Ladies of Hive Community Contest #62

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago


Hola a toda la comunidad de #hive para mí es un gusto participar una vez más en los concurso de mujeres emprendedoras y luchas, aquí mis respuestas.

Hello to all the #hive community for me it is a pleasure to participate once again in the contest of women entrepreneurs and struggles, here are my answers.


¿Le gusta viajar durante las vacaciones o quedarse cerca de casa?Para cualquiera de las dos respuestas, ¡díganos por qué!

Do you like to travel on vacation or stay close to home? For either answer, tell us why!

Bueno siempre ha sido mi sueño viajar para conocer otros ambientes y a otras personas, pero lamentablemente el dinero ha sido mi peor enemigo para cumplirlo ya que en esta época los pasajes aumentan mucho y el gasto que voy hacer en comprarlos pienso que me puede servir mejor para comprar comida para mi casa, pero en cuanto pueda quiero hacerlo realidad.

Well it has always been my dream to travel to meet other environments and other people, but unfortunately money has been my worst enemy to fulfill it because at this time the tickets increase a lot and the expense that I will do to buy them I think I can better serve me to buy food for my house, but as soon as I can I want to make it happen.

Así que suelo quedarme en casa compartiendo con mi familia y haciendo ricos platos tradicionales, agradeciendo siempre por tenerlo a mi lado y con salud ya que eso me siento satisfecha.

So I usually stay at home sharing with my family and making delicious traditional dishes, always being thankful for having him by my side and in good health because that makes me feel satisfied.

¿Cuál es tu comida favorita durante las fiestas y por qué?

What is your favorite holiday food and why?

La comida navideña de mi país es riquísima, me encantan que lleguen éstas fechas para degustarla porque todo es muy sabroso, pero si tengo que escoger elijo a las hallacas, en una mesa venezolana no pueden faltar y varía dependiendo de cada región pero consiste es una masa de maíz sazonada con caldo de gallina y como relleno lleva un guiso de carne de res o pollo y carne de cochino que se prepara con un rico guiso, se le coloca aceitunas, alcaparras y pasas las cuales le dan un sazón inigualable y van envueltas con hojas de plátano.

very tasty, but if I have to choose I choose the hallacas, in a Venezuelan table can not miss and varies depending on each region but is a corn dough seasoned with chicken broth and stuffed with a stew of beef or chicken and pork meat that is prepared with a rich stew, olives, capers and raisins which give it a unique flavor and are wrapped with banana leaves.

Ellas van acompañadas con ensalada de gallina y pan de jamón, este rico plato navideño es delicioso y para mí es una emoción que lleguen éstas fechas para poder disfrutarlo.

They are accompanied with chicken salad and ham bread, this rich Christmas dish is delicious and for me it is a thrill to be able to enjoy it at this time of the year.

Panes de jamón

Pero creo que independientemente del lugar lo mejor es pasar estás fechas con la compañía de nuestra familia, con las tradiciones que se tengan en cada país.

But I think that regardless of the place, the best thing to do is to spend these dates with the company of our family, with the traditions of each country.

Bueno me encantó este concurso una vez más la comunidad de mujeres nos traen temas interesantes, espero que está comunidad siga creciendo, mis mejores deseos, invito a participar a @noriscol

Well I loved this contest once again the community of women bring us interesting topics, I hope this community continues to grow, my best wishes, I invite @noriscol to participate.


You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time.

Hello @geritacs94. The ham bread looks delicious. Baked with love, as I say. You know, I totally agree with you when you say:

"it has always been my dream to travel to meet other environments and other people, but unfortunately money has been my worst enemy to fulfill it because at this time the tickets increase a lot and the expense that I will do to buy them I think I can better serve me to buy food for my house,"

A very wise decision you made. You can hopefully travel again in the future. Immediate needs are more important.

Thanks so much for sharing your delicious-looking food. I hope you ave a good holiday. Take care, and stay safe during this pandemic. Have a good new year ahead.

curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Curated by Blessed-girl


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