Appreciating nature for this week's LOH contest.

I am hosting THE 28th EDITION of the

LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST this week and the first of the two topics that the contest gives you a choice to blog about is:

1️⃣ In these times of restricted movement for so many people, how are you ensuring you get out and appreciate nature?

The contest is open to everyone, not just ladies.
You can see the rules HERE

The 2nd question this week is

2️⃣ What are your favorite ways to be creative?

Because it is Springtime here, I am definitely getting out and appreciating nature! All the shades of green are a feast for the eyes after the black and white and brown months of winter. Because all the neighbors are a distance away and my back deck and yard are quite private, I can enjoy the seclusion that being out in nature just outside my door gives me.

The Mayapples that are all along edges of my yard are a springtime favorite and each year when they come up I am reminded of how much they look like umbrellas that are meant to shelter the fairies of the woods.




Another thing that I love about warmer weather is being able to sleep with the windows cracked open enough to hear the water bubbling along in the creek that flows along just under my bedroom window.

The creek is filled with watercress that would make a delicious salad if I could ever figure out how to remove all the crunchy little snails that have adhered themselves to the leaves and stems.



Skunk cabbage is one of the first plants to emerge in the spring, often while the ground is covered with snow. Skunk cabbage gets its name from the fact that, when the leaves are crushed it gives off a smell of skunk. The smell is repulsive to humans, but pollinators seem to really love it.


And in between all the green there are lovely bursts of color.

Red Bud

Virginia bluebell

white Trout lily


Do join in and tell us how you are able to enjoy your own bit of nature! I will be looking forward to reading your post.



Partnered with ARCHON

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Es un privilegio vivir en un lugar así, te felicito y espero sigan conectada a tan maravilloso espectáculo natural.

I am truly blessed to live where I do. It has been a happy place for me to be isolated this past year.

Realmente tengo la bendición de vivir donde vivo. Ha sido un lugar feliz para mí estar aislado el año pasado.

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

You live in a beautiful spot to enjoy nature to the full, a bubbling brook going past making a gurgling sound enough to lol one into sleep.

Watercress fresh you should be able to pluck it and place it into raw salt with water for half an hour to remove whatever creepy crawlies are on board Melinda.

Lovely photography on nature around the home.




@melinda010100! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @joanstewart.

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Thanks, Joan! I have tried salt water, but even after a good long soak there were too many unappetizing crunchy bits among the leaves. Maybe I should try leaving it in salt water overnight and then doing a triple rinse the next day!

Condis crystals my Gran used, I wouldn't suggest though, rough salt over night may do.

Not sure about snails in your region, if in doubt wash thoroughly with salt and cook in butter, perhaps not the fresh you looking for but most definitely safe.

I've never had it cooked! I would like to try that.

Found some tips for you to try from a local forager watercress have fun with your fresh supply.

Great watercress tips! There is much there that I didn't know. Thanks for thinking of me.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 54 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thanks, Pix! ❤️❤️❤️

Hello dear friend @ melinda010100 good night
I can not believe that you have a stream flowing in your window, you live in paradise dear friend. Watercress is a very expensive vegetable around here, you are blessed by nature, I admire the place where you live, that was always my dream, to live in such a place.
Thank you very much for showing us these beautiful photographs
I wish you happy dreams and a happy rest

I appreciate the paradise that I live in very much! I couldn't believe my good fortune when I went house hunting for a place to buy that was all on one level and was handicap accessible and found this house.. It could not be more perfect for me. My dream home!
I'm off to bed soon and tonight will be one of the first warm nights that we have had that I will be able to sleep with the windows open all night long.

Early spring's a beautiful time of the year. Not too cold, not too hot. Starting to rain more so nice gloomy skies too :)

Love the photos of the Mayapples... they look a little like Papaya leaves.

Posted via

I hadn't thought of that. Of course, Papaya doesn't grow this far north, so I can't actually compare but looking online I can see the similarities.

We actually need some rain. It's been pretty dry for this time of year.

You are surrounded by the beauty f nature!!!
And you are a beautiful person, @melinda010100,
An amazing post reminder of the contest!

I'm only wishing that I would have thought to include the community as a beneficiary and ask everyone posting into the community to do that, too. We all need to be supporting the communities we enjoy!

Oh no, I forgot I was supposed to replant my Strawberries in bigger pots today 😮

Sounds like a great way to appreciate nature to me! 😍

Envious of your creek, wish I had running water here. my Virginia bluebells are just opening here in New England.

We have had 2 days of mid 80s temps, and the heat ended the bluebells and shriveled up the daffodils! Now we are expecting storms and then temps in the low 60s all next week.
I do love my creek and all the birds and wildlife that stop by.

There is so many nice flowers and plants clicks I can see. Amazing post as before

Thank you! I always feel like winter is such a bleak time for taking pictures that I am always happy to see new life emerging and giving me something to take photos of!