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RE: Motherhood | LOH Community Contest #173

in Ladies of Hive • 7 months ago

Hello lovely lady! 😊

Oh, my, well said sister. Motherhood is a 24/7/365 job and doesn't end after your children grow up and move out to start a new family or life of their own. Our children are both almost 30 and I still worry about them and pray for them daily. 😊

Saying a prayer for a complication free procedure for your mom and a quick recovery. Sending you all the HUUUUUUUGGGGGSSSSSSSSSS you can stand! 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊


Saying a prayer for a complication free procedure for your mom and a quick recovery


I can stand a LOT of hugs! LOLL

and Yes!! we will always worry about our babies! because in our hearts they will always be 2. Poor kids :D

Huge HUGS back at you!

You're most welcome. My pleasure. 😊

That is so true. I can still see them as babies and then toddlers and's hard to believe they're adults living their own lives. I've really got to stop blinking, years fly by every time I do it. LOL! 😊