Ladies of Hive Community Contest #105

W E L C O M E 
TO THE 105th EDITION of the

This is a contest from our community to you, women empowering each other both on the blockchain and in Discord! A place we love and where Hive is alive. If you haven't joined our discord yet, an invite can be found by clicking on the first banner under this post!

¡Este es un concurso de nuestra comunidad para ustedes, mujeres que se empoderan unas a otras tanto en blockchain como en Discord! Un lugar que amamos y donde Hive está presente. Si aún no se ha unido a nuestra discordia, puede encontrar una invitación haciendo clic en el primer aviso publicitario debajo de esta publicación.

We will award 3 HIVE, 300 Ecency Points, and 15 LEO tokens to the best entry. Up to three Second Place winners will receive 2 HIVE, 150 Ecency Points, and 7 LEO tokens each. Third Place Winners will be granted one HIVE, 50 Ecency Points, and a split of the remaining LEO tokens.

Otorgaremos 3 HIVE, 300 Ecency Points, y 15 tokens LEO a la mejor entrada. Hasta tres ganadores del Segundo Lugar recibirán 2 HIVE, 150 Puntos Ecency, y 7 tokens LEO cada uno. Ganadores del tercer lugar recibirán una HIVE, 50 puntos Ecency, y una división de los tokens LEO restantes.

~ for Blingual posts ~

Please place the text of each language together, either in side-by-side columns ~OR~ in adjacent paragraphs! It is harder for our judges to read when there are two or three paragraphs in Spanish, then two or three in English, then two or three more in Spanish, etc. THANK YOU! 😊

PLEASE place the contest number #105 somewhere in your title!
► Also, please link your entry in a comment on this Contest post! ◄


For this week we want to know:

1️⃣ Do you have a personal guiding principle (or a mantra) by which you live? If you do, what is it and how is it impacting your life so far?

2️⃣ If Hive were a dish (food), what would it be and why do you say so?

The Hive blockchain uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
The contest ends each Saturday at 11:59 PM (23:59) UTC.
You can see the current date/time expressed in UTC here:
• Current UTC
or in our Discord server with the command: .. time

To make sure that your entry is valid, and can not be missed for the contest, please make sure that you follow the RULES:

Para garantizar que su participación sea válida y no se pierda el concurso, asegúrese de seguir las REGLAS:

  • Blog must answer at least one of the questions(or more, if you wish!)
  • El blog debe responder al menos una de las preguntas (¡o más, si lo desea!)
  • Blog must be submitted before the end of day Saturday, October 29, 2022
  • El blog debe enviarse antes del final del día Sábado, 29 de Octubre, 2022
  • Blog must be published in 'Ladies of Hive' community
  • El blog debe publicarse en la comunidad 'Ladies of Hive' (Damas de Hive)
  • Blog must be linked in a comment to this post
  • El blog debe estar vinculado en un comentario a esta publicación
  • Blog must be original in order to win
  • El blog debe ser original para poder ganar       
  • Blog must be 200+ words (word count must be met before any translation of your blog!)
  • El blog debe tener más de 200 palabras (el recuento de palabras debe efectuarse antes de cualquier traducción de tu blog!)
  • Blog must invite another woman to the community
  • El blog debe invitar a otra mujer a la comunidad

Good luck, Ladies!

Questions this week by: @ifarmgirl
Judging will be by: @ifarmgirl

~ photo at top of this post by pawel szvmanski on ~

All comments written on any LADIES OF HIVE posts receive staked ARCHON tokens along with Feathered Friends and Shadow Hunters posts.

If you are not yet in our Discord server,
please consider clicking the banner below to join us!

LadiesOfHive is a community that focuses on women — their interests, joys, passions, and stories of their journey through life. Not only does our community account @ladiesofhive publish our weekly contests and news, but we also comment and upvote most of the posts that grace our community page. A delegation to @ladiesofhive would enable us to have more flexibility in upvotes that we use to reward and encourage the women that post to our community. If you are interested, you may click the links, below, to delegate via Hivesigner, or use your favorite alternate interface. Thank you for considering a show of support to our community!

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There are 2 pages

I like your comparison with pizza and the one you share with us looks very tasty. The ingredients get along well without taking individual prominence, together they taste very good.

I like pizza :) Thank you for your delicious entry hehe

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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @noalys, @jellygel12, @sacra97 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Anything one can give with satisfaction is a good mantra for the soul. We should give more without the intention of receiving anything in return, I congratulate you for your attitude towards your neighbor friend @proncessbusayo

Thanks so much for taking your time to read. God bless you 👌

Gotcha PB :) Thank you lots for sharing your awesome thoughts!

I'm glad I did 😍

Here we go again. I wish everyone luck 🙏

Good luck, ladies!

All the best ladies and looking forward to your write-ups😉

Expect mine in the week 🤩

Thank you for the question 🥰 !LADY

Beautiful questions by @ifarmgirl 👏👏👏
Let's see what the ladies have in their abode for this week.

😉 Thank you :)

Una semana de éxitos damas de Hive. Muy buenas inquietudes esta semana:
¿Tienes un principio guía personal (o un mantra) por el cual vives? Si lo hace, ¿qué es y cómo está afectando su vida hasta ahora?
Si Hive fuera un plato (comida), ¿cuál sería y por qué lo dices?
Buenísimo, no se lo pierdan, permitanme invitarlas: @lisfabian, @mllg @numa26 @olivia08 @ninahaskin @jurich60 @caydenshan

A week of hits ladies of Hive. Very good concerns this week @ladiesofhive

Thank you @sacra97 for tagging me

Gracias @olivia08, muy amable.


This topic is like the spices you add to you food it's sweet. All thanks to @ifarmgirl for this beautiful topic.

Thank you :) Looking forward to your entry :)

Greetings @ladiesofhive, very good theme for this week,uhhuumm food, it's delicious.


Hello and yes, food is life they say :) Hope to see your entry.

Los tópicos están bastante interesantes, lo del mantra de una puso a pensar si poseo uno.

It would be interesting to read if you have or not :)

AWWW, good one @ifarmgirl, let me ponder.untitled.gif

This gif made me LOL! Ponder on !LADY :)

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@ifarmgirl, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @farm-mom and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (11/12 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

Laughing is healthy, I try to laugh everyday


😅 It's perhaps the best medicine for the soul :)

Right on !

Great questions @ifarmgirl ... Sometimes I use a mantra to keep motivate, when we live alone we need automotive! The best use a mantra

Thank you lots @tibaire, looking forward to read you mantra :)

I have a feeling we will see a lot of tasty dishes this week!

I also think that we will read about many variations of codes of conduct; many that could impact how we currently live as well. Should be interesting! Great questions, @ifarmgirl !

It would be awesome to see and read different entries from our fellow ladies :) I'm prepped to be feeling hungry, lol!

Thank you Elizabeth :)

LOL! Bring on the Hive Food!

Waiting for them, lol!


Woah! This is interesting sis.

Thank you lots sis :)

It's another week and I wish everyone success in the contest...mine will drop later

All the best to you too :)

Hello friends. I am back again this week.
This is my entry for this week.

In the bible there are the best mantras to help us grow and strengthen ourselves and God is the best guide for that. Greetings friend @adaezeinchrist

Thanks friend. I do appreciate your comments. Be blessed 🙏

Thank you for your entry :) Cheers!

i wish everyone very luck with this weeks challenge.

Thank you and all the best to you too.

Good-luck to everyone who will participate.
The both topics are interesting. I will ponder on which to blog about and drop my entry soon.

Cheers and we look forward to reading yours :)

Every word that comes from God is pleasing and profitable.

Thank you lots, I appreciate your participation :)


Hive like a plate of food hahaha we'll see what I can achieve.😁

Waiting for it! Make sure it's something delicious, LOL!

Many thanks Isabel. Your platter made my mouth water :)

Que buen ejemplo al juntar todas las partes se forma un todo, eso es Hive. Y con lo que me gusta ese plato para comerlo todo. Excelente aporte al tema de la semana @isabelpena un abrazote

Nice one

Thank you lots!

You welcome

Thank you lots :) Your story made me ponder a lot of things and yep, we don't have to follow the so-called "norms"

Blog must invite another woman to the community

What does this mean, that yo e has to tag another woman on the community to take part on the contest? Thank you so much in advance

Yes, any woman around Hive :)

Perfect! Thank you so much! I love this :)

Perfect! Thank you so much! I love this :)

Saludos comunidad de las damas de Hive
Mi participación/This is my entry :

Thank you :) "And may life treat you kindly"

Thank you very much for the support @ifarmgirl

Pleasure :) Thank you too and have a great weekend

Yummy! I like pakbet, not all veggies in it though :)

Interesantes preguntas las de esta semana, como siempre una buena invitación a pensar y a crear contenido reflexivo. Pronto dejaré por aquí mi participación. Saludos.

Thank you and looking forward to what you will be sharing :)

Nice prompts @ifarmgirl .. I have something to write later hehe

Hehe, thank you lots lady :) Looking forward to it.


Glad you do. Hope to read yours soon :)

May the blessing of this week be with you ladies🥰😊
Here is my humble entry post

Thank you for your good wishes and for sharing your positivity too :)

Cool questions @ifarmgirl! I shall have to ponder... 🤔 !LADY

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@consciouscat, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @ladiesofhive and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/1 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

Got it, thank you :)

Hi Ladies! Here is my entry for this week contest:

Good luck to everyone!

Many thanks for your participation :)

Hi! This is my ENTRY for this Week contest. Hope you all like it ✨☺️

Hello ladies, here is my participation.

I invite to participate to @rlathulerie 💗

It took me a while to decide what I'm more interested to write on. Both questions were fabulous.
Here's my entry -

I continue with the privilege of being part of this community. Here is my submission for this week @ladiesofhive

Continuo con el privilegio ser parte de esta comunidad. Acá mi entrega de esta semana @ladiesofhive

"I'm late again." is not a very good mantra, I need to change it. Lol!

Hello ladies,
Thanks for another contest to express our ideas, and beautiful thoughts.
I never stop to think about my mantras, I guess I have more than one.
If you are like me, please stop by my post and let me know if you are like me or if we share some ideas.

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