Coffee, Laughter & Stories ... Family Time

in Ladies of Hive16 days ago

terras tafel.jpg

A Rarity Nowadays For Us

Sometimes I feel like a record that gets stuck and I don't want to include that feeling in this blog. But to make it clear how special a simple trip is for us these days, unfortunately, I have to say it. We don't often go out together just for fun. When we go out together, there is always a reason behind it: we must go somewhere to get something we need. The trips for just fun were abolished here about 10 years ago. Simply because finances made those trips impossible years ago, and now it is occasionally possible, but we still have to be very mindful. So when such a trip for pure fun comes on the agenda, I do look forward to that very much. Even if the destination is no further than 5 kilometers from home as the crow flies.

And that was last Saturday. An appointment for a pleasant afternoon with my partner's brother and his wife at the terrace of 't Skupke, the catering facility of the Schapenkooi in Schijndel. It is a place that immediately evokes a feeling of peace, rurality, and old-fashioned coziness, and we could really use that after a long period in which we did not make any pleasant trips. The weather was also good, which is always a bonus.


What always makes it extra special is that we don't see my brother-in-law and his wife that often. On average maybe twice a year. Now I have to admit that this is also a bit of a deliberate arrangement because although the contact is good now, it was different years ago. My partner and his brother did not even have any contact at all for a long time. Fortunately, that is different now, but my partner thinks the current frequency of our meetings is fine. He would like to keep it that way, and I respect that.


Dogs & Sheep

Because dogs are also very welcome at the Schapenkooi, they brought their 13-year-old dog with them. We had doubted for a while whether we should take Skipper too, but for our little monster, it is better not to. Although we would find it nice, Skipper does not cope well with it. He would experience too much stress from it, and a German Shepherd who is stressed is not very pleasant for the other people on the terrace. Barking and not wanting to stay calm is how Skipper expresses himself. We did not want to do that to him, and not to the other people on the terrace. But the advantage now was of course that I did not have to pay attention to Skipper, but could give my attention to Swiffer. An endearing animal that of course stole my heart immediately. I could not resist taking a few photos. The doggy is a bit older, but still full of zest for life and enthusiasm. While I focused my attention on Swiffer, I also had to photograph the sheep. After all, the Schapenkooi is known for these cute woolly residents. However, there were a lot less sheep to photograph this time. Unfortunately, the Schapenkooi has also been hit by the bluetongue virus, which has caused many sheep to die. It is a sad fact, and it contrasts with previous visits.

Straight To The Terrace

The Lakenvelder cows, which we had seen last year, were nowhere to be seen this time either. Of course, it could be that they were in a different meadow since the territory of the Schapenkooi is quite large. We had walked straight from the parking lot to the terrace, so there could have been more to see if we had taken the trouble to walk around. But that didn't happen. We had so much to talk about and it was already nice when we greeted each other at the parking lot.


Lots To Chat

While we were sitting there on the terrace, enjoying a drink, we got into a conversation that went in all directions. We discussed everything that is going on in our lives, the small and big things, and of course also the plans for the future. It is always interesting how, even if you don't see each other often, you quickly pick up the thread again as if no time has passed. In a way, it is nice that we don't see each other that often because that way we always have enough to talk about and it feels special when we see each other again.

Time Flies

Even though I had planned to walk around a bit to look at all the animals, it didn't happen in the end. Time flew by. Before we knew it, it was already late and we had to hurry home to relieve our Skipper from his loneliness. That's how it often goes, you intend to do something like that, but in the end, it's so nice that time flies by and you have to give up those photography plans. I know myself a little too well, and I know that if I start on such a round, it will be an hour later. Niceness knows no time, but photography doesn't for me either. So unfortunately I didn't take many photos this time. Better luck next time!

Soon Again?

What is nice, is that we might plan another nice thing, if the weather and schedules permit. We are thinking of doing a tour with beer tasting at the abbey nearby. That seems like a nice way to catch up, with a bit of culture and a nice beer. Of course, I will take my camera with me if it goes ahead, but will I get around to taking pictures, or do I just get carried away by the tour and the location that is expected to be very beautiful, and completely forget to take pictures? Only time will tell! Of course, there are a few catches: the weather has to cooperate, everyone has to have time, and the tour has to be booked. But if it all works out, we will have something nice to look forward to again.


Enjoy What We Can

When I look back on last Saturday, I realize how valuable such moments are. It was an afternoon full of warmth, not only from the sun but also from the company. So let's hope that we can experience such a beautiful day again soon, to add a few new memories. Life is short and we have to try to enjoy what we can.


Sounds like a lovely time out and about.. Hopefully the next trip is very soon!


It was good, definitely spent very well. And I'm ready to do it soon again, but we'll just have to wait and see if it's possible. I hope you had a great weekend as well!

Thanks for the visit and comment!

Hopefully it will be possible rather sooner than later..

We went to the other coast and it was the very first time in all these visits that I didn't need any painkiller halfway through the flea market strolling. I still had a bit of hip discomfort but I know this from long before the back issues. Feels like such a win!

The food was great too lol.

Not needing a painkiller is a big win! And enjoying great food as well makes it a great weekend. One to remember!

A huge win for sure, I didn't expect it to be like this at the end of the summer, it felt like an endless battle, lol.

Surely one to remember, although we didn't expect it still to be this hot and empty in September. Next time we will probably go earlier because it's not that cool when half of the market stalls are already cleared lol.

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