Cloning Orchids: An Update

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)

Three months ago I cloned two of my orchids using Keike paste. You can see it HERE.

A keiki is the product of asexual propagation by a mature plant resulting in an exact clone of its parent. Keikis first look like miniature leaves that slowly grow into a miniature plant. Growth of Orchid Flower Stem- University of Florida
Keiki in Hawaiian means "baby" or "child". It means a "the little one".

After more than 80 days, let us look at the progress!


These are the photos of the orchids today.


Do you see it? It's a Keike!

And look at the other one!


I'm really excited! I just hope those Keike's aren't spikes! We'll check it back in another month or so.


And do you recall this orchid about 8 months ago. Beautiful flowers that was good for two months more.

Five months later, new spikes developed.

Well, here it is!

Until the next update!

All photos, gif, and video were taken by me with my iPhone6, unless specified.

Thank you for stopping by to view this article.

I post an article daily, and I hope to see you again soon!

Hugs and Kisses 🥰🌺🤙!!!!



Ms. Saver

Thanks for being first @stokjockey.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 87 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Phenomenal job with propagation.

I actually have people say that certain plants are over their capability of being able to propagate.

However you definitely don't have a problem.

It is definitely an amazing ability and for some reason plants really love being able to have company.

I kind of miss having plants. I take that back I actually really miss having a garden.

Although having a cannabis garden and having a German Shepherd are kind of at odds...

Yep I just barely gotten Zeus during my last grow and that was pretty crazy.

Just lucky, I guess!
How's your dog, @ganjafarmer?

He is being super needy like usual. He got to a bunch of trouble last night because I need to work on his nails.

So he threw a big huge fit and he got in trouble and he realizes it today and has been slinking around.

Super overly dramatic I mean you got into trouble last night you don't have to pretend to that tonight you're in trouble... However he knows how badly he got into trouble so he has been making a big point of listening and being very flat.

Like I always say I love him most times.


You have such luck with orchids! Me, not so much except for the one at work. I look forward to your update!🤗😘❣️🌸

Just water them and fertilize every once a month. That's all I do, sis.
Hung and kisses 🤗😘🌸

🤗😘🌸💕 progress @silversaver888, these Keike's look very promising!! You must have patience...very beautiful Orchids my friend!!🤗

I was ignoring them for a while until I noticed that Keiki was being formed!
Since then I've been checking on them ever so often, It's going to be a long wait, @silvertop, hehehe!

I'm sure they are on your own timetable @silversaver888, keep us informed of their progress my friend! 😀

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I never had orchids because I always read and heard they were temperamental. Spring of 2019 I bought one and the bloom lasted and lasted and the green stayed green very nicely.

Spring 2020, I saw a new leaf coming out of the center and was just sure a new bloom was on the way, I mean, if it is happy enough to produce a new leaf, doesn't that mean it is happy enough to have a bloom too?? But no.... no bloom. I was a bit miffed. I waffled about keeping it or giving it the boot, but, I let it stay.

Last fall I moved it to a window beside where I work during the day that gets heavy sun in the afternoons. At some point since then another new leave sprouted up and now, Two new root thingys have sprung out. I admit I have no idea what I am doing or what it needs or anything. It came with a little cup that shows how much (little) water to give it and how often and I was diligent to do as it should. I hope the new roots mean there will be a bloom this coming spring.

orchid roots.jpg

Awww... it likes the temperature where is currently at!
You should keep it there.
Just water it the way you always do.
If you have fertilizer, give it some once a month!
Look at it! It's roots are healthy!!!
Healthy roots, healthy plant!

Are they ever supposed to be repotted?... or do you just let the roots stick out everywhere? I don't have fertilizer, but I can look into getting some.

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I think these Orchids look best placed next to your Mother's painting.

Always, with love 🤗🌺❤️

I think so too!!!!
Once in a while I switch them around.
Hugs and kisses, sis 🤗🌺❤️

You surely must have green fingers :D

Много интересно браво ! :)

Great work, I haven't done any cloning of my orchid, kinda afraid of doing that. But I have a question for you, your orchids give so many flowers where my orchids don't give as much as flowers like yours? Do you use any kind of fertilizers? What is the secret dear?

Have a great day...

I use these once a month.

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