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RE: My participation to Ladies of Hive Community Contest #208 Símbolo de la lucha del cáncer de mama/Symbol of the fight against breast cancer (Spa-Eng)

in Ladies of Hive5 months ago

Very nice gesture on your part to participate in these activities to make more women aware of such a serious disease, a thousand blessingso


Muchas gracias, @faniaviera Pienso que la concientización es clave, y cada pequeño gesto puede marcar una gran diferencia, cada granito de arena cuenta. Es hermoso ver cómo la comunidad se une para apoyar estas causas. Si todos aportamos un poco, podemos generar un gran impacto. juntos somos mas..

Thank you very much, @faniaviera I think that awareness is key, and every small gesture can make a big difference, every grain of sand counts. It's beautiful to see how the community comes together to support these causes. If we all contribute a little, we can generate a big impact. together we are more...