Hello ladys of hive beauties!

Yesterday I was at home a little bit bored and I applied this beautiful makeup, I really had no intention of uploading them so I didn't take into account to detail the process even though I liked the result, I know it would have been very important to have done it.
For weeks now I have been in an interpersonal dilemma and I have felt real times in which the decisions are extremely important for me, for those around me and especially for the people I love so much because I have to get away from some people to get back to being well with myself such as family members, I know it sounds ugly but knowing a little the context anyone would understand me.
I am 23 years old and it is time to make my life apart, being independent and above all responsible with myself and where I am I keep putting ties and brakes to my personal construction and it is illogical to feel that your loved ones slow down this process, so I am not yet fully decided but soon will come times of change for the better.

Greetings to all the community, you are loved.

Hola bellezas de ladys of hive!

El día de ayer estuve en casa un poco aburrida y me aplique este hermoso maquillaje, realmente no tenía ninguna intención de subirlas por lo que no tomé en cuenta el detallar mejor el proceso aunque el resultado me gustó se que hubiese sido de gran importancia haberlo echo.
Hace ya una semanas que he estado en un dilema interpersonal y he sentido verdaderos tiempos en los que las decisiones son sumamente importantes para mí, los que me rodean y sobretodo para las personas que tanto quiero porque debo alejarme de algunas personas para volver a estar bien conmigo misma como los son .is familiares, se que suena feo pero conociendo un poco el contexto cualquiera me entendería.
Yo tengo 23 años de edad y ya es hora de realizar mi vida aparte, siendo independiente y sobretodo responsable conmigo misma y en el lugar que me encuentro sigo poniendo ataduras y frenos a mi construcción personal y es ilógico sentir que tus seres queridos frenan este proceso, por lo que aún no estoy totalmente decidida pero pronto vendrán tiempos de cambios para mejor.

Saludos a toda la comunidad, se les quiere.
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Lovely, I don't indulge in makeup as much as I used to. I stick to a basic three as life gets too busy for me to bother, unless I really have to. Nice to see you pamper yourself.❤️
Hey, I'm sorry for not responding sooner, some inconveniences have made it difficult for me to connect but I was glad to read your comment and I hope you are feeling well, ssludos and good vibes. ✨