Before my focus on decentrilised systems and blockchains, I have been active among ecology communities.

  • In 2007, I graduated from engineering school ENITIAA (National School of Engineering Technology for the Agricultural and Food Industries) (currently Oniris) in Nantes.

  • Ecologist by training, environmentalist by passion, I has worked in environmental awareness since 2010 (environment-promoting). I actively works in collaboration with research fields like agricultural engineering, food chain management,...

On an other side : Decentralized systems


  • The emergence of the world of blockchains was one of my hobbies while studying. Gradually, I fundamentally believed in the power of decentralized systems. Since then, I got actively involved in crypto trading and in related startups.

And now : With Hive

Now, as there is a growing interest in decentrilised systems I am going to collect and share news day by day of hive community member's , as well as of other systems I have been involved in.

With hive, I hope to found more and more opportunities to help, involve and connect people to the sphere of decentrilised systems

My passions

  • I'am a travel-addict, and I like to share my joys and my memories. I do not prefer one country or another but for health problems I live most often in hot countries.
  • I'am a Meme lover

More about me

For more information (for the parts where details are missing) and following the advice of @proteancreator from @ocd, here is a small update.

  • When and where did I first hear about cryptocurrency?
    I started using crypto for a very long time but it was in 2012 when I really started with Ripple (XRP) because in my opinion this system is very connected to real life (via forex).

  • What I like in real life?
    I am an environmentalist, I love beauty of nature (all life forms (sea, mountains, animals, plants, flowers)) and the art of quality living (and everything connected with)

I love cooking, guest entertaining, friends meeting

I am very excited as it looks like I found an opportunity with hive to share my passion and to learn more about decentralized systems by using Hive

  • Images source: 1 / 2 / 3

Hello, Sylvie! Welcome to Hive!

Happy to meet you, and thanks for the welcome

Hello @thinkermind! This is @proteancreator from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team, and I just want to say welcome to Hive and congratulations on your introduction post! You seem like a very interesting person ❤️

It would be nice to mention other details like:

  • When and where did you first hear about cryptocurrency?
  • Who first introduced you to this blockchain? Did someone assist you this first time around? You can mention the usernames if you want.
  • What are you like in real life? (You don't have to disclose your identity but of course, we want to know more about you ❤️)
  • What are your expectations in Hive?
  • What do you want this platform to expect from your content? 😊

You may tag me the @proteancreator or @ocd after you make some changes.

Make sure to subscribe to other Communities you like, so you could share your blogs there to have a wider range of audience 😄. Check out the Communities Incubation Program for more info.

If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: Newbie guide. If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions ✨.

Also, letting you know, since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.

Hi @proteancreator from @ocd : Thank you for your advices, I have updated some changes and clarifications

Welcome to ecency and Hive! Did you know that there are many different websites powered by Hive? If you enjoy travel blogging check out :) See you around @thinkermind!

  • Thanks for the information, just i would like to know if i have to use my hive account to register?
  • This interface seems very motivating, I will read the instructions to understand it better.

Welcome to the community! 🎈🍀

Welcome to Hive @thinkermind.

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