in Ladies of Hive4 years ago


Hello everyone! especially to my dear @ladiesofhive, for this very interesting round that you present us in the contest N° 16. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to let us know those little details of our lives that have made us true empowered women.

Hola a todos! especialmente a mis queridas @ladiesofhive, por esta ronda tan interesante que nos presentan en el concurso N° 16. Gracias por brindarnos la oportunidad de dar a conocer esos pequeños detalles de nuestras vidas que nos han convertido en verdaderas mujeres empoderadas.


Beyond being a piece of fabric that we use to cover ourselves, fashion as a phenomenon has its own way of telling the story of man on Earth, and on an intimate level, the story of the wearer. When we look at our closets we find pieces of ourselves, of places we visited, of concerts we went to, of long nights spent dancing with friends, memories of our mother or pieces of our favorite color; all parts of that puzzle that builds each one of us.

Más allá de tratarse de un pedazo de tela que usamos para cubrimos, la moda como fenómeno tiene su propia manera de contar la historia del hombre sobre la Tierra, y en un plano íntimo la historia de quien la porta. Al mirar nuestros closets encontramos retazos de nosotros mismos, de lugares que visitamos, de conciertos a los que fuimos, de noches largas que pasamos bailando entre amigos, las memorias de nuestra madre o pedazos de nuestro color favorito; todas partes de ese rompecabezas que construye a cada quien.


The garment that has managed to crown itself as my favorite is the dress I am wearing in the photographs accompanying this post and has the ability to comfort my heart when I wear it, because it was given to me by my eldest daughter and she paid for it with the first salary she earned for her position as a professional lawyer.

My daughter and I have a lot in common, she followed in my footsteps and today we have the same profession as lawyers. When she gave me this dress as a gift she accompanied it with a note saying: "Mommy thank you for inspiring me to follow in your footsteps, for your unconditional support and above all for teaching me to fly to achieve my dreams. When I saw this dress printed with birds I immediately saw you dressed with this garment that symbolizes your being free and nature lover".

La prenda que ha logrado coronarse como mi favorita es el vestido que llevo puesto en las fotografías que acompaño a este post y tiene la capacidad de reconfortar mi corazón cunado con ella visto, porque me la regaló mi hija mayor y la pagó con el premier salario que ganó por su cargo como profesional de la abogacía.

Mi hija y yo tenemos mucho en común, ella siguió mis pasos y hoy día tenemos la misma profesión abogacía. Cuando me dio este vestido como regalo lo acompañó con una nota de dice: "Mami gracias por inspirarme a seguir tus pasos, por tu apoyo incondicional y sobre todo a enseñarme a volar para alcanzar mis sueños. Al ver este vestido estampado con pájaros de inmediato te vi vestida con esta prenda que simboliza tu ser libre y amante de la naturaleza".


As you can see this garment is my treasure, I use it a lot and it adapts to any occasion. It's been 6 years since my daughter gave it to me, I love it because I definitely feel like I am me in it.

Como pueden ver esta prenda es mi tesoro, la uso muchísimo y se adapta a cualquier ocasión. Han pasado 6 años desde que me la regaló mi hija, me gusta mucho porque definitivamente en ella siento que soy yo.

By @machiqui63


Enjoy your day and thanks for visiting me!

¡Disfruta tu día y gracias por visitarme!

This in an entry for: Ladies of Hive Community Contest #16

I invite: @karinanunez @melisarm @ginalucia


So your daughter picked the dress!
I can imagine her taking the time in careful thought going through hundreds of dresses for the special one.
Also having special memories with the feelings of joy the moment you cast your eyes upon it and when you put it on! I bet you smile just like that when you get it on.

Thank you for sharing this special dress memory @machiqui63 🤗👗

Posted using Dapplr

Hi @kerrislravenhill! thank you to you who gave me the opportunity to share this part of my life that brings me so much happiness. Hugs

What an appropriate post, a tribute to a daughter!
It is beautiful!

Thank you! My daughters are my greatest treasure.