The Ladies of Hive community Contest #3 👻 Mi participación en el Concurso #3 de la Comunidad Ladies of Hive

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago (edited)

Hola a todas las damas Hive, somos lo máximo! y mil gracias a ti querida @kerrislravenhil, por tan genial concurso. Siento una magia a mi alrededor cuando uso mascaras, por eso no he tenido ningún inconveniente con el cubre boca frente al Covid19. 👹 Alucino por vivir un carnaval en Venecia y estoy segura que pronto podré hacerlo.

1.-My Mask 🎭Mi Mascara


When it comes to showing a mask I don't think twice, as I told you I feel a magic around it.I am an adventurous spirit and a touch of mystery amuses me. When I cover my face I wonder if those I look at or those who look at me see my true identity or a different one.

Anyway, in everyday life we human beings use a number of masks that respond to the different roles we play in life and that do not always correspond to what we really are, but rather to the way we want them to see us, or to what others see in us.
The more distant the mask we use from what we really are, the less free we will feel, leading us to live in a state of permanent anxiety and frustration.

I am far from those masks, I actually let my life flow, with days full of rainbows and gray days. It is not easy, but I persevere by living one day at a time, without thinking about yesterday or tomorrow.


Cuando se trata de mostrar una mascara no lo pienso dos veces, como les dije siento al usarla una magia a mi alrededor. Soy un espíritu aventurero y un toque de misterio me divierte. Al cubrirme la cara me pregunto si a quienes miro o quienes me miran ven mi verdadera identidad o una diferente.

De todas formas, en la vida cotidiana los seres humanos utilizamos una cantidad de máscaras que responden a los diferentes roles que desempeñamos en la vida y que no siempre corresponde a lo que en realidad somos, sino mas bien a la forma como queremos que nos vean, o a lo que los demás quien ver en nosotros.

Entre mas distante es la mascara que utilizamos de lo que en realidad somos, menos libres nos sentiremos, llevándonos a vivir un estado de ansiedad y frustración permanentes.

Yo estoy muy lejos de esas mascaras, en realidad dejo que mi vida fluya, con días llenos de arcoíris y días grises. No es fácil, pero persevero por vivir un día a la vez, sin pensar en el ayer ni el el mañana.


2.- The Best Halloween Ever During Quarantine 🎃El Mejor Halloween de Todos los Tiempos Durante la Cuarentena

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The year 2020 has certainly given us all a scare, but don't let it scare you into having a scary and fun Halloween. It's crucial to remember: if you have any symptoms of illness, stay home, stay away from others and don't give out candy.

In the meantime I recommend you to make crafts this one of the photo is very easy and ecological, it is about recycling the rolls of toilet paper, in my blog you can see the steps of this so funny and decorative craft.

El año 2020 ciertamente nos ha dado un susto a todos, pero no dejes que te asuste para tener un Halloween aterrador y divertido. Es fundamental recordar: si tiene algún síntoma de enfermedad, quédese en casa, aléjese de los demás y no entregue dulces.

Entre tanto les recomiendo hacer manualidades esta de la foto es muy fácil y ecológica, se trata de reciclar los rollos de papel higiénico, en mi blog puedes ver los pasos de esta manualidad tan divertida y decorativa.

Virtual choreography Michael Jackson Thriller

>Coreografía virtual Michael Jackson Thriller

Let's play alphabet soup Halloween🎃



Juguemos a sopa de letras Halloween🎃



Disguise the youngest in the house 👻Decorar your house, apartment or living space.


Disfrazar a los más pequeños de la casa 👻Decorar su casa, apartamento o espacio vital.


Performing a treasure hunt style candy hunt with the members of your household in or around your residence instead of going from house to house and thus endless activities, just lets your imagination run wild.

Realizar una búsqueda de dulces al estilo de rastreo del tesoro con los miembros de su hogar dentro o alrededor de su residencia en lugar de ir de casa en casa y así un sin fin de actividades, solo deja volar tu imaginación.


My Special Place "Cerro el Ávila"(✿◡‿◡) Mi Lugar Especial "Cerro el Ávila"


I love the climate of my city, I wouldn't change it for anything. To go up to Ávila is to be in contact with nature, the work of God. Because there he gave thanks for all the good and not so good, I do catharsis, I reflect and I feel under the mantle of the Virgin Mary and closer to God. Whenever I go to my special place I leave full of peace and more strengthened. It is a religious experience.


Me encanta el clima de mi ciudad no lo cambiaría por nada, subir al Ávila es estar en contacto con la naturaleza obra de Dios. Pues allí dio gracias por todo lo bueno y lo no tan bueno, hago catarsis, reflexiono y me siento bajo el manto de la Virgen María y más cerca de Dios. Siempre que voy a mi lugar especial me despido llena de paz y más fortalecida. Es una experiencia religiosa.

By @machiqui63

Bitmoji-Mi emoji personal-

Enjoy your day and thanks for visiting me!

¡Disfruta tu día y gracias por visitarme!


I am happy to invite @maeugenia, @melasar and @evelynda to be part of this contest. Details in this link

Hello all the ladies Hive, we are the best! and a thousand thanks to you dear @kerrislravenhil, for such a great contest. I feel a magic around me when I use masks, that's why I haven't had any inconvenience with the mouthpiece in front of the Covid19. 👹 I'm amazed to live a carnival in Venice and I'm sure I'll be able to do it soon.

... life flow, with days full of rainbows and gray days.
Life is beautiful!

What a happy cheerful post!!! I'm glad you enjoy wearing a mask.. makes this time so much better! Hope you have a fun time with the little one!!

Gracias...ya nos estamos divirtiendo mucho...

Enjoy it with your Children as often as you can when they are young.

I never seemed to have grown out of it.

A delightful article @machiqui63 And I think it is one best enjoyed with our own Children, My boys last year are no longer interested in the Trick or Treat but for the parties with friends. They are growing up already and their taste change.

Thank you very much!
Yes! They grow so fast and their taste changes with that too :( but treasure the moments you share as they're still at home!
Awesome costume btw! Xoxo

Ha yes, I love masks too- the theatre, the styles, the pomp the ceremony, all make for a wonderful adventure though the imagination and in real life too don't they.

Cerro el Ávila" looks beautiful too and I can see why you love it so much.

Hello!!! The mystery of wearing a mask is exciting, one of my favorite movies is Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette. The scenes of the dances and the pomp get me drunk. Happy Saturday.

Caracas is called the Sultana del Avila, it is really beautiful and it is always there for me. I am fortunate to see it from my balcony.

Wow @machiqui63, you're a cheap drunk if that all it takes- a movie with masks! lol...

But you're right, the mystery, the intrigue, the fun, I can understand why you love them so much.

Venezuela has been on my bucket list for a long time to come and visit, so I will definitely let you know when I'm coming (after I win the lotto- when I can afford to buy a lotto

I hope that you're having a wonderful weekend!😊

🤣🤣🤣Querida @chocolatescorpi, thank you for your good wishes. You are welcome to Venezuela and I promise to be your bodyguard and guide. I will give you as a souvenir of your visit to my country, a mask of the [Yare Dancing Devils].(


Congratulations on your award. 😘 Peace and Good for your whole week.Peace and Good for your whole week.

Wow, I LOVE the mask- look at all of those colours. It is sooo 'devilish' looking lol...Maybe that what I should be wearing for my birthday- my Halloween mask- it suits me perfectly doesn't it- the colours and the devilish little smile...I'd freak a few children out with that one I think! 🤣

I can't wait to get there, I just wish that the rest of the world will stop getting sick...🙁

Thanks for the link too! I'm going to see if there's any videos on Youtube and 3speak with them in it!

It makes me happy that you are interested in our customs and culture. Venezuela is a wonderful country. And well I implore the Almighty for the end of the pandemic and that everything goes better in my country. A big kiss and we are still in tune.😘

Oh wow yes I watched a few videos on Youtube and how exciting!

I could not stop dancing in my seat to the beat as I was watching them! 😃

How nice 🥳

Haa I think that's all I'll end up doing when I get to Venezuela- dancing everywhere!

I won't be able to help myself cause the music is just so inviting to dance!