Ladies of Hive Community Contest #216[Eng/Esp]

in Ladies of Hive3 months ago


always wishing the best for everyone.Greetings #ladiesofhive Community,

Everyone has a hobby or passion for something and this is part of their personality, even if some of us have common tastes, what is the topic that you could spend hours talking about if you had the chance?

For me the theme of passion for something can change over the years, as we grow older and mature in age can change a little that perhaps in other times or ages we did not care about the time devoted to it.

I remember when I was a teenager it was volleyball, at home we would set up a court in the backyard or in the street and there we would spend the day with a ball in our hands. The important thing was to have the volleyball in our hands.

Then came the reading, many subjects, until the personal growth literature as it is called, that everyone does not like this kind of reading, imagine 30 years ago.

The inner discovery, authors that are no longer remembered in these times that offered their experiences as Leo Buscaglia, Og Mandino and others. And to think that these authors with their books you could understand these themes that we now call spirituality.

They had such a beautiful writing towards the human being, what we had to take into account to be happy and to realize that the Creator or God or whatever you call him what he wants is that we are happy.

Now so many years after those readings, if I can consider it my passion, I started with the part of thoughts, emotions and feelings it is the connection of all this with our inner world and how we find that Power that is in ourselves.
All this leads us to practice certain techniques that may not be scientifically proven but it leads us to personal growth and self-esteem, self-knowledge..

Based on this is what I really like and I have traveled a path that I really can not deny and if I can spend hours talking about this, the detail is that we live in a world so convulsed and so many beliefs that finding people on this path has cost me a lot ... not everyone likes this kind of topics.


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siempre deseando lo mejor para cada una.Saludos Comunidad #ladiesofhive,

Todo el mundo tiene una afición o pasión por algo y esto forma parte de su personalidad, aunque algunos tengamos gustos comunes. ¿Cuál es el tema del que podrías pasarte horas hablando si tuvieras la oportunidad?

Para mi el tema de la pasiòn hacia algo puede variar con el paso de los años, a medida que vamos creciendo y madurando en edad puede cambiar un poco eso que quizàs en otros tiempos o edades no nos importaba el tiempo que se le dedicara a ello.

Recuerdo que en la època de la adolescencia fue el deporte, el voleibol, en casa armabamos una cancha en el patio o en la calle y allì nos dedicabamos a pasar el dìa con un balòn en la mano. Lo importante era tener el balòn de voleibol en las manos.

Luego, fue la lectura, muchos temas, hasta que llegò la literatura de crecimiento personal como se le llama, que a todos no les agrada este tipo de lectura, imagìnense 30 años atràs.

El descubrimiento interno, autores que ya no se recuerdan en estos tiempos que brindaban sus experiencias como Leo Buscaglia, Og Mandino entre otros. Y pensar que estos autores con sus libros se podìa entender estos temas que ahora los llamamos espiritualidad.

Ellos tenìan una escritura tan bonita hacia el Ser humano, lo que tenìamos que tomar en cuenta para ser felices y darnos cuenta que el Creador o Dios o como cada quien le llame lo que quiere es que seamos felices.

Ahora tantos años de aquellas lecturas, si puedo considerarla mi pasiòn, comencè con la parte de pensamientos , emociones y sentimientos ...ahora es la conexiòn de todo esto con nuestro mundo interno y como encontramos ese Poder que està en nosotros mismos.

Todo esto nos lleva a practicar ciertas tènicas que quizàs no son comprobadas cientìficamente pero nos lleva a crecer personalmente y a autovalorarnos, ademàs el autoconocimiento.

En base a esto si es lo que de verdad me agrada y he recorrido un camino que de verdad no lo puedo negar y si puedo pasar horas hablando sobre esto, el detalle es que vivimos en un mundo tan convulsionado y de tantas creencias que encontrar personas en este camino me ha costado todos les agrada este tipo de temas.


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Me encanta la lectura y recién este año empece a consumir más libros de crecimiento personal. Son muy interesante y te pueden ayudar a obtener herramientas para conocerte y al mundo que te rodeo. Doy fe de ello 😊

Asì es, estos libros tienen su razòn de existir.


I love how your talk about your passion this is so beautiful.

Thank you very much

Es cierto que uno va dejando un poco de lado algunas pasiones conforme pasan los años, pero otras permanecen, creo que lo aprendido nunca se olvida, cuando se ama la lectura pasa eso. Un abrazo

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Asì es, un autor te lleva a otro y van de la manos con el objetivo final.


It is very moving to reach that connection, that power that is in ourselves, as you rightly say with our inner world and yes, maturity shows us how passion can change or develop our talents, thanks for sharing,

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Greetings , thank you very much

You're welcome, have a nice evening


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(2/5) @cautiva-30 tipped @mercmarg

All this leads us to practice certain techniques that may not be scientifically proven but it leads us to personal growth and self-esteem, self-knowledge..

There's something truly powerful about engaging in activities that promote personal growth and self-discovery. Even if the techniques aren't always backed by science, they can still have a profound impact on our self-esteem and self-knowledge, @mercmarg


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@silversaver888, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @mercmarg and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (13/50 calls)

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Even if they are not scientifically endorsed, there are always those who are dedicated to this and share their benefits, which really leave good fruits when it comes to self-knowledge, as is the case of Family Constellations.


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@mercmarg, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.


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@ladiesofhive, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @mercmarg and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (3/25 calls)

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Has sido votado por @entropia

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