Ladies of Hive Community Contest #200

in Ladies of Hive2 months ago (edited)
Authored by @priyanarc

W E L C O M E 
TO THE 200th EDITION of the

• • • ✿ • • • ✿ • • • ✿ • • •

𝐘𝐄𝐒! 𝐖𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐥𝐲

𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭!

In addition to our usual prizes... to help celebrate our 200th Weekly Contest, @thekittygirl will send 200 PIZZA tokens from her own wallet to each of those on the Winners List.

Además de nuestros premios habituales... para ayudar a celebrar nuestro concurso semanal número 200, @thekittygirl enviará 200 fichas de PIZZA de su propia billetera a cada uno de los que están en la lista de ganadores.

Also, there will be a special room in our Discord named #contest-200. Anyone who writes an entry for Contest 200 is welcome to drop the link in that room. At the end of the week, a random drawing will be conducted via one of our Discord bots to select 5 winners for additional 200 PIZZA prize packs, also furnished by @thekittygirl

Además, habrá una sala especial en nuestro Discord llamada #contest-200. Cualquiera que escriba una entrada para el Concurso 200 puede dejar el enlace en esa sala. Al final de la semana, se realizará un sorteo aleatorio a través de uno de nuestros robots de Discord para seleccionar 5 ganadores de 200 tokens de PIZZA adicionales, también proporcionados por @thekittygirl.

@hivetrending, a founding member of the pizza.witness team, was kind to add another 200 PIZZA tokens to the prize pool, which will be distributed in our Discord. Thank you, @hivetrending! Please consider supporting the pizza.witness, everyone!

@hivetrending, miembro fundador del equipo de pizza.witness, tuvo la amabilidad de agregar otros 200 tokens PIZZA al premio acumulado, que se distribuirá en nuestro Discord. ¡Gracias, @hivetrending! ¡Por favor considere apoyar pizza.witness, todos!

This is a contest from our community to you, women empowering each other both on the blockchain and in Discord! A place we love and where Hive is alive. If you haven't joined our discord yet, an invite can be found by clicking on the first banner under this post!

¡Este es un concurso de nuestra comunidad para ustedes, mujeres que se empoderan unas a otras tanto en blockchain como en Discord! Un lugar que amamos y donde Hive está presente. Si aún no se ha unido a nuestra discordia, puede encontrar una invitación haciendo clic en el primer aviso publicitario debajo de esta publicación.

Our usual prizes:

We will award 3 HIVE, 300 Ecency Points, 20 LOH tokens, 2 HSBI (Hive Stake Based Income) units, and 7 QUEERH tokens to the best entry. The Second Place winner will receive 2 HIVE, 150 Ecency Points, 20 LOH tokens, 2 HSBI (Hive Stake Based Income) units, and 5 QUEERH tokens each. Third Place Winners will be granted one HIVE, 50 Ecency Points, 20 LOH tokens, 2 HSBI (Hive Stake Based Income) units, and 3 QUEERH tokens each.

Nuestros premios habituales:

Otorgaremos 3 HIVE, 300 Ecency Points, 20 tokens LOH, 2 unidades HSBI (Hive Stake Based Income), y 7 tokens QUEERH a la mejor entrada. Hasta tres ganadores del Segundo Lugar recibirán 2 HIVE, 150 Puntos Ecency, 20 tokens LOH, 2 unidades HSBI (Hive Stake Based Income), y 5 tokens QUEERH cada uno. Ganadores del tercer lugar recibirán una HIVE, 50 puntos Ecency, 20 tokens LOH, 2 unidades HSBI (Hive Stake Based Income), y 3 tokens QUEERH.

We received a gift of Layer2 LUV tokens from @wesphilbin to add to our prize pool. Two tokens will be given to each winner, each week, until the supply is distributed. Thank you, Wes! Big thanks also to @jamerussell for donating 4000 Ecency Points to our prize pool!

Recibimos un regalo de tokens Layer2 LUV de @wesphilbin para agregarlos a nuestro premio acumulado. Se entregarán dos tokens a cada ganador, cada semana, hasta que se distribuya el suministro. ¡Gracias Wes! ¡Muchas gracias también a @jamerussell por donar 4000 puntos Ecency a nuestro premio acumulado!

A small amount of actual HivePower (HP) will also be graciously sent to all the winners by witness and Hive developer @sagarkothari88! Winners will immediately begin benefitting from that prize and will earn APR on it, too! If anyone has a spare witness vote to cast his way, I'm sure he would appreciate it!

¡El testigo y desarrollador de Hive @sagarkothari88 también enviará una pequeña cantidad de HivePower (HP) real a todos los ganadores! ¡Los ganadores comenzarán a beneficiarse inmediatamente de ese premio y también obtendrán una APR! ¡Estoy seguro de que agradecería un voto por su testigo!

Gentlemen are welcome to enter the contest, if they wish!

¡Los caballeros son bienvenidos a participar en el concurso, si lo desean!

PLEASE place the contest number #200
somewhere in your title!

► Also, please link your entry in a comment on this Contest post! ◄

Please support other posts in
the community each week!

It's easier & more fun
when we grow together!



For this week:

1️⃣ How do you define a meaningful life, and do you feel you are living one?

~ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 / 𝐎𝐑 ~

2️⃣ How do you handle failure, and what do you learn from it?

The Hive blockchain uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
The contest ends each Saturday at 11:59 PM (23:59) UTC.
You can see the current date/time expressed in UTC here:
• Current UTC
or in our Discord server with the command:  .time

To make sure that your entry is valid, and can not be missed for the contest, please make sure that you follow the RULES:

Para garantizar que su participación sea válida y no se pierda el concurso, asegúrese de seguir las REGLAS:

  • Blog must answer at least one of the questions(or more, if you wish!)
  • El blog debe responder al menos una de las preguntas (¡o más, si lo desea!)
  • Blog must be submitted before the end of day Saturday, August 31, 2024
  • El blog debe enviarse antes del final del día Sábado, 31 de Agosto, 2024
  • Blog must be published in 'Ladies of Hive' community
  • El blog debe publicarse en la comunidad 'Ladies of Hive' (Damas de Hive)
  • Blog must be linked in a comment to this post
  • El blog debe estar vinculado en un comentario a esta publicación
  • Blog must be original in order to win
  • El blog debe ser original para poder ganar       
  • Blog must be 200+ words (word count must be met before any translation of your blog!)
  • El blog debe tener más de 200 palabras (el recuento de palabras debe efectuarse antes de cualquier traducción de tu blog!)

Good luck, Ladies!

Questions this week by: @priyanarc
Judging will be by: @priyanarc

~ photo at top of this post from Картинки и Рисунки on kartinki-i-risunki ~

All comments written on any LADIES OF HIVE posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.

If you are not yet in our Discord server,
please consider clicking the banner below to join us!

LadiesOfHive is a community that focuses on women — their interests, joys, passions, and stories of their journey through life. Not only does our community account @ladiesofhive publish our weekly contests and news, but we also comment and upvote most of the posts that grace our community page. A delegation to @ladiesofhive would enable us to have more flexibility in upvotes that we use to reward and encourage the women that post to our community. If you are interested, you may click the links, below, to delegate via Hivesigner, or use your favorite alternate interface. Thank you for considering a show of support to our community!

50 HP
100 HP
500 HP
1000 HP
5000 HP
click here
click here
click here
click here
click here

There are 2 pages

Feliz semana damas de Hive. Interesantes preguntas para esta semana:

¿Cómo define una vida significativa y siente que la está viviendo?

y / 𝐎

¿Cómo manejas el fracaso y qué aprendes de él?
Excelente semana para todas.

Great initiative !

Congrats LOH and good luck everyone, can't wait to read all the amazing posts...

Make this 200th contest meaningful.
We've come a long way!
Good luck, ladies!!!

Greetings everyone, here is my entry for this week's contest. Good luck and enjoy the week 🙏

Hi ladies, here is my entry
read and comment lets rub minds together

Hello everyone! Greetings and many congratulations for reaching contest number 200, this is great! I am sharing my entry here.

Muchas felicidades por la iniciativa número 200.
Espero participar, si la salud lo permite y dar mis puntos de vista.
Gracias por las interrogantes, muy interesantes. Bendiciones.

Hello, ladies!

Happy 200th weekly contest anniversary to us

Here is my entry

Congratulations on the 200th week of the LOH prompt.

Here is my entry for this week;

Congratulations on reaching the 200th week 🎉🎉
Greater heights, Amen

Here's my entry for the week

Greetings beautiful ladies, I leave you my entry to the contest.🌹❤️

Saludos bellas ladies, les dejo mi entrada al contest🌹❤️

Congratulations on celebrating 200 weeks of consistency.

Here's my entry...

There are 2 pages