As a rule, you just can't select any photo you find on the internet and include it in your blog unless the photo is free for you to use. Photos on social media, such as facebook and Pinterest are not free. They belong to someone. In order to use them, you have to get permission to do so. That's why it's always recommended to use your own photos. Alternatively, look for sites that offer free images with copyright restrictions. Sites such as Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash, Kaboompics, and Wikipedia Commons. As long as the photo has a Creative Commons license that allows you to use it, then be safe and choose a photo from one of those or any other sites.
Thanks for your response.
Oh I see. I thought it's enough to put it's source. By the way, thanks for the information and the samples of sites in which I can freely use the photos. It helps a lot.
And by the way, I'll try to look a photo with the sites you had mentioned and try to edit my post.
Hello @justclickindiva. I tried to look for a buko salad picture on sites that you had mentioned but I can't find one that fit to the ingredients, but I did find a pic on canva, and able to change the picture. Hope it's okay now.😊
By the way, I did message the owner of that 'buko salad' picture, since it happens that she was a friend on my list though I don't exactly knew her, but up to now, she's offline. So I decided to change the picture and pick the one from canva.
You can also use Wikipedia:
Canva is good for its free images. Just make sure that all the images you created the collage with are free. Since Canva also has premium images for its Pro Members, your reader can't tell whether the images are free to use. If you're changing the images to make a collage in Canva, you need to indicate they images are free. All images have links to them in Canva.
Hmm, maybe for fruit salad but there's no strips of young coconut fruit in there so it can't be called buko salad. 😊
See my answer for the Canva collage you created. Good you found an alternative.