One Resilient Woman I Know - LOH Contest #101

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)

Resilent woman.png
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Hello Ladies of Hive,I'm new here, and I decided to hop on this contest because I could relate entirely to the concept. For starters, I feel that every woman at some point in her life has been or shown traits of resiliency.

Dr. Randy Kamen defines resilience as "the ability to bounce back in the face of challenges, losses, and adversity. The resilient woman harnesses inner strengths and rebounds quickly from setbacks such as transitions, illness, trauma, or the death of a loved one."

Following all of these, one resilient woman I know is my aunty. I come from a small village in the eastern part of Nigeria. As part of the cultural practices, widows are subjected to various derogatory practices as part of mourning their late husbands. Some of these practices include; completely shaving their hair with blunt objects, keeping her in a dark room alone for a period of 2weeks, etc. One of the practices I find really annoying is the fact that the brothers of the deceased most time collect the property of the deceased, leaving the widow with little or nothing to train her children.

This was the case with my aunt, Aunty Paula or Aunty P as we fondly called her.The connection with her isn't exactly clear to me. You know all these kind of relations you aren't exactly related to by blood, but still called them aunty? Yesss, that was who Aunty P was to us. Regardless, I loved her as much or even more than I loved my aunties. She had a beautiful marriage with her late husband and lived pretty comfortably with her kids as well. Her husband owned a big farm where he reared chickens for meat and egg. She wasn’t exactly into anything, she just took care of her home and her daughters, whilst her husband provided for them all. All this was until tragedy struck! Her husband’s brothers hurriedly shared all her husband had amongst themselves because they said she had no male child who would inherit his property, forcing my aunty and her kids to return to the village and begin life from scratch.

Unfortunately, my uncle had no will written down, Even if he had, I doubt anything would have been done to help her as there were no laws in the state at that time protecting women's inheritance. Even as a little child, I could remember how bitter and frustrated my aunt was at that time, she tried to fight her in-laws by reporting to the village head, but he probably was bribed by them so she ended up losing too. She went through a lot in her moment of grief. I remember visiting and seeing a really different person from the once lively aunty I used to know. I wished I could do something to help her, but what exactly could I do? I was barely 8 years old, and I didn’t understand the situation the way I do now.

My aunt almost took her life one day, but it was unsuccessful, that was when her family had to take her back to her father’s house and help nurse her back to life. Her daughters were sent to live with other relatives till she was in a better frame of mind. Then just like an eagle who has gone to shed its wings, she got out of her depression and decided to make the most out of her situation.

My mum’s family raised a considerable amount for her to begin life afresh, she started out a food processing business and excelled very well in it, she moved out to a smaller rented apartment in another town and begin life afresh. She got her daughters back and single-handedly trained them through school and fended for them. Excitingly, she was able to do it on her own, most of her daughters are really big now and are fending for themselves already, two out of four of them have degrees from the university already.

When I hear the word ‘resilience’, Aunty P is the first person that comes to my mind, I was super proud of all she was able to achieve regardless of everything life threw at her. Was it difficult for her? Most likely! But was she able to do it? Definitely!

Being resilient is being able to adapt to challenging and difficult life experiences, it is deciding to defy all odds of a difficult situation and make out the best of it, it is being able to decide to defeat the challenge you are facing. As earlier stated, every woman has on one occasion or the other been in a difficult situation, and most times tried to come out from it.

Cheers to all resilient women striving to take charge of their difficult situations! I see you and I believe that soonest it’s all going to be over!

My little advice for you is you don’t necessarily have to go through it alone, speak out and let trusted people know what you’re going through, you might just be one step closer to the solution to your problem.

Thank you for reading till the end!

This is my entry for the LOH 101 contest, and I am calling on @kamarah to join.


Resilent woman.png
source editado con canva

Hola, señoras de Hive, soy nueva aquí y decidí participar en este concurso porque me identificaba por completo con el concepto. Para empezar, siento que todas las mujeres en algún momento de su vida han tenido o han mostrado rasgos de resiliencia.

El Dr. Randy Kamen define la resiliencia como "la capacidad de recuperarse ante los desafíos, las pérdidas y la adversidad. La mujer resiliente aprovecha sus fortalezas internas y se recupera rápidamente de contratiempos como transiciones, enfermedades, traumas o la muerte de un ser querido. ."

Después de todo esto, una mujer resistente que conozco es mi tía. Vengo de un pequeño pueblo en la parte este de Nigeria. Como parte de las prácticas culturales, las viudas están sujetas a diversas prácticas despectivas como parte del duelo por sus difuntos maridos. Algunas de estas prácticas incluyen; afeitarle completamente el cabello con objetos contundentes, mantenerla sola en un cuarto oscuro por un período de 2 semanas, etc. la viuda con poco o nada para educar a sus hijos.

Este fue el caso de mi tía, tía Paula o tía P como cariñosamente la llamábamos. La conexión con ella no me queda muy clara. ¿Conoces todo este tipo de relaciones con las que no estás relacionado exactamente por sangre, pero aún así las llamas tía? Sí, así era la tía P para nosotros. De todos modos, la amaba tanto o incluso más de lo que amaba a mis tías. Tuvo un hermoso matrimonio con su difunto esposo y también vivió cómodamente con sus hijos. Su esposo era dueño de una gran granja donde criaba pollos para carne y huevos. Ella no estaba exactamente en nada, solo cuidaba de su casa y de sus hijas, mientras que su esposo los mantenía a todos. ¡Todo esto fue hasta que ocurrió la tragedia! Los hermanos de su esposo se apresuraron a compartir todo lo que su esposo tenía entre ellos porque dijeron que ella no tenía un hijo varón que heredaría su propiedad, lo que obligó a mi tía y a sus hijos a regresar al pueblo y comenzar una vida desde cero.

Desafortunadamente, mi tío no tenía testamento escrito. Incluso si lo hubiera hecho, dudo que se hubiera hecho algo para ayudarla, ya que en ese momento no había leyes en el estado que protegieran la herencia de las mujeres. Incluso cuando era un niño pequeño, podía recordar lo amargada y frustrada que estaba mi tía en ese momento, trató de luchar contra sus suegros informando al jefe de la aldea, pero probablemente él fue sobornado por ellos, por lo que ella también terminó perdiendo. Pasó por mucho en su momento de dolor. Recuerdo haber visitado y visto a una persona muy diferente de la tía que una vez fue animada y que solía conocer. Deseaba poder hacer algo para ayudarla, pero ¿qué podía hacer exactamente? Apenas tenía 8 años y no entendía la situación como la entiendo ahora.

Mi tía casi se quita la vida un día, pero no tuvo éxito, fue entonces cuando su familia tuvo que llevarla de regreso a la casa de su padre y ayudarla a cuidarla para que volviera a la vida. Sus hijas fueron enviadas a vivir con otros parientes hasta que ella estuviera en un mejor estado de ánimo. Entonces, como un águila que ha ido a mudar sus alas, salió de su depresión y decidió aprovechar al máximo su situación.

La familia de mi madre recaudó una cantidad considerable para que ella comenzara una nueva vida, comenzó un negocio de procesamiento de alimentos y se destacó muy bien en él, se mudó a un apartamento alquilado más pequeño en otra ciudad y comenzó una nueva vida. Ella recuperó a sus hijas y las entrenó sola en la escuela y se las arregló para ellas. Emocionantemente, pudo hacerlo sola, la mayoría de sus hijas son muy grandes ahora y ya se las arreglan solas, dos de cada cuatro de ellas ya tienen títulos de la universidad.

Cuando escucho la palabra 'resiliencia', la tía P es la primera persona que me viene a la mente, estaba muy orgullosa de todo lo que pudo lograr, independientemente de todo lo que la vida le deparó. ¿Fue difícil para ella? ¡Más probable! ¿Pero fue ella capaz de hacerlo? ¡Definitivamente!

Ser resiliente es ser capaz de adaptarse a las experiencias desafiantes y difíciles de la vida, es decidir desafiar todas las probabilidades de una situación difícil y sacar lo mejor de ella, es poder decidir vencer el desafío al que se enfrenta. Como se dijo anteriormente, toda mujer ha estado en una u otra ocasión en una situación difícil, y la mayoría de las veces trató de salir de ella.

¡Saludos a todas las mujeres resilientes que se esfuerzan por hacerse cargo de sus situaciones difíciles! ¡Te veo y creo que lo más pronto que todo va a terminar!

Mi pequeño consejo para ti es que no necesariamente tienes que pasar por esto solo, habla y deja que las personas de confianza sepan por lo que estás pasando, podrías estar un paso más cerca de la solución a tu problema.

¡Gracias por leer hasta el final!

Esta es mi entrada para el concurso LOH 101 y le pido a @kamarah que se una.


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In All your Aunty will Look back and smile 😁 one day
One thing you said I'd always to speak up 🗣️ we should speak up in any situation for people to help us in any way in which they can.

@sommylove yes she definitely will. And Yes, it is very important to speak up, but not just to anybody, we should be able to discern who and who not we should speak to.

Yeah 🙏 very well we should speak up to those we know are worth it indeed 👍

Hello, @jhaynifah .
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Thanks for sharing.
You aunt Paula was resilient!
!LADY 😍🌺🤙

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Thank you for the warm welcome, I look forward to meeting other women in the community 😌

La tía P tuvo que pasar por muchas pruebas. Quedé impactada por los duelos como viuda y que le quitarán todo pues no tuvo un hijo varón. Lo bueno es que tuvo a muchos ángeles que la ayudaron.

Sí, pasó por muchas cosas, en parte porque no tenía un hijo varón, pero me alegro de que haya podido salir adelante. ¡Gracias!

Your Aunty P is indeed resilient despite of everything that has thrown to her when her husband died. I could truly feel her struggles but still she is standing graciously at present. Wishing her peace and comfort my friend. Have a great day.

Thank you so much ! She really went through a lot my dear, I couldn’t possibly have described half of the pain she went through, but I’m glad it’s all over now.

You are welcome my friend. I must say that she is an epitome of resilience. Have a great day and keep safe always

Thank you so much @pinkchic

Welcome to the community and thank you for hopping into the contest. It's sad... the story of your Aunty P but glad she was able to bounce back, thanks to the help of your Mom's family.


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Your Aunty P definitely sounds like an amazing person. I’ve heard stories, mostly folktales about widow maltreatment and i had mo idea it still happened in modern times.
The one about the late man’s relatives taking everything I’ve seen happen before but not the locking up in a dark room for 2 weeks part, it was very surprising reading this tbvh.
I can only imagine what losing someone that close to me feels like and I’m sure it takes a lott of courage to recover but she did and I totally get why you chose her as the subject of your post.

Thanks for the invite🥰

Shocking right? A lot of these things still happen in some of the villages here in the east . Even though Christianity has hidden some of these practices, it doesn’t still change the fact that they still happen.

This happened a long time ago tho (about a decade ago if I’m correct) I don’t think any woman in this era would sit and watch something that brutal happen to her now.

it really is shocking😓

I don’t think any woman in this era would sit and watch something that brutal happen to her now.

With how malicious people can be I don't think they'll give one the chance to say no if they were to do such a thing now but I can only hope that no one experiences this situation.