TO THE 88th EDITION of the

This is a contest from our community to you, women empowering each other both on the blockchain and in Discord! A place we love and where Hive is alive. If you haven't joined our discord yet, an invite can be found by clicking on the first banner under this post!
We will award 3 HIVE and 300 Ecency Points to the best entry. Smaller prizes will also be awarded to other winners (Second Place, Honorable Mentions).
¡Este es un concurso de nuestra comunidad para ustedes, mujeres que se empoderan unas a otras tanto en blockchain como en Discord! Un lugar que amamos y donde Hive está presente. Si aún no se ha unido a nuestra discordia, puede encontrar una invitación haciendo clic en el primer aviso publicitario debajo de esta publicación.
Regalaremos 3 HIVE y 300 Puntos de Ecency a la mejor entrada. También se otorgarán premios menores a otros ganadores (Segundo Lugar, Menciones Honoríficas).

~ Important Message ~
We want everyone in the LadiesOfHive community to succeed! We have seen some members, however, failing to properly cite the sources for images used in posts. This can cause trouble for your accounts, our community, and the Hive blockchain as a whole. Please review the following information and ask if there are any questions!
You can use any image PROVIDED THAT it is not copyrighted, and is free-for-use in a post. Your entry will be disqualified if you use a copyrighted image or a watermarked image. Plenty of free-to-use images can be found on these sites:
● https://KaboomPics.com
● https://LifeOfPix.com
● https://Pexels.com
● https://Pixabay.com
● https://Unsplash.com
Even using images from sites such as these, though, it is a good idea to cite that the image is "free-for-use from Pixabay," or perhaps even give credit to the photographer (even though the site may say no such credit is necessary). Giving credit for the image will help to keep your account spotless and will help the photographer with more traffic to their page! If you took the photos, it's a good idea to say: "Photos by me" somewhere in your post!
At the bottom of every LadiesOfHive contest is credit to the photo that appears at the top:
Anyone can create such a clickable link in Markdown like this:
Please do not use images from Google, Pinterest, Flickr, etc., as those are not free-for-use! Please do not use images with a 'watermark' across them, as those are not free-for-use, either! Let's be a shining example to the rest of the blockchain in how to do things correctly! THANK YOU! 😘

PLEASE place the contest number #88 somewhere in your title!
► Also, please link your entry in a comment on this Contest post! ◄
For this week we want to know:
1️⃣ Which actress do you identify with, in what movie, and why? I want the movie and all there is to know about why you are like her and all about the actress (or actresses). Sourcing is nesseccary!
2️⃣ Take me with you on one day this coming week. You must be in at least 3 pictures!
I want to see what you do in a day!

The Hive blockchain uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
The contest ends each Saturday at 11:59 PM (23:59) UTC.
You can see the current date/time expressed in UTC here:
• Current UTC
• Hiveblocks.com
or in our Discord server with the command: .. time

To make sure that your entry is valid, and can not be missed for the contest, please make sure that you follow the RULES:
Para garantizar que su participación sea válida y no se pierda el concurso, asegúrese de seguir las REGLAS:
- Blog must answer at least one of the questions(or more, if you wish!)
- El blog debe responder al menos una de las preguntas (¡o más, si lo desea!)
- Blog must be submitted before the end of day Saturday, June 25, 2022
- El blog debe enviarse antes del final del día Sábado, 25 de Junio, 2022
- Blog must be published in 'Ladies of Hive' community
- El blog debe publicarse en la comunidad 'Ladies of Hive' (Damas de Hive)
- Blog must be linked in a comment to this post
- El blog debe estar vinculado en un comentario a esta publicación
- Blog must be original in order to win
- El blog debe ser original para poder ganar
- Blog must be 200+ words (word count must be met before any translation of your blog!)
- El blog debe tener más de 200 palabras (el recuento de palabras debe efectuarse antes de cualquier traducción de tu blog!)
- Blog must invite another woman to the community
- El blog debe invitar a otra mujer a la comunidad

Judging will be by: @brittandjosie
from the Salzburg Festival 1947, with Attila Hörbiger (R) and Elfe Gerhart (L)

All comments written on any LADIES OF HIVE posts receive staked ARCHON tokens along with Feathered Friends and Shadow Hunters posts.
If you are not yet in our Discord server,
please consider clicking the banner below to join us!

LadiesOfHive is a community that focuses on women — their interests, joys, passions, and stories of their journey through life. Not only does our community account @ladiesofhive publish our weekly contests and news, but we also comment and upvote most of the posts that grace our community page. A delegation to @ladiesofhive would enable us to have more flexibility in upvotes that we use to reward and encourage the women that post to our community. If you are interested, you may click the links, below, to delegate via Hivesigner, or use your favorite alternate interface. Thank you for considering a show of support to our community!
Interesting questions for sure, @brittandjosie! It will be interesting to see the ladies answers! I especially am interested in seeing what a day in the life question, turns out like! I'm always interested in how things are for ladies in other parts of the world!
Me too. I am curious too although I will not participate this time.
We are working bees, we take care of our family, kids and hubbies. I had so much fun, and glad that all of them are judged now.
Happy weekend@elizabethbit this was so great to get somewhat more personal envolved in what the ladies do in a day.
Me da mucho gusto traer mi participación, porque en verdad me inspiré y disfruté escribiéndola y de los bonitos recuerdos que me trajo.
Felicitaciones, mis queridas @ladiesofhive, porque siguen tabajando fuerte por la comunidad. Aquí les dejo el link`(https://hive.blog/hive-124452/@mllg/ladies-of-hive-community-contest-88)
Thank you fro the Louise Hay contest entry
What a fun ride and thank you for the lovely family pictures and showing the closet. Happy wekend dear and see you in the next contest
This is going to be interesting!
Exactly what I was going to comment!💗
@ninahaskin i sure hope on great work, in a blog ofcourse hahahah
Haha! 😊😀
I'll have to take a look at some of the entries later tonight and see what our creative Ladies of Hive blogged!✍
@silversaver888 i hope so
Good luck Ladies!!!
Make sure you read over the rules again, and bear in mind the importance of sourcing your images or quotes, and may the greatest imagination win!
Seven suggestions (reminders) to consider:
Buena suerte chicas!!!
Asegúrese de leer las reglas nuevamente y tenga en cuenta la importancia de dar atribución a sus imágenes o citas, y que gane la mayor imaginación!
Siete sugerencias (recordatorios) a considerar:
asegúrese de obtener todo su trabajo, incluso si es suyo.
Gracias amigo
De nada hahahaha, oh wait, Spanish, jajajajajaja!!!
Sir where was your entry , i love to know what you do in a day, and i better be in it hahahahahah, up-up can do a blog about all you do for hive, terminal and heyhaveyamet
Hahahahahaha, I'm like, what do I do? BLOCK hahahahahahaha!!!!!
I have STML and CRS, can't seem to remember... hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Writers-block hahahhah , we do so much might be great to write and explain all about it hhahaha I would vote it for sure
I do need to get back in the saddle again.lol
Sadler up cowboy
These are great questions for the week! Let's go for an adventure ladies!
I am all for personal stories and adventures of all our ladies
It's great :) We get to read how the ladies spend their day :)
I got to know so many things of the ladiesofhive it was a fun ride
Oohhhhh.....this week's task is not going to be an easy peasy something 🤣🤣🤣
@brittandjosie why nah🤩🤩🤩🤩
Nevertheless, let's see how it goes 💪
Let me see what you do in normal outside hive life i would love that. Left me know if you need tags, there are so many to combine to make a great blog
Wow, I will show you what I do outside hive🤩🤩🤩.
That will be fun..lolz
For the tags, I will need them ma.
Thanks 🥰🥰
1️⃣ ¿Con qué actriz te identificas, en qué película y por qué? Quiero la película y todo lo que hay que saber sobre por qué eres como ella y todo sobre la actriz (o actrices). ¡El abastecimiento es necesario!
2️⃣ Llévame contigo un día de la próxima semana. ¡Debes estar en al menos 3 fotos!
¡Quiero ver lo que haces en un día!Estupendas preguntas y e ideas para participar ésta semana en las damas de hive @ladiesofhive.
Invitando a @mllg y @barbarabezina
Ya cumplí y publiqué mi respuesta al concurso.
Espero te guste. Abracitos.Gracias, amiga @sacra97, agradecida por tu invitación.
I hope we get a lot of great entries
That will deal with the complexity of each day of the week and the exhausting work @brittandjosie
An Actress... I'm thinking that crazier the better, no?

Morticia Adams? Thinking outside the crypt. Kidding, I better think of someone else.
Dear she is lovely so i think you are spot on !
My last two days so far;
In my gumboots mopping up my flooded Rental suite. 🏊
Helping my Tenant evacuate her possessions. My back is hurting from all the lifting.
Met a nice plumber fellow and fixed the original problem.
And a meeting with the Insurance adjuster.
Remediation Contractor is here!
At least it's a sunny day. 🌞
Oh!! estará buenísima la dinámica esta semana. Voy a comenzar a preparar mi entrada. En unos días la compartiré, primero debo organizar bien todo.
I will be waiting
interesante propuesta a pensar pues.
Mi participación:
Going to your entry now
Uhm o sea que si es de la proxima semana, debo esperar a salir y luego enseñarte ja ja, bueno preparense porque yo camino mucho...
That will be adventurous.
I got to get to know the ladies even better
From what I know about what our lovely judge @brittandjosie enjoys, the more creative the post the better! 💟💗💟
Good luck Ladies of Hive!✍
What a fun week
Ooo this is very interesting 😎💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 Will have a think about the questions.
Good luck Ladies! Looking forward to the entries 😉
I had so much fun and got to know the ladies a bit better
Yes, I can imagine. It was great seeing the posts.
I didn’t manage time wise… but another time 🤓
Have an awesome weekend @brittandjosie
Dear a blog is a blog so when you do a day out of your little bee life it will do great
And engaging is alsways besides making blogs so hahahah get going eventhough its outside the contest
Yes you are right hehehe
I do post everyday and engage a lot 😎 love it 🥰
I could do a post one day and take you along, just needs to be interesting and not me being at home multitasking with things and work and hive hehehe 😂 I do have an exciting trip in a week coming up… that could work 😉
Is it a holiday? That will be interesting indeed. For me it’s the blogs that make a difference I am a daily , hive is incorporated in my life , my hive life is life and I make a library of life through blogs forever embedded on the blockchain
That’s super cool like that, I think I’m doing the same. Sharing all my experiences, travels, walks and discoveries. More to come 😁
Yes, we are going for a long weekend to Paris 😁🤩💃🏻 Haven’t been there since a school trip - Havo. So it has been a while. We still don’t want to travel to far.
It’s easy to take you along than and write about it 🤓🤩💃🏻
Is it a holiday? That will be interesting indeed. For me it’s the blogs that make a difference I am a daily , hive is incorporated in my life , my hive life is life and I make a library of life through blogs forever embedded on the blockchain
Hi Ladies...my entry
An incredible job you do, everything looks very nice in the photographs.
Thank you ma👍
Thank you ma
Have received your warm visit 🥰
My participación
I visited your blog way cool that you work on an air base! And yes hive is depressing indeed, reading about otherones adventures is cool.
I love it, I will carry you with me in my heart and you will accompany me in my daily adventures. They can be very interesting and fun.
Looking forward to reading about your day !
Hello @brittandjosie , here my entry
Concurso 88 - Acompáñame en mis aventuras https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@tibaire/contest-88-join-me-on-my-adventures
my entry :) https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@sofiaquino98/one-day-with-me-loh-community-contest-88-esp-eng
Es un chico tan dulce, Bruno, y tengo que decir que me encantan tus calcetines jajajaja, bien hecho en la tarea para el concurso de esta semana. Escuchar música a todo volumen es mejor, porque despierta aún más nuestro amor por la música. Y el buen humor que viene después es aún mejor.
También creo que es agradable que prepares cenas para tus padres, eso es dulce.
Suerte en el concurso y nos vemos en los comentarios
My entry
I visited your blog and love the bit where you write that you do the sign of the cross when you leave the house, i do that aswell. I thank you for the entry good luck and great that you choose the ladies of hive to blog in
See you around in the comments
I always make the sign of the cross when I leave my house when I get home, when I wake up and when I go to sleep and it has been difficult for my children to do it, but I do it for them ha ha.
Its not difficult its like breathing and keeping safe
I love the second topic.. 😁.. Gonna make soon..
Thats great still a few hours to go, i am still judging
Wow this is going to awesome let see how it's hose💃💃💞💞
There have been great entries already still 4 hours to go
Nice topics
About our favorite Actor or Actresses since we can't source from free picture websites
Can i source from goggle??
@brittandjosie please help
No you cannot use Google , maybe this blog will help https://peakd.com/theterminal/@jamerussell/easy-and-correct-minimal-sourcingits made by my partner for Heyhaveyamet @jamerussell
Thank you
No problem
Here's my entry 😊
Hi dear Jane , what a cool day you showed us in your blog and , very nice you have a talking buddy Colette. Lucky you, the fact we have people we trust and who we can talk to is great ! And how funny that she is your bosses !
I love seeing Hong Kong and that green bad you wear is so cute just like the clothes you bought en showed us in the photos.
Congrats too Colette , and please tell me what is tea with green potato pearls.
Thank you for entering the contest and doing so well. I will see you in the comments soon.
Oh and last but not least what is HODOPHILE?
Thank you
Mi participación
Hi helen thats been a long time, i remember you from the terminal discord.
It is worthwhile to live life to the fullest but always with our feet on the ground. We have reached an age when we are not for complications but to enjoy whatever comes our way, but with our feet firmly on the ground.
So tru so amen to that. My mum loves Meryl so i watched the movies with her in it when i grew up , so great choice and the first blog i read with the question about actresses !
Thank you for the entry , and for the fact that you blogged in our community
Love Britt
Vale la pena vivir la vida al máximo pero siempre con los pies en la tierra. Hemos llegado a una edad en la que no estamos para las complicaciones sino para disfrutar de lo que se nos presente, pero con los pies bien puestos en la tierra.
Tan cierto que amén a eso. Mi madre ama a Meryl, así que vi las películas con ella cuando crecí, ¡una gran elección y el primer blog que leí con la pregunta sobre las actrices!
Gracias por la entrada y por el hecho de que hayas publicado en nuestra comunidad.
Gusto en saludarles, es un placer seguir participando en #LadiesOfHive, acá les dejo el link a mi publicación: https://hive.blog/hive-124452/@rosmerby/eng-esp-contest-88-a-day-of-rappelling-with-me-concurso-88-un-dia-de-rapel-conmigo-authored-by-rosmerby
Querida rosmerby, gracias por participar en el concurso y qué gran blog, creo que eres una madre increíble en el ejército y lamento escuchar que tienes problemas de salud, te deseo lo mejor.
Y efectivamente nosotras como damas de colmena somos guerreras y reinas de la casa. Eres una mujer hermosa ! Con el niño interior también me reconozco y tengo jajajaja tengo respeto por tu día y como escribes buscando a dios amor y encuentro que es genial.
Dear rosmerby , thank you for entering the contest and what a great blog, i think you are a badass mum in the military and i am sorry to hear you have health problems, i wish you well.
And indeed we as ladies of hive are warriors and queens of the house. You are a beautiful lady ! With the inner child i also recognise and have hahahah i have respect for your day and like you write seeking god love and find it is great .
Here's my entry, Thank you.
Ladies of Hive Community Contest #88 - A Day in my Life
Hi Ninax, thank you so much for taking us with you on your day in Mumbai. The city i hope to visit in my lifetime. I loved reading that you don’t have a routine, neither do I but we adapt to what is needed every single day. You bought a home off grid, maybe the community hive garden is for you a good one to share this property in ! And the balcony views with a cup pof tea in silence are the best
Thank you again for choosing to blog in the community and seeing my contest
Have a great day
So ready to take you on a ride! Let's go💋❤
Hahah lets do this lady of hive
Hi girls!!! This is my entry to the contest #88
Good luck to all!🙃😉🌼
Una hermosa historia que nos aportaste para ésta semana. Un abrazote.
You eat warm dinner in the afternoon we eat warm in the evening !
Love that your son is a big part in the blog aswell. So nice, arent our kids the best inspiration to have. Thank you for blogging in the LOH and good luck@purrix Hi dear i think we know eachother form the terminal discord and i want to thank you for the great entry in the contest. Amanda S is great and her `HAIR wow ! So great that you choose her to be your entry and you also did the two questions and that is the first time, you are the First Lady that did this, so thank you for all the effort.
Hola querida, creo que nos conocemos desde la terminal discord y quiero agradecerte por la gran participación en el concurso. ¡Amanda S es genial y su 'CABELLO guau! Es genial que la haya elegido como su entrada y también hizo las dos preguntas y esa es la primera vez, usted es la Primera Dama que hizo esto, así que gracias por todo el esfuerzo.
¡Tú cenas caliente por la tarde, nosotros comemos caliente por la noche!
Me encanta que tu hijo también sea una parte importante del blog. Muy bueno, nuestros hijos no son la mejor inspiración para tener. Gracias por bloguear en la LOH y mucha suerte
Hello @brittandjosie!!! Yes, I'm sure we know each other from back home. True, Amanda has beautiful hair, it looks like a golden waterfall.
I have been active and attentive to LOH contests for a while now and in all my posts I always answer the two questions posed, it's just that when I start writing, some force takes over me and I start writing and writing and writing. There comes a time when I realize how much I have written and sometimes I start deleting because it seems like too much 😎.
It's true, our children are that engine that inspires us and drives us on.
Thank you for such a nice comment. I hug you tight 🌼💛🌼.
Hola @brittandjosie!!! Si, estoy segura que nos conocemos desde aquellos lares. Cierto que Amanda tiene una cabello hermoso, parece una cascada de oro.
Desde hace un tiempo estoy activa y atenta a los concursos de LOH y en todas mis publicaciones siempre respondo las dos preguntas planteadas, es que cuando comienzo a escribir, alguna fuerza se apodera de mi y comienzo a escribir y escribir y escribir. Llega un momento que me doy cuenta de cuánto he escrito y a veces comienzo a borrar porque me parece que es demasiado 😎
Es verdad, nuestros hijos son ese motor que nos inspira y nos impulsa a seguir.
Gracias por tan lindo comentario. Te abrazo fuerte 🌼💛🌼
Never delete, its great when the judges see that bloggers go all the way and do very much in the contest that is so appreciated, so DONT STOP THAT haahahah
Buen día queridas amigas, aquí mi participación:
Hola querida gracias por las maravillosas fotos en tu blog y por entrar con tus chicos. Lamento que hayas tenido que hacer un eco. Y tus días empiezan tan temprano wow 4.30!!!! Debe haber sido genial ver todas las exhibiciones, y tan genial que jonas lo hizo tan bien, felicidades a tu chico. Tal vez agregue el blog sobre la majestuosa Venezuela en la colmena de damas de la colmena o la maternidad comunitaria, eso es genial y se integrará en la colmena de la cadena de bloques.
Hi dear thank you for the wonderful pictures in your blog and entering with your boys. I am sorry that you had to do an echo. And your days start so early wow 4.30 !!!! It must have been cool to watch all exhibitions, and so cool that jonas did so great , congrats to your boy. Maybe add the blog about majestic Venezuela in ladiesofhive hive or the community motherhood, that is so cool and it will be embedded on the blockchain hive.
This looks like fun😃😃
It is it is so much fun
💕💕👍😃 it is, but I wasn't able to make a post on any topic. Busy ish
That I understand and always remember life first
Yeah thanks ma
Blog must answer at least one of the questions(or more, if you wish!) Can anyone explain this to me?
There are two questions proposed each week. You must answer one question and are free to reply to both if you want.
The two questions our judge @brittandjosie has for us this week are:
Hope this helps clarify and good luck! @mimrahman✍💗✍
Thanks for the help @ninahaskin
Hapy to help the Ladies of Hive, Sis! 💗 💟 💗
Lo prometido es deuda, por acá estoy para dejar la entrada a mi participación. Saludos a todas.
De nuevo gracias por la entrada y mucha suerte.Hola Liliana, muchas gracias por el blog honesto y encantador sobre cómo concebir a tus hijos. No conocía la película, pero intentaré ver si está disponible en línea aquí, creo que eres Jennifer Garner, ¿esa fue la tarea? 14 años es mucho tiempo, pero Dios te ayudó siendo mamá de tres ahora. Felicidades por el amor por el Señor y el amor por sus hijos, esta fue su segunda participación en @ladiesofhive. Tenemos un concurso con dos preguntas todos los domingos que estarán aquí durante la semana para participar. Así que venga más a menudo.
Thanks again for the input and good luck.Hi Liliana, thank you so much for the honest and lovely blog on how to conceive your children. I didn't know about the movie but I'll try to see if it's available online here, I think you're Jennifer Garner, was that the homework? 14 years is a long time, but God helped you being a mother of three now. Congratulations for the love for the Lord and the love for his children, this was her second participation in @ladiesofhive. We have a quiz with two questions every Sunday that will be here during the week to participate. So come more often.
Hi ladies, this is my entry for the ongoing contest
I visited the blog and love that your son in his school uniform was in it, how fast they grow up.dyou are a hive teacher and thats way cool. Let me know if you want an invite to the terminal so we can help you.
Go go on the hive T-shirts.
Good luck
Thank you so much ma'am for your nice comments.
I welcome the invite so well....lets go go go
Tell them you are a LOH and i send you hahahah
Ha sido un gusto participar
Hola querido Char, gracias por unirte al concurso y ser un gran blogger. Saludos desde rotterdam, holanda. Y María la vejez no es tan mala cuando goza de buena salud y los 7 nietos son una riqueza para ti y es buena. La foto de la más joven es muy bonita. ¡Y esos pasteles! Gracias por tu entrada.
Thank you so much ladies of hive community.
This is my post for this week.
Thank you i visited your entry and I loved all the pictures.
This is my entry
You have a special job and i dont think i could do that.
4.30 the alarm is also something i have yet to get used to hahahah so early
Good luck and thank you for blogging in the communityHi dear flora ( @floraada ) what a wonderful blog and you are such a beautiful lady. The fact that you also take every minute to do hive, like on the bus , is great i do the same whenever i can i will stay in contact and that helps with the engagement.
Thank you so much for the compliment and thanks for your support and care.💋
Mi entrada al consurso #88 https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@milagrosmhbl/everything-i-can-do-in-a-day-contest-entry-88-esp-eng
Gracias querida Mila por mostrar la rutina que es la de la familia. Soy mamá, así que lo sé por Hart y me encanta. Tuve que leer dos veces, lo que es tetica. Pero ahora lo entiendo jajajaja
La familia es lo mejor y el hecho mola cuando tienes una rutina.
Así que gracias por la entrada y buena suerte.
Thank you dear Mila for showing the routine that is the family one. I am a mum to so i know that by hart and i love it. I had to read twice, what tetica is. But i get it now hahhahaha
Family is the best and the fact is cool when you have a routine.
So thank you for the entry and good luck
Hello good morning, I would like to share my participation, this week the questions have a lot of material to cut because they are quite extensive when it comes to answering. Success to all of you.
Very nice and the first that i read about a hive lady doing a vlog aswell. Maybe add the link to that one to. I like that you are an active lady and wooing you and your friends in the gym is the ladies of gym. And studying crypto that will prepare you fro the crypto future. Great entry and i wish you luck, and thank you for using the ladiesofhive
Muy agradable y lo primero que leo sobre una dama de la colmena que también hace un vlog. Tal vez agregue el enlace a ese a. Me gusta que seas una dama activa y que cortejarte a ti y a tus amigos en el gimnasio sean las damas del gimnasio. Y estudiar criptografía que te preparará para el futuro criptográfico. Gran entrada y te deseo suerte, y gracias por usar ladiesofhive
https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@josief27/concurso-nro-88-ladies-ofhive-contest-nr-88-ladies-of-hive-esp-eng Un bendecido día, para toda la familia de ladies of hive, por acá les comparto mi participación en el concurso de esta semana. Agradeciendo de ante mano por leer mi publicación. Gracias¡¡.
Gracias por unirte al conytest y entrar a un blog encantador. Las tareas del hogar nunca se hacen, sé que como madre y esposa también, jajaja, odio la jardinería, pero al mirar tu jardín veo una flor rosa, tal vez haga un blog al respecto, a las damas de colmena les encanta el rosa, buena suerte en el concurso.
Here's my entry :)
Where are you in the pictures hhahahahah, love the blog but that was a rule this time.
I love nurturing my orchids so i get that your flowers and the plants do the same for you. School starts at 9 here is it at 8 o’clock , and that chicken curry made me hungry 1
Thanks dear for the entry, have a great sunday and thank you for blogging in the @ladiesofhive community
Here's my entry- https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@mimrahman/a-day-with-me-ladies-of-hive-community-contest-88
Its so cool to meet all you ladies a bit more up close and personal. The fact that you all give some insight in your lives and show you love ones is way cool.
Thank you for sharing! That newspaper is so cool i cant read it but that letter frame is way cool.your English is good and so was the blog
Good luck in the contest
hola Damas, por acá mi entrada para esta semana. https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@g2ml/concurso-comunitario-damas-de-hive-n-88-ladies-of-hive-community-contest-no-88-esp-eng
Hello dear, thank you for showing your day and your family. The mum is best for driving the kids. I love that you take care of your mum of age. Caregivers are great and we do that for our family. Great to read that hive is part of your daily life and that you write and make blogs every day , i wish you good luck and thank you for musing the ladiesofhive community to blog your gems in
Hola querida, gracias por mostrar tu día y tu familia. La mamá es la mejor para llevar a los niños. Me encanta que cuides a tu madre mayor de edad. Los cuidadores son geniales y lo hacemos por nuestra familia. Genial leer que la colmena es parte de tu vida diaria y que escribes y haces blogs todos los días, te deseo buena suerte y gracias por reflexionar sobre la comunidad de damas de la colmena para bloguear tus gemas.
Hi everyone
My entry
Renee i love the blog but the rule was 3 or more pictures with you in it, and i eventhough i loved the dog and loved the food ( i need you as my professional chef to loose weight aswell ) in your blog despite the missing of you in the pictures. Your tummy is not open till 1-2 pm mine is open 24/7 hahahahahand indeed use your woman power to keep coco!
Coco will do great as a pet blog for the #hivepets community
Hola, por aquí mi entrada de esta semana. Gracias.
We as mums have a busy life outside our working life, and i commend you as a teacher , you are gems to our children and works hard to teach them.
We love spending time at the sports office our kids, I am at the soccer field in the weekends. Thank you for the blog i love reading about your routines and the fact
You took the assignment to make three or more pictures with you in it.
Good luck and thank you for using the ladies of hive community
Nosotras, como madres, tenemos una vida ocupada fuera de nuestra vida laboral, y te felicito como maestra, eres una joya para nuestros hijos y trabajas duro para enseñarles.
Nos encanta pasar tiempo en la oficina de deportes de nuestros hijos, yo estoy en la cancha de fútbol los fines de semana. Gracias por el blog me encanta leer sobre tus rutinas y el hecho
Tomaste la tarea de hacer tres o más fotos contigo.
Buena suerte y gracias por usar la comunidad de damas de la colmena.
Good, then you have the same task as I do on weekends. Accompanying our children in what they love is fantastic.
When I decided on the day to tell you about my routine I took pictures of almost every activity I did. I missed cooking and tidying up the house hahaha.
Thanks for stopping by, I love participating in the weekly contest.
Que bueno, entonces tienes la misma tarea qje yo los fines de semana. Acompañar a nuestros niños en lo que a ellos les gusta es fantastico
Cuando decidi el dia para contarles mi rutina tome las fotografias casi en todas las actividades que realicé. Me falto cuando cociné y ordene la casa jajaja
Gracias por pasarte por aquí, me encanta parricipar en el concurso semanal
Welll you know there is also the community #theweekend , where you can also share what you do, taking pictures of your life and what you do all day are great to share in a blog. Showing what we do in out home countries is great for foreigners , so keep it up
Bueno, ya sabes que también existe la comunidad #theweekend, donde también puedes compartir lo que haces, tomar fotos de tu vida y lo que haces todo el día es genial para compartir en un blog. Mostrar lo que hacemos en nuestros países de origen es genial para los extranjeros, así que sigue así.
Thanks 😁
Holaa por acá mi participación
You lead a busy life and i can imagine that you want to rule out monotony ! Monotony is bad if you ask me, always try to do things different! I was astonished that you have to travel 120 minutes twice a day thats so much, that does give you the opportunity to be hiving.
What is a arepita?
And what is Ufff? Well thank you for the entry and i wish you a great weekend.
Thank you blogging in the community @ladiesofhive
¡Llevas una vida ajetreada y puedo imaginar que quieres descartar la monotonía! La monotonía es mala si me preguntas, ¡siempre trata de hacer las cosas diferentes! Me asombró que tengas que viajar 120 minutos dos veces al día, eso es tanto, eso te da la oportunidad de estar hirviendo.
¿Qué es una arepita?
¿Y qué es Ufff? Bueno, gracias por la entrada y les deseo un buen fin de semana.
Gracias blogueando en la comunidad @ladiesofhive
Hola querida comunidad por acá les dejo mi participación a este interesante concurso:
Hello Oli, thank you for blogging your first blog in the community we all love so much and where all the ladies help eachother.
Great that you work virtually and that you have spend your day with us and showed pictures with you in it . We have a contest every week and love for you to be with us next week again ( tomorrow is the new conetst online )
Good luck and see you on hive
Hola Oli, gracias por publicar tu primer blog en la comunidad que tanto amamos y donde todas las damas se ayudan entre sí.
Genial que trabajes virtualmente y que hayas pasado el día con nosotros y hayas mostrado fotos contigo en él. Tenemos un concurso cada semana y nos encanta que estés con nosotros la próxima semana (mañana es el nuevo concurso en línea)
Buena suerte y nos vemos en la colmena