Ladies of Hive Community Contest #75

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)


Hola amigos de #hive hoy vengo una vez más hacer mi entrada en ése interesante concurso, con un tema muy interesante y controversial.

Hello #hive friends today I come once again to make my entry in that interesting contest, with a very interesting and controversial topic.

El marido siempre se ha visto como la figura fuerte de la relación y estamos acostumbrados de que sea el hombre que lleve el sustento al hogar, mientras la mujer sea el ama de casa, pero ahora los tiempos han cambiado por lo que ambos deben salir a trabajar para ganarse el pan de cada día.

The husband has always been seen as the strong figure in the relationship and we are used to the man being the breadwinner, while the wife is the homemaker, but now times have changed and both must go out to work to earn their daily bread.

¿Qué opinas de un "marido casero"?
Estarías de acuerdo con una relación en la que se invirtieran los papeles?/What do you think of a "house husband"?
Would you agree with a relationship in which the roles were reversed?

Considero que no hay tareas del hogar para cada género, todos podemos colaborar en casa ya que así estaremos ayudando con nuestra pareja, eso quedó en el pasado que el hombre trabaje y la mujer se quede en la casa como ama de casa.

I believe that there are no household chores for each gender, we can all collaborate at home because that way we will be helping our partner, that was left in the past that the man works and the woman stays at home as a housewife.

Ahora los tiempos cambiaron y ambos tienen que trabajar y tratar de ayudarse en casa, es decir un día puede cocinar la esposa, el marido lava los platos o que un día uno solo haga todo.

Now times have changed and both have to work and try to help each other at home, i.e. one day the wife can cook, the husband washes the dishes or one day only one does everything.

No lo hace menos hombre realizando las labores domésticas ya que estaría contribuyendo con su casa y eso se debe inculcar desde pequeño, las madres deben enseñarle a los hijos a valerse por sí mismos y no depender de una mujer.

It does not make him less of a man doing housework because he would be contributing to his home and that should be instilled from an early age, mothers should teach their children to fend for themselves and not depend on a woman.

La pareja debe ayudarse mutuamente para fortalecer la relación ya que no podemos tener al marido de esclavo ni a la esposa que hago todo, sino ser un equipo y dividirse las tareas.

The couple should help each other to strengthen the relationship because we can not have the husband as a slave or the wife who does everything, but to be a team and divide the tasks.

Así que estaría feliz no de tener a un marido casero, sino que ambos seamos un complemento y podamos ayudarnos mutuamente.

So I would be happy not to have a house husband, but that we are both a complement and can help each other.

No voy a negar que me encantaría llegar todo el tiempo a mi casa y encontrar todo echo, sería un sueño jaja, pero luego me acuerdo que la otra persona también se cansa y necesita ayuda.

I will not deny that I would love to come home all the time and find everything done, it would be a dream haha, but then I remember that the other person also gets tired and needs help.

Bueno me encantó éste concurso deja una bonita reflexión que de vez es cuando no es malo que se inviertan los papeles, al contrario esto hace más amena la convivencia en pareja.invito a participar a @fabianadiaz28.

Well I loved this contest leaves a nice reflection that from time to time it is not bad that the roles are reversed, on the contrary this makes it more enjoyable coexistence as a couple.Invite to participate @fabianadiaz28.


It does not make him less of a man doing housework because he would be contributing to his home and that should be instilled from an early age, mothers should teach their children to fend for themselves and not depend on a woman.
Thanks for sharing, @noriscol
Good luck with the contest!

You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time.

Both genders can almost equally do what the other is doing
And when it is shared without expectations nor taking either party for granted - it works for sure.

Thank you for sharing your thought with us