Da li je dobro imati intimne odnose u toku bolnih menstruacija, i kako ih mi žene doživljavamo.🩸~Is it good to have intimate relations during painful periods, and how we women experience them.🩸

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

This is a cross post of @rebekica/da-li-je-dobro-imati-intimne-odnose-u-toku-bolnih-menstruacija-i-kako-ih-mi-zene-dozivljavamois-it-good-to-have-intimate-relat

Menstruation and menstrual pains are one of the bad periods that we women have, of course these pains are solved in different ways, and now, is sex good during those periods?🩸 by @rebekica.


I can't give you chocolate but I'm sending you some !LUV
Stay strong