[ES-EN] Mi experiencia en mi separación[Parte II] : Un resurgir que nació como ave fénix





Un resurgir que nació como ave fénix

Muchas veces tenemos que pasar por situaciones que ni entendemos, que solo Dios sabe, solo sé, que con el tiempo entendí, que todo lo que ha pasado ha sido un plan perfecto de Dios, aún cuando me ocasionó sufrimiento, todo es parte de nuestras experiencias de vida, que nos hacen fuertes y madurar con el tiempo 🙏😇♥️

Una sociedad que te hace tomar decisiones equivocadas

Lamento de no haber tenido el temple que tuve en aquel 2016, que sin vueltas atrás, tomé dicha decisión, ya había agotado todo recurso, toda vía por rescatar lo nuestro, definitivamente el sacrificio que había hecho por amor y luego tomar aquella decisión en aquel 2008, el de sacrificarme por mis hijas, hasta que Dios me infundiera aliento, valor y fuerza para salir de ello, pero me aferre a una sociedad moralmente inaceptable, para que mis hijas no vivieran sin la presencia de su padre, a consta de cumplir con sus mandatos, un estereotipo que hoy en día veo amoralmente implantado, ciego y absurdo.

Un resurgir desde los cimientos que nació como ave fénix


Aquellos días del 2016 a finales de agosto, empecé con esa idea, aunque había surgido en diciembre 2015 al ver como no le importó derrocharse la fortuna de mis hijas, después de su retiro de Toyota de Venezuela, gastarse 9 mil millones de bolívares e aquel tiempo era plata parejo, que te podías comprar más de 9 bienes o más, pero lamentablemente el no pensó en ello, solo en satisfacer sus deseos, gustos y placeres, realmente creo que tienen un serio problema y necesitan ayuda psicológica.

Pero desde aquellos tiempos donde inició con más fuerza mis despertar, di gracias Dios y doy todos los días, no me cansó, por darme la visión necesaria, el valor y la fortaleza para llevar mi plan, desligarme de ese terrible mal que me asechaba cada día más y más, me había empañado mi sonrisa, mi alma se marchita bastante, no me sentía valorada, me sentí vilmente humillada y llegué al punto de sentir que abusaba de mi, cuando no quería tener nada con él, pero mejor no trato este tema, por lo delicado y por no sentirme cómoda para hacerlo realmente.

Sin embargo, como cosa de Dios, llegó el tiempo perfecto, el lugar indicado y el preciso momento, donde por fin, puse stop a todos esos abuso, maltratos psicológicos y físicos, tomé esta decisión, primeramente pensando en mí y en mis hijas, me decía: ¿Qué van a pensar ellas que el amor no existe?¿Que ejemplos le voy a seguir dando, que deben aguantar maltratos y abusos hasta la muerte?


Fue un terrible daño que le ocasionó Él a mis hijas y todavía lo sigue haciendo, después de esa separación, fue terrible su comportamiento enfermizo, alocado y hasta daba miedo sus amenazas, todavía sigue en lo mismo, no sé cuando cesará, ni quiero ni pensar que cumpla su palabra, aquella que dijo en el 07 de Septiembre del 2017, frente a mi Madre: ¡Qué todo esto acabaría cuando el me matara, ya que no quería volver con él!

Wooowww... Eso si fue escalofriantes, me imaginé todas esas series vista en TV, un flagelo que me hizo pegar contra la pared, cuando no se acepta que el amor termino, que ya no hay vida en una relación cuando se recurren a los maltratos y abusos, se faltan los respeto y allí empieza todo quiebre de la relación, empieza la muerte del amor.

Un Stop crucial a una sociedad moralmente inaceptable


Menos mal que desde allí puse un stop definitivo en la separación de cuerpo, no me importó lo que me dijera la gente a mi alrededor, mi familia, mis amigos, en fin nadie, mande a todo el mundo a volar, a la porra, al infinito y más allá, era mi vida la que estaba en juego, y definitivamente, solo me importó mi opinión y la de mis tres hijas, ya esa sociedad amoral ni bolas quise pararle, aquel entonces, me quedaban los pantalones grandes, para seguir calzandola, sus prejuicios eran inaceptable, y doble moral, porque condena una cosa y aplaude otra, que ilógico hay veces resulta; por ende decidí que ya bastaba seguir aguantando, que de una vez por todas decidí, ya no vivir con él, y para ello, estableci dormir en cuartos separados, hasta que en agosto del 2018 volvió nuevamente a ocurrir, otro destello de oscuridad, volvió hacer de las suyas, después de infinidades de abusos, la cual me decidi por vez primera a perder el miedo, a tener fuerzas y valor para dar ese primer paso, aferrandome a Dios en todo momento, y poder ponerle una denuncia formal en los cuerpos de seguridad, para que abandonara la casa y me dejara tranquila con mis hijas.

Lográndose definitivamente, que dejara la casa, en octubre del 2018 ocurrió el milagro, después de reincidir nuevamente a los maltratos, después de ese incidente, recurrí a los cuerpos de seguridad, hable con la familia, sino se iba de la casa, le ponía la denuncia en la fiscalía, menos mal, que logré hacer que el abandonará aquel mes de octubre, fue mi calma entre lo que cabe, pensé que allí agarraria mínimo, entraría en juicio y tomaría consciencia de lo grave de su actuación y accionar, pero no, empezó un nuevo ciclo de destellos verbales y más, con más frecuencia, fuerzas y vilmente planificado, una acción malévola y macabra, quería hacerme pasar por loca, hizo de las suyas con más fuerzas...


No merecía todo aquello, me pregunto que mal le hice, para que actúe así, sólo sé que me aferre a Dios, hasta que alumbró mi túnel y libero mi tormenta... En esos días vi una luz celestial que me cubría toda y protegía de ese terrible flagelo...


Hasta un próximo encuentro #hiverfriends


Su amiga La Poetisa La Flor Pálida M.M.

Se les quiere mucho en la distancia pero no en el olvido…


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A resurgence that was born like a phoenix

Many times we have to go through situations that we don't even understand, that only God knows, I only know, that with time I understood, that everything that has happened has been a perfect plan of God, even when it caused me suffering, it is all part of our life experiences, that make us strong and mature with time 🙏😇♥️

A society that makes you make wrong decisions.

I regret of not having had the mettle I had in that 2016, that without turning back, I made that decision, I had already exhausted every resource, every way to rescue what was ours, definitely the sacrifice I had made for love and then make that decision in that 2008, that of sacrificing myself for my daughters, until God gave me breath, courage and strength to get out of it, but I clung to a morally unacceptable society, so that my daughters would not live without the presence of their father, to comply with their mandates, a stereotype that today I see amorally implanted, blind and absurd.

A resurgence that was born like a phoenix.


Those days of 2016 in late August, I started with that idea, although it had emerged in December 2015 to see how he did not mind squandering the fortune of my daughters, after his retirement from Toyota of Venezuela, spending 9 billion bolivars e that time was even money, that you could buy more than 9 goods or more, but unfortunately he did not think about it, only to satisfy their desires, tastes and pleasures, I really think they have a serious problem and need psychological help.

But since those times where he began with more force my awakening, I thanked God and I thank God every day, I did not get tired, for giving me the necessary vision, courage and strength to carry my plan, untie me from that terrible evil that haunted me every day more and more, It had tarnished my smile, my soul withered a lot, I did not feel valued, I felt vilely humiliated and I got to the point of feeling that he was abusing me, when I did not want to have anything with him, but I better not deal with this subject, because of its sensitivity and because I do not feel comfortable to do it really.

However, as a thing of God, the perfect time came, the right place and the right moment, where I finally put a stop to all those abuses, psychological and physical mistreatment, I made this decision, first thinking of myself and my daughters, I said to myself: **What are they going to think about me and my daughters? What are they going to think that love does not exist, what examples am I going to continue giving them, that they must endure mistreatment and abuse until death?


It was a terrible damage that he caused to my daughters and he is still doing it, after that separation, his sick, crazy behavior was terrible and even his threats were scary, he is still doing the same, I do not know when he will stop, I do not even want to think that he will keep his word, the one he said on September 7, 2017, in front of my mother: That all this would end when he killed me, because I did not want to go back to him!

Wooowww... That was chilling, I imagined all those series seen on TV, a scourge that made me hit the wall, when you do not accept that love is over, that there is no more life in a relationship when you resort to mistreatment and abuse, disrespect and there begins all relationship breakdown, begins the death of love.

A crucial stop to a morally unacceptable society.


Fortunately, from there I put a definitive stop to the separation of body, I did not care what the people around me, my family, my friends, in short nobody, I sent everyone to fly, to hell, to infinity and beyond, it was my life that was at stake, and definitively, I only cared about my opinion and that of my three daughters, I didn't even want to stop that amoral society, at that time, I had big pants, to keep on wearing it, their prejudices were unacceptable, and double standards, because they condemn one thing and applaud another, how illogical it is sometimes; Therefore, I decided that it was enough to keep putting up with him, that once and for all I decided not to live with him anymore, and for that, I decided to sleep in separate rooms, until in August 2018 it happened again, another flash of darkness, he returned to do his thing, after countless abuses, which I decided for the first time to lose my fear, to have strength and courage to take that first step, clinging to God at all times, and to be able to put a formal complaint to the security forces, so that he would leave the house and leave me alone with my daughters.

In October 2018, the miracle happened, after he had relapsed again to mistreatment, after that incident, I resorted to the security forces, I spoke with the family, if he did not leave the house, I would file a complaint with the prosecutor's office, fortunately, I managed to make him leave that month of October, I thought that he would take the minimum, I would go to court and I would become aware of the seriousness of his actions and actions, but no, he started a new cycle of verbal flashes and more, with more frequency, strength and vilely planned, a malevolent and macabre action, he wanted to make me look crazy, he did his thing with more strength. ..


I wonder what wrong I did to him, to make him act like that, I only know that I clung to God, until he illuminated my tunnel and released my storm .... In those days I saw a heavenly light that covered me and protected me from this terrible scourge...


Until a next meeting #hiverfriends


Your friend The Poetess The Pale Flower M.M.

You are loved very much in the distance but not in oblivion...


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A resurgence that was born as a phoenix
Many times we have to go through situations that we do not even understand, that only God knows, I only know, that over time I understood, that everything that has happened has been a perfect plan of God, even when it caused me suffering, everything is part of our life experiences, that make us strong and mature over time

A society that makes you make wrong decisions
I regret that I did not have the mettle that I had in that 2016, that without turning back, I made that decision, I had already exhausted all resources, still to rescue what is ours, definitely the sacrifice that I had made for love and then make that decision at that time. 2008, that of sacrificing myself for my daughters, until God gave me encouragement, courage and strength to get out of it, but I clung to a morally unacceptable society, so that my daughters would not live without the presence of their father, to consist of fulfilling with their mandates, a stereotype that today I see amorally implanted, blind and absurd.

A resurgence from the ground up that was born as a phoenix.
Those days of 2016 at the end of August, I started with that idea, although it had arisen in December 2015 when I saw how he did not mind squandering the fortune of my daughters, after his retirement from Toyota of Venezuela, spending 9 billion bolivars and that. Time was even money, that you could buy more than 9 goods or more, but unfortunately he did not think about it, only to satisfy their desires, tastes and pleasures, I really think they have a serious problem and need psychological help.

However, as a matter of God, the perfect time arrived, the right place and the precise moment, where at last, I put a stop to all those abuse, psychological and physical abuse, I made this decision, first thinking about myself and my daughters, He said to me: What are they going to think that love does not exist? What examples am I going to continue giving, that they must endure mistreatment and abuse until death?

It was a terrible damage that He caused my daughters and He still does it, after that separation, his sick, crazy behavior was terrible and his threats were even scary, he is still in the same way, I do not know when it will stop, nor do I want to to think that he keeps his word, the one he said on September 7, 2017, in front of my Mother: That all this would end when he killed me, since I did not want to go back to him!

A crucial Stop to a morally unacceptable society.
Luckily from there I put a definitive stop on the separation of the body, I did not care what the people around me told me, my family, my friends, in short, nobody, send everyone to fly, to the baton, to infinity and beyond, it was my life that was at stake, and definitely, I only cared about my opinion and that of my three daughters, and to that amoral society I didn't want to stop him, back then, I had big pants, to continue wearing it, his prejudices were unacceptable, and double standards, because he condemns one thing and applauds another, how illogical it is sometimes; Therefore I decided that it was enough to keep holding on, that once and for all I decided, not to live with him anymore, and for this, I established sleeping in separate rooms, until in August 2018 it happened again, another flash of darkness, returned to do their thing, after countless abuses, which made me decide for the first time to lose my fear, to have the strength and courage to take that first step, clinging to God at all times, and to be able to file a formal complaint on the bodies security, to leave the house and leave me alone with my daughters.

After finally getting him to leave the house, in October 2018 the miracle happened, after repeating the abuse again, after that incident, I turned to the security forces, talked to the family, but if he did not leave the house, he said The complaint in the prosecution, thank goodness, that I managed to make him leave that month of October, it was my calm between what fits, I thought that there would be a minimum, I would go to trial and become aware of the seriousness of his action and action, but no, a new cycle of verbal flashes began and more, more frequently, forces and vilely planned, a malicious and macabre action, he wanted to make me pass as crazy, he did his thing with more force ...

Thank you @silversaver888 🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇😘😘😘