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RE: Sometimes in the wind of change, we find our true direction.

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Your new place looks fabulous and with plenty of room for a garden. There's nothing more peaceful than spending hours in a garden. Plants express themselves in the way they grow and without words which are often spoken without any concern for the ears they are falling on.

I love your attitude, "I sit in a position where I can embrace a daily life which brings me contentment" Getting to this point in life may take some time, but once you've gotten there the remainder of one's being will be a peaceful journey.

My wife just made a new batch of basil pesto, of course with pine nuts included.
If you weren't on the other side of the globe I'd gladly send you some.

We love gardening and grow and put away enough veggies to last us until the next growing season.
One thing that I learned about growing basil is that it loves a lower pH. A pH between 5.5 and 6.0 will make all of the difference.

Drama shortens life and poisons the soul, but the best thing about this theatre is that it is totally avoidable.

Peace be with you girl!


Your new place looks fabulous and with plenty of room for a garden. There's > nothing more peaceful than spending hours in a garden. Plants express themselves in the way they grow and without words which are often spoken without any concern for the ears they are falling on.

My mom always used the expression "All my hurts, my garden spade can heal". That resonates with me now, more than ever!!!

I love your attitude, "I sit in a position where I can embrace a daily life which brings me contentment" Getting to this point in life may take some time, but once you've gotten there the remainder of one's being will be a peaceful journey.

Well that is certainly the intention! It only took 43 years to get here, lol - but hey - better late than never, right?!

My wife just made a new batch of basil pesto, of course with pine nuts included. If you weren't on the other side of the globe I'd gladly send you some.

aaaaah!!! You lucky sod! I know pine nuts are like the magic ingredient - and so damn expensive here too! Although, I will say... we had dinner at a restaurant about a month ago and I ordered a fresh basil pesto pasta which the chef had made a pesto for - I chatted to him about it because it was THAT GOOD and one of the first things he gloated about was that it had no pine nuts - or any nuts in it actually... he told me the recipe, but needless to say... two glasses of wine in, I don't recall it now, haha! I will have to go back!

We love gardening and grow and put away enough veggies to last us until the next growing season. One thing that I learned about growing basil is that it loves a lower pH. A pH between 5.5 and 6.0 will make all of the difference.

That is SO awesome!!! I love the idea of living off the earth. Nothing is more rewarding than growing your own food. One of the other things I want to get into is heirloom seeds!

Thank you for advice regarding the soil. I anticipated that it was going to be a little challenging out here because MANY things struggle in this specific region, because of the valley, the mountain, the coast and just the general make-up of the soil... so its going to be a journey for sure!

Drama shortens life and poisons the soul, but the best thing about this theatre is that it is totally avoidable.

ABSOLUTELY and WELL SAID! And thank you for that! 🤗