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RE: "Dream-catcher Protected" Day and Night | Ladies Of Hive Community Contest #57

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Dear Silver Saver,
Thank you for the good wishes! Just to see 888 is already a lucky sign for me :) It's my lucky number!!

A Dream-Catcher on the window will be beautiful, and I'm sure you will always remember my post when you look at it :):):):):) (a joke)

In fact, this reflection is not about dreaming at night, but about dreaming up our waking life. The moving images that people call "physical reality", are actually dreamt up by our mind and imagination the same way how we dream at night. And many nowadays are waking up in this dreamlike reality and start to understand how powerful this phenomena is from their own experiences consciously manifesting their reality.

This is the "Life is a Dream" phenomena that mystics like Calderon de la Barca or Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra expressed in their classic literary treasures, and that's what all the world's spiritual and wisdom traditions have been trying to explain through symbols and metaphors, and if that is not enough for the "Doubting Thomas, then the logic and calculating pragmatic science of quantum physics has also already documented and proven this some 100 years ago.

Thus, the role that the Dream-catcher's symbolism play is to remind us that what we see happening around us as a "tangible and visible reality" is a "dreamlike shared hallucination" that we have collectively conjured up with our thoughts and beliefs. It helps the awakened people to remember that their thoughts literally mold their "life's movie" and whatever they create with their thoughts - they will be accountable for. Because what comes around, goes around in this Universe, not only in terms of your actions, but also in terms of your thoughts, beliefs and expectations - what you think - you create. What you worry about and fear the worst - happens. If you believe that you are completely safe and protected - nothing can break this mental shield. Where your attention goes - there your energy flows and creates all appearance of people, things and events in your life.
So now I have written one more full post :):):)
Hope you enjoyed! Big hugs and I hope to see your new dream-catcher when you have it already!
Good night and sweet dreams!