LOH Contest 148 [Eng //Esp] To love and support each other family

in Ladies of Hivelast year
Greetings to my dear ladies, with much affection I am going to leave you my criteria about the topics of our contest this week, which are very interesting, your answers depend on many variables and I am sure that we will all gain in knowledge and experience.

The financial responsibility of the household is an issue that may vary according to circumstances and family decisions, some parents may consider that their children should assume the financial expenses once they graduate and become independent, others may wish to provide continuous support to their adult children, either by personal choice or for cultural or economic reasons, each family has its own dynamics and values.

In particular, I believe that children, once they become independent, should have and assume certain responsibilities at home, as part of their growth as individuals, which does not imply that it is, as payment for what parents do for them, in life nothing we do for others should be done thinking about a future payment, but for personal satisfaction, much less should we think that children should pay for our dedication, Love has no price, children do not ask to come into the world and parents are responsible for providing them with all the physical, psychological, cultural etc. development and prepare them so they can have a good life. And to prepare them so that they can have a prosperous life, to see them achieve their goals and be good people is the greatest reward a parent can have.

Sharing responsibilities according to the possibilities of each family member can promote a healthy and harmonious relationship, based not on payment but on gratitude and unconditional love, which are the pillars on which family relationships are fostered.

In this sense, parents should prepare their children to assume certain responsibilities, they should approach the subject in an open and respectful manner, the financial capacity of their children and also their personal and professional development should be taken into consideration, not to overload them or that their participation will limit them in their goals and purposes, On the contrary, to function as a family implies that they know that if there is a need of one of its members, all the forces must be directed to support them, that is why in general parents, while we demand responsibilities to our children, we support them in all the projects that imply a growth for them.

Regarding the second question I can tell you that I had to take care of my parents, I had support to be able to work and the spiritual accompaniment of many people which helped me a lot, however I don't think I dedicated the time required for my health, which caused me important physical and psychological imbalances.

My first mistake was to think that only I could do things well and that otherwise they would not be with the necessary comfort, personally I am very satisfied to have always been available to them.

From my experience I tell them that it is important to have time and space for you, to do activities that you enjoy and help you relax, for that it is important to organize your time, to take care of work responsibilities or other family responsibilities and to have your time.

Support is always needed when we have many responsibilities, especially if you have to take care of a sick or disabled person, you should seek help from other family members and/or institutions, not only for care but also to help you emotionally and with certain guidelines that contribute to your stability.

My husband always told me that the more balanced and healthy I was, the better it would be for everyone around me, including my parents' care.

I thank God that I had many people around me to talk to, to achieve serenity, I watched some TV programs with my parents, I did some exercises while they slept, I read to them a little bit and in this way I released stress.

But I think it is very important to go to the doctor, enjoy nature or do the activity that you like and relax you, the important thing is to leave everything adjusted in the time you are not going to be, trusting that everything will be fine and that you should be too.

I appreciate your reading and comments. The photos are my property, use the translator DeepL.


Saludos a mis queridas ladies, con mucho cariño les voy a dejar mis criterios acerca de los temas de nuestro contest de esta semana, que son muy interesantes, dependen sus respuestas de muchas variables y estoy segura que todas vamos a ganar en conocimientos y experiencias.

La responsabilidad financiera del hogar es una cuestión que puede variar según las circunstancias y las decisiones familiares, algunos padres pueden considerar que sus hijos deben asumir los gastos económicos una vez que se gradúan e independizan, otros pueden desear brindar apoyo continuo a sus hijos adultos, ya sea por elección personal o por razones culturales o económicas, cada familia tiene sus propias dinámicas y valores.

En lo particular considero que los hijos una vez independizados deben tener y asumir determinadas responsabilidades en el hogar, como parte del crecimiento como individuo, lo cual No implica que sea, como pago de lo que los padres hacen por ellos, en la vida nada de lo que hacemos por otros lo debemos hacerlo pensando en un pago futuro, sino por una satisfacción personal, muchísimo menos debemos pensar en que los hijos deben pagar por nuestra dedicación, el Amor no tiene precio, los hijos no piden venir al mundo y los padres somos los responsables de proporcionarles todo el desarrollo físico, psíquico, cultural etc. y prepararlos para que puedan tener una vida próspera, ver que logren sus metas y sean personas de bien es la mayor recompensa que pueda tener un padre.

Compartir las responsabilidades de acuerdo con las posibilidades de cada miembro de la familia puede promover una relación saludable y armoniosa, basada no en pago sino en agradecimiento y amor incondicional que son los pilares en que se fomentan las relaciones familiares.

En este sentido los padres deben preparar a los hijos para que asuman determinadas responsabilidades, deben abordar el tema de manera abierta , respetuosa , se discute en el seno del hogar se debe tener en consideración la capacidad financiera de los hijos y también su desarrollo personal y profesional , para nada recargarlos o que su participación vaya a limitarlos en sus metas y propósitos , todo lo contrario funcionar como familia implica que sepan que si existe una necesidad de uno de sus miembros todas las fuerzas se deben a encaminar a poyarlo, por eso en lo general los padres a la par que le exigimos responsabilidades a nuestros hijos, lo apoyamos en todos los proyectos que impliquen un crecimiento para ellos.

Respecto a la segunda pregunta les puedo decir que tuve que asumir el cuidado de mis padres, tuve apoyo para poder trabajar y el acompañamiento espiritual de muchas personas lo cual me ayudo bastante, sin embargo no creo dedique el tiempo requerido para mi salud, lo que me provocó desajustes importantes tanto físicos como psíquicos.

Mi primer error fue el de pensar que solo yo podía hacer las cosas bien y que de lo contrario no estarían con el confort necesario, en lo personal me satisface mucho haber estado siempre disponible para ellos.

Desde mi experiencia les digo que es importante tener tiempo y espacio para ti, para hacer actividades que disfrutes y te ayuden a relajarte, para eso es importante organizar el tiempo, para atender las responsabilidades del trabajo u otras responsabilidades familiares y tener tu tiempo.

Siempre se necesita de apoyo, cuando sobre nosotros recae muchas responsabilidades, sobre todo si debes cuidar a un enfermo o a una persona que tenga alguna discapacidad, debes buscar ayuda en otros familiares y/o instituciones, no solo para el cuidado sino también para ayudarte emocionalmente y con determinadas orientaciones que contribuyan a tu estabilidad.

Mi esposo siempre me decía que mientras más equilibrada y sana estuviese yo, sería mejor para todos los que me rodeaban incluyendo el cuidado de mis padres.

Doy gracias a dios por haber tenido cerca muchas personas, para conversar, para lograr tener serenidad, veía algunos programas de televisión con mis padres, hacia algo de ejercicios en lo que dormían, les leía un poquito y así más menos liberaba estrés.

Pero considero, que es muy importante ir al médico, disfrutar de la naturaleza o hacer la actividad que más te guste y te relaje, lo importante es dejar ajustado todo en el tiempo que no vas a estar, confiar en que todo va a estar bien y que tu también lo debes estar.

Agradezco su lectura y comentarios.

Las fotos son de mi propiedad, utilice el traductor DeepL.


Each family has its own dynamics and values. Indeed and love cannot be repayed,no amount of money can repay the sacrifice parents go through, however any sensible child will always contribute to his family even without being told. All in all, parents shouldn't subject any child to financial pressure

`This post has been selected by the Newbies Initiative team and may possibly receive support from the Hive Learners Community. Kindly click on the banner to visit our community and check out our Discord channel here.


@nkemakonam89 Love is not paid, it is unconditional, that is how a family should work and it is always a pleasure and a necessity of the soul to be there for whatever is needed. We should never give anything to anyone expecting a reward, it is done for pleasure because you feel happy to do it, this is one of the things we must teach our children. A big hug and thank you very much for your comment and support.

Yes, responsibility should not be left for the children only but children should contribute as well once they earning, children should not wait till when parent start requesting for financially assistant

@beckla gracias por comentar. Este tema es bien polémico y depende mucho de los valores familiares debemos enseñar los a que sientan amor por su familia y deseos de hacer por su bienestar. Un abrazo fuerte

@beckla thanks for commenting. This topic is very controversial and depends a lot on family values we must teach them to feel love for their family and desire to do for their well-being. A big hug

You are right 100% a big hug to you too

Hello @osismi. from here in Venezuela, I greet you.
I think we should educate our children in part. I agree with you. But if we are educating our children from an early age and by what they are seeing in their environment. They themselves make the decision to do things, to help their parents and even their grandparents and uncle, as in the case of my daughter.
Why? Because that is what she saw from a very young age.
I hope you improve your health

@jaci11Así es amiga, los hijos aprenden mucho más de lo que ven y lo incorporan en sus vidas, lo hacen con gusto y con amor, eso es lo que debemos lograr , hay padres que son abusivos y se sienten con derecho a que los hijos lo asumann todo y dejen sus vidas por las de ellos y eso NO es justo. Gracias por tus buenos deseos, recibe un abrazo bien fuerte desde Cuba.

@jaci11 is a friend like that, children learn much more than they see and incorporate it into their lives, they do it with pleasure and with love, that's what we must achieve, there are parents who are abusive and feel entitled to have children assume everything and leave their lives for theirs and that's NOT fair.Thank you for your good wishes, receive a big hug from Cuba.


Es muy cierto, se debe ejercer equilibrio. Buen post! 👍🏻