Pride & Prejudice

in Ladies of Hive3 months ago

Snake, Shake, Revival!

Ambivalence in finding self again, opposing thoughts cross ones mind as a constant stream of reminders, regular outdoor meditation required to integrate opposing ideas running amok.....

Push/pull throughout life a balancing act being a woman with strong moral standing. Be prepared to tackle emotions opposing each another, never knowing which is valid.

Such is life, as in marriage words of advice, if not heeded, dust off keep moving forward.

Nature is where sanity is found, a reason for everything in life will be found by looking below/above the hood with honest assessment.


Sifting through hour glass, change over the years, warning a partner to take care or seek assistance, blatantly ignored, almost scoffed at, is a shattering feeling.

Slow to anger, or radical decisions affecting a family, embrace it washing over you, clarity in knowledge nothing done in heated debate. Unwritten verbiage of Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be), a song my Mom loved to sing, after seeing series has become a favourite of mine.


Fathoming out future steps to be taken, as done in the past ensuring all are comfortable in coping through a time when nothing appears to be as it should.

Pride and prejudice, family, wealth, reputation, social class. Taken out of context or each word alone relates to a completely different story, pride in pleasure of achievement, or pride in honesty attained, prejudice an unfair feeling or dislike for a person, group, race, sex, religion.


Neither it's teamwork, accepting we all have good days and bad. Selfish or selfless, companionship comes in all shapes and sizes, sometimes opposites gel where compatible clash.

Snake bite has taken a twinkle from the eye, family reality shake awake in horror, we can never know what tomorrow brings. While you were sleeping are we casting crowns, surrendering a sense of authority where we have no control?


Revival after the love has gone is nonsensical, spinning out of control never grounded, it's not me. Simultaneously goodness of people, haste at which time decays, escaping sudden void, quiet moments with nature where I am at one.


Have a wonderful week, trying to pop in when able, know that I am still with the lovely friends in Hive.


Have a fun day wherever you are in the world, appreciate nature and everything she offers you. All photography taken on Canon Powershot SX730 HS tumbling words my own.

Thought for Today: "Dreams are voices of ancestors." - African Proverb




Life deals us some tough hands at times. Always glad yo see you when you pop in :O)

Swan song of this event, shit load of cleaning both desk and home then try find even keel once again.

Trying to make sense is now, enables decision taking moving forward of which popping in will become more regular once again. 🙃

How are you Joan? How's your husband doing? I trust there are some improvements by now.
Please stay strong!

Loss of weight extremely evident, being well looked after in frail care home.

Dementia and Alzheimer accelerated exceptionally quickly, difficult watching an active person now learning to walk once again.


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I'm so sorry you have had to deal with all of these but thank goodness he's being taken care of.
Remain strong!

Thanks for loving kindness, you too take care.

Glad to see you popped in Joan and am thinking of you both.

"Pull up those big girl panties and get on your way." - Susan Johnson

This rings true as my younger sister always says, nothing more you able to do now.

Looking forward to being more settled once sorting out has been completed.

Ah yes very true saying for anyone!

Sterkte! It's a huge adjustment

Dankie, life carries on.

So it does. My mothers mind was deteriorating but after she got Covid, she lost so much more.

We noticed slow changes appearing, after green mamba bite this accelerated hundred fold. Mental and physical problems after that 'pandemic' definitely made many more sick, will affect lives for years to come. Take care !LUV

Stay strong, sorry to hear of all the life complications.

Living again with change is a constant, it's how we face it. Thanks of kind words.

Life definitely can be rough! I'm so sorry you have had this to deal with. Many are thinking and praying for you and your husband.

Glad to see your post. Take care.🤗❤️ !LADY

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Will have good days along with bad, comforting knowing people still take time to think of each other with all our baggage we carry.

Please reach out if I can be of help somehow. You can always DM me on discord, even just to vent if you like. Please take care my friend! Much love!🤗❤️🎄🎁 !LUV

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When my Mom passed away four months ago I can remember how fast her mental and physical health had declined over two months prior. One thing I found heart warming in her few lucid moments is that she remembers me and my name.
Praying for you and your family Joan. ❤️

Popped in yesterday and checked his phone, not sure how much he recalled, quick refresher by my son.

This morning heard his sister in New Zealand was able to chat with him, this is great as she is his only sibling. New Zealand is 11 hours ahead of us, it's all in timing, very important they can connect, as we can visit regularly.

Tomorrow is promised to no one, we do what we are able with what we have. Thanks for connecting, sorry to learn about your mothers passing, something we never really come to grips with.

Each of us have one thing or the other which we are battling. Please be courageous lady and stay strong.

True to life we all carry burdens, don't be silent share, it allows clarity to think.


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Nature is truly where sanity is found. I hope you go out now and then to immerse yourself in nature for a refreshing feeling as you navigate these tough times.


Soon I am sure, for now with crowds on the coastline, hot/humid days it's more local and not the beaches. Missing a walk along the seaside, something we did daily at one point in our lives.

!LUV take a well deserved break and look forward to your adventures.


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