The path I want to take/ El camino que quiero tomar.

Well, it's not always easy to find inspiration to write on hive, but today I decided to try with a more personal post, also drawing inspiration from the photos I took of the new shoes my mother-in-law gave me, and it's precisely shoes, or rather steps, that I want to talk. Of the steps I would like, of the path I want to take. A metaphorical path, not great climbs and walks in the woods, although I would like to do those too, the walks, because I'm not prepared enough for climbs! This year I want to embark on a journey of renewal, of improving myself, a journey within myself too, facing shadows and fears and without running away.

Also a therapeutic journey, this year has been very hard for me on a mental level and very unfortunate on various fronts, especially that of physical health and work and therefore financial stability. But I have decided that I don't want to be overcome by pain and self-pity. Well I want to find some peace and serenity and to do that I have to start with myself. I want to change my habits and little by little I have already started, habits that have already harmed my health such as smoking and an unhealthy diet, I love cooking but I have often exaggerated with extravagance in cooking and drinking. I want to fight more strenuously against depression and give myself new goals to avoid falling into the abyss. Getting up earlier in the morning, taking care of my home and my appearance regularly, leaving the house more because lately anxiety prevents me from doing many things and I realize that I am isolating myself more and more. I have to try even if I'm terrified of resuming a social life.

I want not to let myself be overcome by anxiety and take many small steps to defeat it, I know that it will not be a simple or easy or always straight path, there will be falls, moments of stopping and rest but I also hope for leaps forward! This is the path I want to take this year. 💕

Bueno, no siempre es fácil encontrar inspiración para escribir en hive, pero hoy decidí intentarlo con un post más personal, inspirándome también en las fotos que tomé de los zapatos nuevos que me regaló mi suegra, y es precisamente zapatos, o más bien pasos, de los que quiero hablar. De los pasos que quisiera, del camino que quiero dar. Un camino metafórico, no grandes subidas y paseos por el bosque, aunque a mí también me gustaría hacer eso, los paseos, ¡porque no estoy lo suficientemente preparado para las escaladas! Este año quiero emprender un viaje de renovación, de superación, un viaje también hacia mi interior, afrontando sombras y miedos y sin huir. También un camino terapéutico, este año ha sido muy duro para mí a nivel mental y muy desafortunado en varios frentes, especialmente en el de la salud física y laboral y por tanto de la estabilidad económica. Pero he decidido que no quiero dejarme vencer por el dolor y la autocompasión.

Bueno, quiero encontrar algo de paz y serenidad y para ello tengo que empezar por mí mismo. Quiero cambiar mis hábitos y poco a poco ya he empezado, hábitos que ya han perjudicado mi salud como fumar y una alimentación poco saludable, me encanta cocinar pero muchas veces he exagerado con extravagancia en la cocina y en la bebida. Quiero luchar más enérgicamente contra la depresión y fijarme nuevas metas para no caer al abismo. Levantarme más temprano, cuidar mi hogar y mi apariencia regularmente, salir más de casa porque últimamente la ansiedad me impide hacer muchas cosas y me doy cuenta de que cada vez me aislo más. Tengo que intentarlo aunque me aterrorice retomar una vida social.

Quiero no dejarme vencer por la ansiedad y dar muchos pequeños pasos para vencerla, sé que no será un camino sencillo ni fácil ni siempre recto, habrá caídas, momentos de parada y descanso pero también espero salta hacia adelante! Este es el camino que quiero tomar este año. 💕

First picture editing by canva, translation with deepl.


Good luck with all of your goals 🍀❤️

Lovin those socks too 😍 !PIMP

You are not alone in dealing with unchecked anxiety, constant worries, and or feelings of helplessness that often lead to depression. I've battled that demon for most of my life, we tend to grasp at things that only give us a temporary relief.
I glad I have my siblings to lean on and some friends here and those off-line I could confide in as well.
I understand that finding true friends we trust takes time and often risks.
I hope you can overcome some of those barriers that keep you from a fuller life @noemilunastorta and bloom as the person you are meant to be.❤️🙏

I hope too to overcome this barriers, anxiety and depression are really a big monster but I'm gonna change my therapy soon with a new antidepressants I hope it will help ❤️


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I love this analogy with how you want to live your life @noemilunastorta, just never forget to tread lightly and be kind to yourself <3

❤️❤️ sometimes I'm my worst enemy.

discipline, perseverance, diligence and positive mind all are so crucial for success in life