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RE: [ESP|ENG] The balance between giving to others and putting yourself as a priority, and travel.💕 Ladies of Hive Community Contest #206

in Ladies of Hive5 months ago

Sin duda alguna nuestro país tiene lugares hermosos para disfrutar, que bueno que tienes ese bonito recuerdo del paseo familiar. A veces nos cuenta decir que no, las personas nos presionan y complican la vida, que bueno que aprendiste, primero tú, hay que cuidarse. Un abrazo.

Without a doubt, our country has beautiful places to enjoy, it's good that you have that beautiful memory of the family outing. Sometimes it tells us to say no, people pressure us and complicate life, it's good that you learned, first you, you have to take care of yourself. A hug. @mariamglow


Tienes razón, tantos lindos lugares que tenemos y que nos faltan visitar.
Muchaaas gracias por leer mi post, amiga. Te mando un abrazo.💗