Desde siempre la risa es algo que nos complementa y es esa herramienta fundamental que todos necesitamos incluso hablando desde mi propia experiencia atesoro totalmente esos momentos donde puedo reír y disfrutar de esta risa sin preocupaciones, para mí reír es algo que siempre es totalmente importante en cada aspecto de mi vida .
Laughing, hearing a laugh or having a nice moment is part of that little bit of dopamine that we need to make our life better. No matter how we are, whenever someone brings us a smile or a little laugh, we can improve our state of mind for a moment.
Laughter has always been something that complements us and is that fundamental tool that we all need. Even speaking from my own experience, I totally treasure those moments where I can laugh and enjoy this laughter without worries. For me, laughter is something that is always totally important in every aspect of my life.

En esta pequeña dinámica semanal de la comunidad @iarmgril nos pregunta sobre cuál fue esa última vez que reímos tanto que soltamos una lágrima o nos dolió la panza y bueno , a decir verdad el último momento en el que reí hasta no poder más fue hace meses y debí de decir que recuerdo mucho ese día .
Verán por costumbre suelo hacer mucho albur a las personas con las que tengo confianza o algún tipo de afecto , es algo así como parte de esa forma de ser marcada que tengo y bueno hubo una persona con la que tuve un momento de mucha risa hace algunas semanas atrás no es tanto por lo que halla pasado para darse esas carcajadas, sino por la manera en la que está rie , debo de decir que tiene una risa muy contagiosa , cosa que en ese momento solo con ver esa risa no puede evitar disfrutar de todo y dejarme llevar .
In this little weekly dynamic of the community @iarmgril asks us about the last time we laughed so hard that we shed a tear or our stomach hurt and well, to tell the truth the last time I laughed until I couldn't anymore was months ago and I should have said that I remember that day a lot.
You see, out of habit I tend to make a lot of jokes with people I trust or have some kind of affection for, it's kind of part of that marked way of being that I have and well there was a person with whom I had a moment of great laughter a few weeks ago, it's not so much because of what happened to give her those laughs, but because of the way she is laughing, I must say that she has a very contagious laugh, which at that moment just by seeing that laugh I can't help but enjoy everything and let myself go.

Verán reír y compartir alguna alegría o risa a ese nivel nos demuestra seguridad y sobre todo confianza ya que no todos podemos tener esa dicha de vivir una experiencia así , lastimosamente no he podido interactuar más con esa persona debido a desiciones y cosas pero eso no quita que es de los momentos que más he disfrutado reír .
Aveces no ocupamos un motivo en específico, solo con ver algo que nos agrade o nos haga sentir bien es más que suficiente para que salga una risa que nos alegré y sobre todo nos cure el alma , la risa tiene la capacidad de apaciguar cualquier corazón, claro siempre y cuando esté esa conexión y está lo permita .
He aprendido a valorar esas risas y esas curas , una serie que nos haga reír , un vídeo en específico, jugar con mis gatitos , incluso escribir y ver el paisaje escuchando una música que nos alegré harán sacar esa emoción que desembocará en una risa que alegra hasta al más triste y justamente es eso lo que tenemos que aprovechar al máximo mientras dura .
You will see laughing and sharing some joy or laughter at that level shows us security and above all confidence since not all of us can have that joy of living an experience like that, unfortunately I have not been able to interact more with that person due to decisions and things but that does not mean that it is one of the moments that I have enjoyed laughing the most.
Sometimes we do not need a specific reason, just seeing something that pleases us or makes us feel good is more than enough to make a laugh come out that makes us happy and above all heals our soul, laughter has the ability to calm any heart, of course as long as there is that connection and it allows it.
I have learned to value those laughs and those cures, a series that makes us laugh, a specific video, playing with my kittens, even writing and seeing the landscape listening to music that makes us happy will bring out that emotion that will lead to a laugh that cheers up even the saddest and that is precisely what we have to take full advantage of while it lasts.
Muchas gracias por leer este post
Thank you very much for reading this post

The more you laugh,the more collagen secrets, the younger you look
If doubt those moments of laughter as you say, above all heals the soul, especially when it cheers and spreads, good that you have been able to enjoy it friend, I wish that you will have many occasions like this,
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Laughter is the best medicine, they say and it's true. It's good to read that you find good laughs even in the simple things. And yes, seeing someone with a contagious smile or laughter makes us feel lighter, and before we know it, we are also smiling or laughing... just because :)
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I laugh at reels too. Or even Kdrama. Haha. Things that make me laugh are videos and my mom 😂
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@ineyashami Hola preciosa ciertamente la risa es el mejor remedio para todo tanto física como espiritualme, la risa es contagiosa jajaja..un abrazo
Undoubtedly laughter is a great medicine. A hug.
La risa sana el alma