The Calmness is the source of inner strength: Peaceful heart rockz!

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

When the heart is moved, all things move; when the heart is calm, all things are still. Movement and stillness are inherently relative, and only the mind is the reference for both. When the mind is quiet, the mind is pure, and the mind is free from dust. No matter how things change, when you are still, you have a thousand powers. Those who are impetuous and impetuous will end up being difficult to achieve; when they are calm and calm, they will not be frightened by humiliation, and they will have a hundred blessings. Stillness gives birth to wisdom. As the saying goes: if the water is very still, the image will be bright; if the mind is very still, wisdom will be born. On the sparkling river, it is difficult to see the reflection clearly; only when you are quiet in your heart can you discern right from wrong. As water is, so is the man. It is easy for people to be blinded by the desires of the world, ignoring their true hearts, and unable to see exactly what they want. Therefore, instead of getting lost and stagnant in the turmoil of the world, it is better to let the heart return to peace and find a way to break the situation with deep fog.

There is a carpenter who works in the yard with his apprentices every day. Since the business is good, the yard is full of sawdust and shavings. One day, he accidentally cut off the bracelet on his wrist while sawing wood and the watch fell into the shavings and sawdust. It was the carpenter's most valuable watch. He was so anxious that he asked his apprentices to rush to find them together until it was dark. In the end, he said dishearteningly: Forget it, everyone clean up and lock the door, and look for it tomorrow. After a while, his son ran over excitedly and said: The watch has been found. The carpenter is puzzled: we are so many adults, we can't find the watch under the lantern, how did you find it? His son said: You are all gone, the yard is very quiet, I heard the sound of the watch ticking, and followed the sound to find it.

Silence is a silent and powerful force. Sometimes, the more we want to get a result, it always backfires. Rather than being indignant and irritable, it is better to calm your mind and clear your mind. Don't be confused by the sound of the outside world, slow down and stay calm, and then you can find the solution to the cloud and fog. Don't be in a mess and be irritable when you are in trouble, this will make things worse and get out of hand. Many times, it is not the opponent who defeats oneself, but the impetuousness.

A young pastor went to take the pastoral exam, the most important of which was public speaking. To this end, he prepared the speech in advance, and even rented a house near the exam, and read it aloud every day, until the day before the exam, the speech was memorized. He was determined to win the exam, but he didn't want something unexpected to happen while he was waiting for the speech. A contestant in front of him had the same speech as himself. It turned out that the contestant had eavesdropped on his speech and appeared before him. Uncontrollable anger and tension flooded his mind, and he tried to calm himself down and find the best solution. After calming down for a moment, the young man walked up to the stage calmly and said: As a pastor, the most important thing is to know how to listen to others and have a good memory. Let me demonstrate for you, such as repeating the content of the previous contestant's speech. He began to recite his well-prepared speech, which was more perfect than the previous contestant, and even received praise for his ingenious way, and passed the exam. Everyone has had a similar panic experience. The young pastor kept calm and calm so that his brain had room to think, so he could come up with a way to deal with it.

If you are in a hurry, you must be calm and relieved. If you are in a hurry, you are afraid of making mistakes. Nothing in the world can be wrong with being busy. Therefore, being calm and peaceful is the first way to deal with things. Calmness and calmness are the most important wealth on the road of life. There is no wasted effort in this world, and no one-off success. All the accumulated precipitation is the cornerstone of future success.

How to exercise calmness

When our minds calm down, the troubles are noisy, like the mud in life, but we also wait, or there will be a lotus flower, some pure wisdom, from the corner of ignorance and unknown. Just like the lotus flower in the pond emerges from the mud without being stained, when your heart is like still water, calm and indifferent, all troubles will be washed away. Only by not being burdened by things outside the body, not being led by desires and thoughts, can you gain physical and mental relief and freedom.

There was a Buddha who took some disciples to the village for alms. When passing by a river, the Buddha said to a disciple: I am thirsty after walking in a hurry, please help me to scoop up a bowl of water. The disciple took a bowl and went to the river to fetch water. He looked up and saw someone washing clothes in the upper reaches of the river. At this time, several merchants on horseback passed by, and for a time, the river water was mixed with sediment. So the disciple went back and said to the Buddha: The river water is turbid and unfit for drinking. The Buddha said: Then rest for a while, and then go over after a while. After a while, the disciple came back with a bowl of clean water, and the Buddha took the water and said: Look, if you don't touch the water, you don't need to exert force, the soil will settle and the river water will be crystal clear. Our minds are the same way. Therefore, when the water is still, the water is clear, and the mind is still bright. The disciple suddenly realized. With all the disturbances and impurities in the world, rather than the pure land, it is better to meditate.

Only by calming down your heart and maintaining a peaceful mind can you face life more calmly. Only by allowing one's heart to settle down, without arguing, without complaining, without being discouraged, can you better meet the challenge. The world is ups and downs, and life is not easy. Only by keeping calm in the heart can we find a way out in the foggy forest of life. Lighting is watching, and for the rest of your life, may you know how to slow down at the right time, know how to calm down and think, not be confused by people's words, not be disturbed by prejudice, and keep a meditative mind, and wait for a flower to bloom. Be a person who is calm, calm, and calm in dealing with things.

Thank you for reading my post. I have learned the main idea from this article which is not in English but I have modified it with my own style! I hope you have learned something from this article about the power of Calmness. I will catch you at the next. Have a nice day!

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This is wonderful! It is worthy of the #thoughtfuldailypost tag!
I liked your writing, very much! 😊


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Thanks a lot for your kind suggestions, i will use that tag in my future post. As a newbie I am always learning here.

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