My Night routine



As much as I hate routines, i agree that a healthy routine make good habits and as an intentional person, I had to embrace a few routines and one of them is my Night Routine.

After a long day, I come home late and go straight into the bathroom where I have a good bath and go over some skin care routines.


After rinsing off my skin care product from my body, I stay under the shower for quite a while and sing to my favorite song which must have been on repeat from when I walked into the bathroom. In that same mode, I switch to some worship songs, sing and praise (I am a Christian and a believer of Jesus) and then say a prayer.


After my short prayer session, I go over my affirmations, reassuring myself of who I am, what I love about myself, what I should work on, and what I am proud of. Now, no matter how my day went, this worship and affirmation part helps me get in a good mood, it eases any burden I may have carried from my day and helps me feel better, (I make sure NEVER to sleep sad or angry whatsoever).


If I have any change to put in my saving bottle, this is when I do it and record it on my small account book.


I then head to the kitchen to take a bottle of water, (which is literally a habit for me) after which I make noodles or something quick and light to eat. After dinner, I jump on a quick call with my boyfriend while also writing down my to-do list for the next day and write down other things I don’t want to forget.


This is the point where I study one chapter of the bible and read few pages of a book, then lay comfortably on my bed and scroll through different social media feeds till I fall asleep.
Fun fact: I always sleep with my phone on my hand, lol, and that’s because I stay on social media till, I don’t realize when Mr. sleep comes knocking.





That’s a beautiful picture of my pretty and young Mom. She is a big inspiration to keep moving and not make some bad decisions and since my phone is the device, I look at almost every time of the day, I decided to use her picture as my wallpaper.
thanks for reading

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You are busy before you go to bed, hahaha!
Thanks for sharing, @machioflagos!
Good luck with the contest.
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😂😂😂really busy, that’s because I am more productive at night. Thank you 😊

So your Mom has the Coveted place on your phone, she must has been you best inspiration and was there when you needed her guidance. My Mother was the main Bread winner and worked full time leaving my Father caring for me and my siblings so I was closer to him. He was a fine chef but not much good with sewing. And I tend to sleep with my phone doing the same thing until I fall asleep. Lol!

Thanks @machioflagos for Participating and God Bless you!

I appreciate that you shared a little story with me😊
Thank you. My mother means so much to me.

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Thank You 😊

Awwww, I don't think I've met anyone with their Mum's pic as a screensaver... very cool :D

Oh really? It makes it even more special, lol. Thank you 😊