Saludos queridas Damas y Caballeros de esta comunidad.
Estoy muy contenta de unirme a la participación en Ladies of Hive Concurso #185. De las propuestas presentadas por @cautiva-30, he considerado dedicar unas palabras a mi madre, será mi compartir con ustedes.
En esta tarde lluviosa y plomiza, las cavilaciones invaden mis pensamientos, aquí entre la nada, pretendiendo hablar de todo y deambulando sin cesar por los recovecos de la memoria. Navego con nostalgia en las corrientes del ayer, pero al mismo tiempo zigzagueo con regocijo, honrando las estaciones del vivir. Pensar en Usted, Madre, es invocar el hechizo de la vida, es viajar por el prodigioso cosmos de bondad, que construyo con su espíritu generoso, alimentando mis entrañas, con tu munífico amor.
Madre, el querer y el respeto, se imbrican y amalgaman cuál sustancia indisoluble, mi sentir se revela, con las evocaciones de sus danzarinas risas, esas que derretían con fervor ardiente, las más frías tristezas, mutando a dóciles halagos para mis sentidos. Mi emocionalidad se desborda en mares, recordando su energía y sabiduría inagotable, Usted un privilegio en el escenario de mi vida, en el que desfiló con prestancia y sin jactancia, irradiando con su aura esplendorosa, los más excelsos anhelos.
Madre con su ser fecundo, dio vida y raíz a mi existencia, de sus labios emanaron las más primorosas nanas y eufonías. Sin copias ni estereotipos, alimentó con ternura y singularidad las fibras de mi corazón, desafiando demarcaciones y eclipsando barreras. Usted como una suave brisa aromatizó mi tiempo con momentos sublimes, donde nunca hubo inercia, solo torrentes de luz.
Madre, con sus cuidados y dedicación, trenzó el tapiz sempiterno de mis afectos. En su mirada siempre encontré paz y sosiego, soy su impronta, suscrita como historias en mi piel, mixtura e hibridismo, con esencia de matices, que vive el presente e indaga el futuro. Siempre en mis recuerdos, la conmemoro con orgullo, Madre está aquí, está en mí.
Para Usted, Mamá.
¡Gracias por darme la Vida! ¡Siempre presente, Mamá!
Greetings dear Ladies and Gentlemen of this community.
I am happy to join the participation in Ladies of Hive Contest #185. From the proposals submitted by @cautiva-30, I have considered dedicating a few words to my mother, it will be my sharing with you.
On this rainy and leaden afternoon, ruminations invade my thoughts, here among nothingness, pretending to talk about everything and wandering endlessly through the recesses of memory. I sail with nostalgia in the currents of yesterday, but at the same time, I zigzag with glee, honoring the seasons of living. To think of you, Mother is to invoke the spell of life, is to travel through the prodigious cosmos of goodness, which I build with your generous spirit, feeding my entrails, with your munificent love.
Mother, the want and the respect intertwine and amalgamate as an indissoluble substance, my feelings are revealed with the evocations of your dancing laughter, which melted with ardent fervor, the coldest sadness, mutating into docile flattery for my senses. My emotion overflows in seas, remembering your energy and inexhaustible wisdom. You were a privilege on the stage of my life, in which you paraded with prestige and without boasting, radiating with your splendorous aura, the most exalted longings.
Mother with her fecund being, gave life and root to my existence, from her lips emanated the most primitive lullabies and euphonies. Without copies or stereotypes, you nourished with tenderness and uniqueness the fibers of my heart, defying demarcations and eclipsing barriers. You like a gentle breeze scented my time with sublime moments, where there was never inertia, only torrents of light.
Mother, with her care and dedication, braided the everlasting tapestry of my affections. In her gaze I have always found peace and tranquility, I am her imprint, subscribed as stories on my skin, mixture and hybridism, with an essence of nuances, living the present and investigating the future. Always in my evocations, I commemorate her with pride, Mother is here, in me.
To you, Mom.
Thank you for giving me Life! Always present, Mom!
17 de mayo de 2024
May 17, 2024 Fotografías de @marilour. Photographs by @marilour.
Thank you so much @bhattg and @ecency team for the support, appreciated !LUV
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!giphy welcome
Via Tenor
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!LUVThank you so much @ladiesofhive
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Greetings @marilour beautiful writing: "to think of you, Mother, is to invoke the spell of life, is to travel through the prodigious cosmos of goodness, that you build with your generous spirit, feeding my insides, with your munificent love", dedicated to that wonderful being as is your mother, such as expressing gratitude for bringing you into the world, thanks for sharing, a hug.
Thank you very much @cautiva-30 for your heartfelt words, I appreciate it. Yes, on this occasion I let myself be carried away by my emotions, to express the feelings that swarm for that love so sublime, unique, and special as it is the one felt for a mother. In particular, I am always grateful for the mother I had in existence and who lives perennially in my feelings !LOTUS !LOLZ
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oh this makes me miss my mom more.
Greetings @itz.inno thank you for your visit and your kind words. It is a poetic prose dedicated to my Mother who is no longer in this earthly existence, I miss her a lot, I live in her teachings !LADY
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tokens.@marilour, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @itz.inno and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (3/3 calls)
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Emocionada con tu escrito !HUG !LUV !LADY !LOLZ !LOTUSHermosas palabras para una madre @marilour
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tokens.@almajandra, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @marilour and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/1 calls)
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marilour, almajandra sent you LUV. 🙂 (3/10) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily
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Muchas gracias @almajandra por tu visita y gratas palabras !HUG !LUV !LADY !LOLZ !PIZZA
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tokens.@marilour, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @almajandra and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/3 calls)
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tokens.@marilour, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.
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¡@marilour! Has recibido un aporte en $LOTUS de parte de @almajandra.
Gracias por ser un promotor de bienestar dentro de nuestra Blockchain. Te animamos a continuar publicando contenido de calidad y de inspiración para el crecimiento y bienestar.
Más información sobre el token de $LOTUS en Lotus Token Relaunch
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